Expensive seeds


Well-Known Member
Those are serious allegations. Without having met him myself or knowing anything about you, him, or your past relationship, I can't help but go on what I know about him and his seeds, which is that they seem good, and that he talks a very good game, at least.
And it seems like you are trying to make it sound like he changed his name to fool us or something - he gives a name, I just didn't remember it (as I said), and Alphakronik is his commercial name, obviously - who doesn't use a company name when doing business? If you'd care to explain your accusations, and what the rest of us are missing, please do, because they are quite grand and I do not understand why.
seems you don't even know what names he goes by. spend your money where u want. he stole cuts from subtool, but subs ego won't let him admit it. "pig farmer" was there when the cuts were stolen!


Well-Known Member
Is Cannacopia coming from Oregon? I'm thinking I should buy from breeders between Vancouver BC and SF because I'm in that region and I figure the gear's gotten acclimated, giving me better odds.
I'm not sure where they are from but the seed grow well in the deep south. I know that if you order from Hemp Depot they are shipping from Canada but not sure where the seeds are actually bread at. I have had good luck with them even in the super hot and rainy deep south.


Well-Known Member
I live in australia m8 and weed is classified as a class 1 drug same as herion and coke
Max u pay for weed in aus is 300 a oz that's for first rate hydro
Bush grow weed goes max about 250 a oz
A pound of good buds worth about 3800
I wish I lived in happy land maybe u have higher demand or not as good supplie as we do here but if someone tried charge me 350 for a oz I'd laugh at em
My mistake. I'm going to have to look at Australia laws one of these days cause that's pretty harsh grouping it with everything else? Is that a set thing for everywhere or does it differ place to place like the US? That's the going rate in my area though for actual good smoke though. Not including "reggie" smoke etc.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure where they are from but the seed grow well in the deep south. I know that if you order from Hemp Depot they are shipping from Canada but not sure where the seeds are actually bread at. I have had good luck with them even in the super hot and rainy deep south.
Cannacopia is BC based,they are legit great value..imo


Well-Known Member
Cannacopia is BC based,they are legit great value..imo
Yep Flash, I love them. Their Bubba Kush X Deep Chunk is the real deal. And the RKSkunk X Deep Chunk is some stinky shit too. And they have given me good results indoors and out. For the price they cant be touched.


Well-Known Member
why are you talking yield? do expensive beans exclusively yield more...no! can you find a lot of good yielding plants in $30-70 per pack range that are fire....yes! i'm not saying the expensive ones are inferior by any means, but quite a few put high prices to make sheep think they are better.
Definitely...and by the way THAT IS FACT...


Well-Known Member
Yep Flash, I love them. Their Bubba Kush X Deep Chunk is the real deal. And the RKSkunk X Deep Chunk is some stinky shit too. And they have given me good results indoors and out. For the price they cant be touched.
I ran the C99 X Deep Chunk...primo stuff


Well-Known Member
seems you don't even know what names he goes by. spend your money where u want. he stole cuts from subtool, but subs ego won't let him admit it. "pig farmer" was there when the cuts were stolen!
Okay then, thanks for being such a joy and explaining your hateful accusations so thoroughly. You are a true asset. Sorry for having an opinion on some seeds and trying in a small way to give someone a fair shake before jumping on the crucifixion bandwagon.
Forgive me, I didn't know it was personal or that he was full of shit. As I alluded to, he talked a good game. Of course, I don't know you from Adam, so...
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Well-Known Member
Definitely...and by the way THAT IS FACT...
Yep, and brand recognition seems to be key in pricing, unfortunately. Surely the big-name breeders have some good lines, but if they offer 50 different names it would be silly to presume that all of them are superior to anyone else's offerings, or worth their ridiculous prices. Personally, I like to try new things, and variety, then if I find something I really like I'll buy more, but I can't bring myself to pay top dollar for something that isn't necessarily better than a bargain brand. One could make a loose but valid comparison to pharmaceuticals - generic ibuprofen is every bit as effective as Advil, and cheaper because you don't have to pay for the advertising or brand development.


Well-Known Member
Okay then, thanks for being such a joy and explaining your hateful accusations so thoroughly. You are a true asset. Sorry for having an opinion on some seeds and trying in a small way to give someone a fair shake before jumping on the crucifixion bandwagon.
Forgive me, I didn't know it was personal or that he was full of shit. As I alluded to, he talked a good game. Of course, I don't know you from Adam, so...
don't like when someone treats you that way huh....either did i! he's a hack piece of shit, pretty easy to look up his genetics n see where they came from. know what your saying before opening your mouth.


Well-Known Member
i have cindy 99 from blimburn and c99 from female, which do u guys think i should plant first? which do u think is better? it says the female seeds c99 is mature and finishes quicker..but both are grapefruitx blueberry...just started a female dynamite by next generation and an og kush freebee, both popped and came up out the rockwool in 2 days but have been growing slow, i put a fan on them to strengthen the stems so they dont shoot up to fast, but still 1 week old on 2nd set of true leaves..


Well-Known Member
Same thing happened to me ....got 2 og kush freebies that germed before the outhers ...the only thing is one of them hermied so I got rid of the outher one aswell......


Well-Known Member
Barneys farm has a new cheese going it's called TRIPLE CHEESE it's much like the blue cheese(that I love)but instead of the 12 week flowering it's down to 7-8 weeks so I will defiantly be giving it my full attention...roll on...


Active Member
Let's see this goes to whom ever said you get what you pay for,bought 2 packs of elemental seeds True og containing 6 fems each 106$ per pack 2 packs =212$.Ok only 8 germed 1 died that leaves 7 and "keep in mind 27 yrs growing experience"the remaining hermied.So you get what you pay for.
FUCK THAT !!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hello all :))

Pleas help me set the record right regarding seeds....

What is the difference between a $ 1 seed and a seed 20-30 times more expensive. For example SOMA SEEDS which takes about $ 25 for a non-fem seed.

I have grown in a few years, but I have always bought my seeds at Royal Xxxxx Seeds and been very satisfied. The most expensive seed is Amnesia I think, which cost around a $ 9 for a fem seed. If you get noticeable higher yields and very much better quality, why spend 3-4 month of your life on a seed that costs $ 3 - $ 6? Why not take the most expensive? Just to get 5-6 grams more per seed will make it soooo worth? Ore am I wrong?? Dose’nt it? then one can always recognize them?

How goes the thoughts of you who have experience with exclusive seeds ore Soma, Cali etc? And do any one have some Seed-Bank to recommend with very Exclusive seeds? All suggestions are welcome.

Thank you !!

/ M
Soma is apparently an aristocrat cock-sucker who thinks it's "OK" to charge INSANE prices for his seeds. It's absurd, and he can go get Fucked. Nirvana Seeds (for example) are well-bred and fairly cheap ($9.96) per fem/seed. There are quite a few such Good companies, if you do your research. Happy growing :joint:
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Well-Known Member
it could just be a rumour but i have read in multiple articles that soma allows a 10 week flowering strain to flower for 20 weeks in order to get it to grow male flowers and pollenate itself.

most seed companies will use chemicals to get the same effect and you could make an argument for the fact that he takes longer and works harder to produce his fem seeds than others so he charges more.

either way the best seeds i have grown were the cheapest so i would 100% say that price has nothing to do with quality.

www.breedersboutique.com give them a try!


Well-Known Member
I new very little of these Michelin star (phrase)seed companies ......why.......for the simple reason that with VERY little effort a perfectly good seed company that sells beans that will do as good if not better than the fool asking CRAZY prices for mediocre beans at best......