Gossip! The real Housewives of RIU Dance with the Stars on America's Next Top Model...

That's amazing.

ScoobyDoobyDoo, AKA PhillipChristian died.
That's sad.

I came back.
That's neat.

I've missed the moving pictures.

same shit same toilet
That's descriptive.

Well would you look at that, I mean, just look at it

Hello darling! Long time no see! Hope you are ok.

Winter is dragging on but its 72F on Monday so maybe spring has sprung!!

Spannabis championships are taking place here in a couple of weeks and a few of us members are meeting up, to get fucked up! :)
That sounds so fun! Wear masks and take lots of photos!

And I'm having some new boobs :lol:
Surgery or you mean you're getting' some in the young boob department? Both sound sweet - good for you!
I came back.
Sort of the second coming, I see :)

Welcome back around Yessica, SomeBeech is missing in action, RoseyPeach lost her mom, Sunni is killing school, GWN is still trying to get a strip poker game going but no fresh fish, Meta has grounded his social butterfly, Finslappy is still just as whack as ever, Unclebaldrick had a baby, Singlemalt is still singular, uncle buck is about a pound, cannabineer is back in reality teaching, the RIU BBQ was terrific and it took me almost 2 weeks to completely sober up.

Pretty much same as it ever was.