Exploring the Cosmos without a rocket..

Yea,pretty sure azurecens got p.e. any day...
I wanna believe..I dont want a hospitals name.. I wanna see it.show me.
Film it.or have it televised.just cause its out of the ordinary,the population can't see..
Now I'll suppose I'll get mystic rhetoric back.. They're not ready to see,or some inner chi is not right in most people to see cancer remiss in 3 mins due to some chants.
Ask Andy Kaufman.
Actually they're both stronger than each other in their own way.. And azurescens aren't Cubensis
This isn't a debate about the 3 strongest mushrooms in the world ..

This is about the illusion of a reality we live in and how holographic secrets are all around us..
Not trying to be negative,just realistic...
You already assume you know what reality is then..
And therefore you're not teachable.

I'm not putting in mad extra time for someone with a weak attitude

Go search dr Michael Talbot holographic nature talk he will show you the hospitals himself.

Don't post any more comments unless they are collaborative.. We don't need to fight with someone the whole way.. Tis is a sacred place mon, thank you in advance..
Reality is chants not saving a cancer victim.this can be taught to anyone.
I'm not 'unteachable'...I can only be taught real things..I'm not in a hobbit film,this ain't naboo,and Spock died...
So,I say again,teach this cancer chant...
So..shrooms are normal,and then not normal depending on nomenclature?
Are they really alien Terrance?
I don't buy his theory but what a great theory that they're aliens..

When you think of a visit to the zoo though, how alien is that?!

I see Mother Earth as a living, conscious, goddess and her fruits as living, cosmic expressions with spirit and consciousness of their own..

For example, ayahuasca has a very peculiar personality .. A hostile frustrated one that fixes and shows all through a higher purposeful, connected viewpoint / love
I don't buy his theory but what a great theory that they're aliens..

When you think of a visit to the zoo though, how alien is that?!

I see Mother Earth as a living, conscious, goddess and her fruits as living, cosmic expressions with spirit and consciousness of their own..

For example, ayahuasca has a very peculiar personality .. A hostile frustrated one that fixes and shows all through a higher purposeful, connected viewpoint / love
I don't visit zoos.imprisoning wild animals for ones curiosity is morbid at best.
Reality is chants not saving a cancer victim.this can be taught to anyone.
I'm not 'unteachable'...I can only be taught real things..I'm not in a hobbit film,this ain't naboo,and Spock died...
So,I say again,teach this cancer chant...
Learn it yourself mon if youre stuck on it.. then share it..
what value are you providing by being like this

I have an organic growth style, not a chemical style

My threads grow the same way..
You don't tell Mother Nature gimme a fruit now, you help provide the environment that fosters that growth
Learn it yourself mon if youre stuck on it.. then share it..
what value are you providing by being like this

I have an organic growth style, not a chemical style

My threads grow the same way..
You don't tell Mother Nature gimme a fruit now, you help provide the environment that fosters that growth
The value I provide is showing hopefuls that chants ain't saving their mom...
Bob Marley chanted his ass off 'mon',....
I don't visit zoos.imprisoning wild animals for ones curiosity is morbid at best.
Profit not curiosity..anyway, Well what DOooo YOU DO

Give us a good story that opens eyes and teaches something or challenges reality as we know it.. Tell us some azurescen stories if you gonna knock the envies.. Which I wonder how much have you tried before of the envies and did u have a good source as well?

The hospital is less than half of one percent of the focuses here.. And since Cannakis liked all the references I'm sure he gonna report back later on em for us anyway..

So lets keep it moving
The value I provide is showing hopefuls that chants ain't saving their mom...
Bob Marley chanted his ass off 'mon',....
So basically your aim is to disprove this claim cause its insulting to you cause you've lost your mom or know ppl who have..

Instead of googling Michael talbot and being a man you're gonna be a dick and try piss me off.

Okay, lets see where this goes.
...more the realization of love and kindness that you have been so fortunate to have through strangers,was brought to you through the channels lsd works through..wild to realize what you've taken for granted is staring you in the face,saying 'well,where's the gratitude..' and when you've neglected to have much gratitude,it all pours over the damn and you're hit with a flood of emotions..I had the same thing happen on shrooms..I cried all moning about the wrong things I've done in my life(even picking on my little brothedr as a kid)..in the end I realized all the love in the world and devoted myself in sharing that love..and I suppose that's why I sold so much lsd and mdma in my youth..trying to turn the tide of hate in a modern day shamanistic endevor so to speak..much love bro! ..2013
. What happened to THIS Rory, mon!? That's a real post and cat who's welcome ..

I'm giving you real info on real life with real people lives on the line, its happening in real time, in a real country, saving real families from real agony, and where to go who to listen to what talk that shows that video, and you're saying man, eff that bring it to me on a silver platter, no wait, go to china film the chant yourself then teach me now cause I doubt you and have an antagonistic pre-decided viewpoint to carry out.. Like that ain't the humility that gets you the answers, there's no gratitude there, and that's the fackin key homie.. Said it yourself

So I caught your frequency and I'm sorry but im swatting it, like who disses envies, I want the old Rory back or this one can go catch a flood, dawg.

Ungrateful people don't get to command the directional unfolding of the beautiful things.. Cause no matter what they do it Gwan be ugly

There are many ways of combatting cancer/tumours anyway..alkalinity, limonene, certain foods, spices, laughter, belief and thought, so when that is the groups focus we will be more thorough..

This is about exploring the cosmos without a rocket.

You should be patient and meanwhile drop some killer stories of being in two places at once..
I have seen footage on this chanting technique on a documentary about change. It was called 'hungry for change' and covered this technique. It also explained in detail how we are being blasted with desires and how these desires (sugary or fast food, tobacco, alcohol) lead to an unhealthy life style an eventually leave us open to desieses like cancer and diet related illness. I am no specialist on the subject and i know that there are lots of types of cancer but the whole cancer loop smells of bad fish to me. One of my family members got terminal cancer and we were looking for alternatives to the standard hospital treatment. And there are loads. The best i feel is from mj. Juice it fresh or make a super concentrated oil and you can cure many cancers even hospitals will deem to be beyond help. However what is fishy is that we are pushed the desires by the 'System' which is the cause then we are told alternative treatments dont work and are not accepted by the medical comunity (the fotification of the status quo) and then they go the extra mile and make it illegal so its even harder for us to be independant and make our own meds. Then the only alternative is to take the off the shelf solution which pays the pharma comps and cancer industry insaine bucks, leaves the patient half dead if they survive the treatment.

This keeps us all locked in a cycle of desire and fear. They make profit of the desire, the cause and on treating the fear. Whilst maintaing the belief there is no aternative.

I think the truth is out there we have to go find it ourselves. We cant doubt things just because its not filmed. Maybe it once has been filmed but it is being surpressed because the powers that be dont want you to know. Watch rick simpsons 'run from the cure' that really makes you understand they are not looking for a magic cure for cancer, they like the system they have in place. Sorry about the mad rant but it shows how we have been put in an accepted manufactured reality of belief, there is alot outside of this belief that goes on and works but as long as this belief is maintained with the majority the rest will get shunned and knocked down by supporters of the belief system.

Turn off the tv (throw it out) get out of the programed mind set. Yes taking some shrooms or acid can help the process of knocking down the illusions and opening the mind :) but we then still need to question the reality we have been told is real.
I have seen footage on this chanting technique on a documentary about change. It was called 'hungry for change' and covered this technique. It also explained in detail how we are being blasted with desires and how these desires (sugary or fast food, tobacco, alcohol) lead to an unhealthy life style an eventually leave us open to desieses like cancer and diet related illness. I am no specialist on the subject and i know that there are lots of types of cancer but the whole cancer loop smells of bad fish to me. One of my family members got terminal cancer and we were looking for alternatives to the standard hospital treatment. And there are loads. The best i feel is from mj. Juice it fresh or make a super concentrated oil and you can cure many cancers even hospitals will deem to be beyond help. However what is fishy is that we are pushed the desires by the 'System' which is the cause then we are told alternative treatments dont work and are not accepted by the medical comunity (the fotification of the status quo) and then they go the extra mile and make it illegal so its even harder for us to be independant and make our own meds. Then the only alternative is to take the off the shelf solution which pays the pharma comps and cancer industry insaine bucks, leaves the patient half dead if they survive the treatment.

This keeps us all locked in a cycle of desire and fear. They make profit of the desire, the cause and on treating the fear. Whilst maintaing the belief there is no aternative.

I think the truth is out there we have to go find it ourselves. We cant doubt things just because its not filmed. Maybe it once has been filmed but it is being surpressed because the powers that be dont want you to know. Watch rick simpsons 'run from the cure' that really makes you understand they are not looking for a magic cure for cancer, they like the system they have in place. Sorry about the mad rant but it shows how we have been put in an accepted manufactured reality of belief, there is alot outside of this belief that goes on and works but as long as this belief is maintained with the majority the rest will get shunned and knocked down by supporters of the belief system.

Turn off the tv (throw it out) get out of the programed mind set. Yes taking some shrooms or acid can help the process of knocking down the illusions and opening the mind :) but we then still need to question the reality we have been told is real.
All the more reason we need to build community and keep the knowledge pooled!!!
Profit not curiosity..anyway, Well what DOooo YOU DO

Give us a good story that opens eyes and teaches something or challenges reality as we know it.. Tell us some azurescen stories if you gonna knock the envies.. Which I wonder how much have you tried before of the envies and did u have a good source as well?

The hospital is less than half of one percent of the focuses here.. And since Cannakis liked all the references I'm sure he gonna report back later on em for us anyway..

So lets keep it moving
This one time I took a bunch of acid,and found out this cosmos shit is a way our feeble brains explain being fucked up on drugs,and deduced that chants,auras,chackras,psychic connections ect,are a bunch of Ill conceived excuses to explain away what we feel see on drugs.
Its just drugs.the CIA dropped m.k. ultra because it exactly that.drugs.you can't control minds,read minds,chant away cancer or talk to your dead uncle.
And,I was better off for it..was def able to use my drugs and enjoy em more instead of trying to figure out this 'cosmic mysticism' that makes every one who speaks of it so cool,and want to imitate Dean Moriarty fucking Tim Leary.
..like the guitar player in 'animal house'
'I gave my love a cherry,it had no Stone....'

Profit not curiosity..anyway, Well what DOooo YOU DO

Give us a good story that opens eyes and teaches something or challenges reality as we know it.. Tell us some azurescen stories if you gonna knock the envies.. Which I wonder how much have you tried before of the envies and did u have a good source as well?

The hospital is less than half of one percent of the focuses here.. And since Cannakis liked all the references I'm sure he gonna report back later on em for us anyway..

So lets keep it moving
Dude I got 2lbs of shrooms in the basement..
I've been tripping since I was 11,I'm 36 now..after touring for years.
I'm pretty sure I got a good grasp on the rabbits leg...
Mushrooms are weak trips imo bro,and I've yawned on em all...get real if you wanna go hard.
Eat 2mgs.
Give us a good story that opens eyes and teaches something or challenges reality as we know it.. Tell us some azurescen stories if you gonna knock the envies.. Which I wonder how much have you tried before of the envies and did u have a good source as well?

Maybe a little more study into quantum mechanics and a little less drug induced pseudoscience? Just my 2 cents.

There was a time when I attempted to utilize psychedelics to try an solve universal/existential questions too. Now a days I find better theraputic use out of them through analyzing my own psyche and conjuring interesting abstract thoughts processes (within realistic boundaries of course). To each his own though :). Perhaps I've just become a horribly jaded cynic to reality or as most people like to put it "grew up and became an alcoholic" (minus admitting to the last part).

P.S.- I can take like 15 bong ripz and I'm 6" flacid :P.
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Truth is violently opposed
Then it is ridiculed
Then it gets accepted as self evident

Alcohol, meanwhile, is a depressant
Should blaze mo'organic !

This intro has gone on long enough..
Here's some matter to chew on-

Was at a world class music festival with copious amounts of EVERYTHING there..

Met some real awesome cats there.. One was telling me of when he was K holing with a friend .. This homie got so fucked up they both kept getting rushing waves of circulation and suddenly they were in different spots. it kept happening, they'd be mid convo, then woosh, looking at each other from different spots suddenly.. In each others chairs, different corner of the room.. They'd be like wtf, its a total mind f*ck then you continue on, til it happens again..

this has happened to me on a heavy dose of envies and albinos one time..

I was chilling with a buddy who is a serious guy, my most hardcore prison-savvy buddy, you could say, and lets just say blood mopping is nothing to him..
Anyway, you don't mess with his girl..
However, get this, 3 hours into our potent chocolates and oj, start getting these waves, like a hot flood from the feet up, then bam, all of a sudden I go from on the couch in the middle of one convo (corner of this giant sectional, in a fairly huge room) to bam, right in bed with his girl, my buddy on the other side of her, his woman half naked on the middle.. I'd still be talking the old couch convo then whoosh, I'm in bed with them without moving a muscle and they're laughing at my confusion..
But I was solid flesh and bone on the couch like a split second ago, wtf how'd I get in bed with you lol !? I happened several times, it was .. Wild

Even @DonPetro had a run in with something similar.. On Salvia I believe .. He would go to stand up, he'd already be standing.. Then he'd go to sit. And he'd be sitting already so he couldn't "sit down" lol..

Mad glitches of the matrix..

Attention and intention, or subconscious or something, seemingly creating adjacent "reality" automatically
Multiple realities, simultaneously
We have a good friend who laughs, says we are already dead, and this is a dream, and the fourth dimension (dream realm) is reality ...
The kids call it dimension rifting

@cannakis @DonPetro @oldtimer54 @PigTrotter any thoughts?