
So strange to see north Mericans wearing tattooes like brits in cowboy clothing, japs dressed as santa, in most eastern societys tattoos are a sign board of who and why you are, but in Merica this is reduced to a fashion statement....?
Its art. Some people like putting theirs on the gallery some people like putting theirsvon their body for everyone to see.
first one is crap gotta get it retouched
second one isnt the best photo but its actually stayed quite well it was my first tattoo i got when i was 15
third one sucked fucking balls....its basically right on my skull the gun vibrated my eardrum so bad i got vertigo so i had to stop

sorry for the crappy picture quality they look a lot more vibrant in real life..
the heart one on my wrist which you can kinda see is shitty, it was done with a homemade tattoo gun...i wanted to cover it up however the person i was dating also got the same tattoo..
he committed suicide a bit ago and it doesnt feel right to cover it up..he died with his so i shall with mine,.
eh i didnt put much thought into mine, but i still love them..the only one with real "thought" to it are the flowers they are the forget me nots for Alzheimer which my nonna has :(
The fact that you love them is all that matters. They mean something to you. It's your body. It's a way to express yourself and your feelings. You can always look at them and remember everything that was going on, how you felt, what state of mind you were in when you had them done. It's an emotional roadmap. You should be proud.
first one is crap gotta get it retouched
second one isnt the best photo but its actually stayed quite well it was my first tattoo i got when i was 15
third one sucked fucking balls....its basically right on my skull the gun vibrated my eardrum so bad i got vertigo so i had to stop

sorry for the crappy picture quality they look a lot more vibrant in real life..
I like the koi fish it's pretty. My wife got five stars behind her ear and she said that is the least painful tattoo she has gotten
Yep. I used to work in a shop and everything. But, I've also done tons of work on myself.
Yeah, you showed me a lovely colt .45 you did on an equally lovelly thigh. Really nice work.
I wish you could email tattoos, then you could ink the shit out of me.
Back in the day ('76) when tats were not popular,
I was the 1st and only person in my middle school to get a tat and ear ring at 13 years old.
Some chick did it for me with a needle, thread & Indian Ink in the back of class at study hall.
A cross on my right thumb.
How old were you guys when you got your 1st tat?