trippy festival thread 2015

I told Phil and bobby I wanted to be order #420,but,they were smoking on my herb and forgot the ol geezers....
I've gotta go clean up my underwear and pants where I just shit myself ..good luck.;-)
how much are all good tickets

and where is it again??? the website didnt have much except tee shirts and pics from last year i want to go maybe with some of my crew and get high as fuck and pick up chicks and sell weed and moonshine

and then go ride around west Virginia throwing bottles at signs n shit like we do around here

might even bring my black friend but i think he wouldn't like it cuz he'll be that one black dude at a place with all honkeys
Lotta diversity at fests.I like the naked lesbians that walk around painted in henna tattoos on their tits..they're great.:-)
Depends on what ticket and when you buy em,but anywhere from $200-1k...early bird all the way to VIP.
Don't bring Schwag or even reject weed you won't sell it,headies only..your moonshine will go well,hit up the nitrous convention where all the swilly swing kids will be...
You're probably gonna not make a penny,drink the shine,piss off a swill kid and get spun..but,that's part of the fun:-)
Its the middle of July..
Get your t.m. account set up now,have a friend or two who can type well show up and help out with extra phones calling and laptops typing,and see if the call early/bullshit late routine works...
You're competition is staggering.300k people will be calling in.I'll be one also.
Good luck!!
Heard the vip sold out in 5min with 4 or so of those minutes ticketmasters server was down due to high volumes...but hey not gonna stop me have myself and 3 other buddies trying for 1 ticket for me I already have my airfair and sleepin not to worried about it just gonna be me so probably poke around the lot all wide eyed but wish me luck for tomorrow
I read some smart assed comments on another site about 'hopefully the server will be up this time' ect...
I'm trying also..good luck!!