My order from original sensible seedbank was stopped by customs.


Well-Known Member
This sucks. I placed an order on 2/7/15 with original seeds. It was shipped out on 2/11/15. I have always placed orders with them and never had a problem. I order just 3 seeds at a time, so not a huge order. So I been waiting on my items. I have placed orders before and have got them in about 7 days. So today is march 2nd. I got my package and inside was a letter stating us customs has took my items. I then talked with the company and they said there is nothing that they could do for me. No reshipping or a refund. I will not use there company again. Here is there website.
Man I hate that for you. I am playing the waiting game myself. I have two orders out at the time one with Herbie's which was shipped out Feb 19 and one that was placed last week and shipped today. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Colorado so I don't have to deal with all the BS.
For many the abortion occurs in Chicago office of postal pricks, so if you move any place in Merica land, the postal pricks are hot even Denver as these PP's are feds with x-rays
...stay cool and never put so much money in the letter that it hurts if you loose one, but boy does it make it SWEET, when it arrives...

it is for this reason I have a new hobby of reading and collecting info on postal sorting machines
I ordered from them as well my order got intercepted by customs, they said that they would put a credit on my account if I could show them the Letter and envelope. I emailed it to them and never received a credit. I am done with them as well
Man I hate that for you. I am playing the waiting game myself. I have two orders out at the time one with Herbie's which was shipped out Feb 19 and one that was placed last week and shipped today. I'm seriously thinking about moving to Colorado so I don't have to deal with all the BS.
Let me know if u receive your order from herbies bcuz I'm waiting also. Thanks in advance! !
The GreenPool offers a nice guarantee, I was quick and pretty painless except for the time lost, check them out next time, they also have many breeders there that have a nice selection if you want to get away from the "normal strains" everyone has. my .02
I will let you know when and if I receive my order twelveduce. When did you order? I'm not sure about any promo codes at the time V,CA Grower but that's not to say that there's not one.
I ordered f4ommherbies and i never bought beans before. Took under two weeks, its ok to look at th3 mailbox everyday!
I was looking the day after i ordered (granted its really cold here and i was worried) but my gf was like dude they probably havnt left europe yet! Lol
I got mine from, BUT they would not guarantee or do anything for the order besides tape it to the inside of a CBD seed catalog. Not trying too hard to hide shit, and no free gift or grinder, or tshirt to hide it. They won't guarantee anything to the states. Other than that, they gave me lots of freebie seeds, but every seed I got looks premature. Don't know if that is normal.
I have placed alot of orders with original seeds. Your right they dont try to hide the items very well at all. But this is the 1st time I have had a order taken by customs. It was just 3 seeds but it still cost me money. I talked with the company and send them pictures of the letter from customs. They gave me like half of the money I spent on the items in credit. So That was cool but I still dont think I will order from them again.