my plant is getting there.


Active Member
i really hope freddy was joking about this grow. poor little plant, all drenched in piss and pubes. probably begging to be cut down


Well-Known Member
if its growing then good.. personally i wouldnt piss on my plants but i think you got a little experiment going here... let me know if you make it to flowering...


New Member
kk guys lets put aside the fact that he's like... retarted, hes knew, and wants to learn? like if he's willing,shouldnt we try and show him? like last time i checked you dont have to pass a test to smoke, or fit in to a certain category? most of the people who probs smoke because they dont fit in and its something that SHOULD be accepting. So how about we try adn show him the ropes? maybe even teach him how to spell? justt kiddingg, but it wouldnt hurt.. :P

Dude he's a troll. I don't know if you know what a troll is: a person who goes on the internet and posts big wopper lies to try to get responses.

He said his pics are from a camera phone. Have you ever seen camera phone pics that are that high res?

He said he was going to put a balloon on a light bulb. Now it's not rocket science. Rubbery balloon + hit lightbulb = sticky mess or possibly even fire.

Not to mention that whole pissing on the plant thing. Give me a freaking break. The whole thread is a big freaking joke.

:joint::mrgreen: :peace:

an anonomus neg. giver said "you are so fucking condescending".

I'm thinking that some people can neither identify nor take a joke. :mrgreen:
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rite u

i is avin enogh of dis

i waz p**sed last nite n lost it, when u dised my plant man

i is usin a cam on mi phone it has 3mega piccells man it is da bom

if i is thinkin rite u is finkin me is a joke rite wong i is reel like

i is cumin on ere to tri to get help i is sorry if i dised any1 to bad man

che1234 i waz bang out of order i dem P.m's man

kulan u dised me n i lost it man u is still a nob but i get y

i is havin ager help.

miss you is da wuers of em i waz thinkin you waz a nice girl but u just not nice

i is stil sorry if i is afendin ya pice man


Well-Known Member
kk guys lets put aside the fact that he's like... retarted, hes knew, and wants to learn? like if he's willing,shouldnt we try and show him? like last time i checked you dont have to pass a test to smoke, or fit in to a certain category? most of the people who probs smoke because they dont fit in and its something that SHOULD be accepting. So how about we try adn show him the ropes? maybe even teach him how to spell? justt kiddingg, but it wouldnt hurt.. :P
Dude had me with the pube!!!! I spewed tea all over my monitor!! You are right, tho. Not every one is created equal, and you dont have to pass a test to smoke, but I believe that growing requires a modicum of intellect. And it isn't really funny to poke fun of people. (But he's SUCH an easy target!!!!)

rite u

i is avin enogh of dis

i waz p**sed last nite n lost it, when u dised my plant man

i is usin a cam on mi phone it has 3mega piccells man it is da bom

if i is thinkin rite u is finkin me is a joke rite wong i is reel like

i is cumin on ere to tri to get help i is sorry if i dised any1 to bad man

che1234 i waz bang out of order i dem P.m's man

kulan u dised me n i lost it man u is still a nob but i get y

i is havin ager help.

miss you is da wuers of em i waz thinkin you waz a nice girl but u just not nice

i is stil sorry if i is afendin ya pice man
Man, I is gotsta git me won of dem 3 piccels kamrys. Wut kine does it be? Mine eyefone onlys has gots 2 mega-piccels, and my black jack has gots onliest 2 also. I aint trying 2 b a dik, but duz ya reeli tawk an spel lik dis? Did you eat paint chips as a child? Momma dropped you a few times too many on the top of your noggin?
Get rid of that wretched looking thing. Put it out of its misery. Surely to god you have freinds (sic) that can spot ya a seed or more to try again, this time without the addition of pubes or bodily fluids. It MIGHT do a little better.


Well-Known Member
this guy needs to focus on learning how to spell right.
go take a course on grammar at a jr. college
or something
dont focus on growing weed
focus on getting the comprehension of a 10 year old
you will love it!
but like honest man da plant she lov it like she is a dirty hoe man
n i dont go piss on peple til day ask. lol

n ye i is talkin like dis all da time like

u is from usa thare is gonna bee a bit of da langwige barear ur like forrin

but i thinks u is doin well at lerin english keep it up i wish i is multee lingwill like you is pirate n dat phone u got it narly man god on ya


Well-Known Member
but like honest man da plant she lov it like she is a dirty hoe man
n i dont go piss on peple til day ask. lol

n ye i is talkin like dis all da time like

u is from usa thare is gonna bee a bit of da langwige barear ur like forrin

but i thinks u is doin well at lerin english keep it up i wish i is multee lingwill like you is pirate n dat phone u got it narly man god on ya
im sorry
but i really cant understand...
anything you say

that could be the problem here:mrgreen:

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
Freddy, freddy, freddy omg, lol

you can't be serious you don't honesty believe that people in the USA speak a different language can you?

i am curious now i want to know what you have done with your plant, have you changed the way you are feeding it (i hope so) what have you done about lighting?


New Member
Freddy I would like to know what grade you are in? Do you have a job? Did you fill out the application with the same "english" that you are using here?

It just seems that you are trying to make your posts undecipherable.

You didn't really paint your lightbulb blue did you ?
they is forin like so day do spek forin but day is good at da english

da plant i is not pissin on it now i got sum horse shit 4 it like they do on da farms like and i has put it in da pot n i is usin water out of da tap now.

i did nik sum paint from da supermarcet

neerlee got nabed by da sucurity man but i did a runer like quik like

i is finkin da i need to get me sum proper lites man like dose hps ones da big grower av

i no i is not da britest person
but i is getin mi point a cros man

plez dont dis mi
nar miss i neerly did, but i cheked dis fred i neerly got nabed in da store 4 nikin da paint
u is not a nice girl i thogt u was bein the nice 1 i is always fallin 4 da girls

da light is on da plant stil but i is usin a enagey blub now n it is in da window of mi flat