trippy festival thread 2015

I'd try again at being wasted tired at a fest trying to have fun,or the ride home..
All the good fluff and needle point around, eat L and be happy.. Worst issue you'll have is being tired and your cheeks hurting from smiling so much
Solid advice, I wasn't planning on doing it at a concert/festival or mixing it with shrooms/L until I get a good dose figured out.

Lucy is my bff cause we get each other, Molly and I still need to work out some issues in our relationship but I think it could be good.
Yesterday was postal holiday taco...

Yeah, well by the time I read this I already got my mail today. Just a internet bill and junk. I'm still in it.
Might be near you soon @Skuxx

Hot tuna,rich Robinson? Fuck yes.

Aww shit! Did you already get tickets? This job never lets anyone take off requests unless its like a year ahead or an emergency so i havent even been looking into fests or traveling much until i find a better job. We gotta meet up thoug you gotta take a detour or somethin lol.
I'm thinking of taking a train..safer.might hit you up for directions to a cheap hotel..I try to get in town before a fest...
I'll be at All Good, hope the new venue is cool . seen Peach lineup yet??

I cantvbelieve the werks have gone big...they a bar band from they got so big they have werkout music fest ect...
Crazy music industry..
I saw rusted root many years ago in detroit. Sweet show. Almost identical to every other time I've seen or heard them since. I guess I'll give them an A for being predictable. Not sure if I'd drive much more than across town to see them now.
I saw rusted root many years ago in detroit. Sweet show. Almost identical to every other time I've seen or heard them since. I guess I'll give them an A for being predictable. Not sure if I'd drive much more than across town to see them now.
Sarcasm...this is an example:-)
I 'saw' them at a fest in w.v.,can't remember the name,moe. was there,and string cheese,but that's still vague..but,never liked them nor their morals.
We won't sell out is a phrase that can't be uttered to Walt Disney:-)
Funny. I never thought of their morals.

I have however ragged on the cuz I got high song and its morals since the first time I heard it. My morels make me feel just a little bad for laughing at this video.