
Well-Known Member
Fox News Medical A-Team member Dr. David Samadi made a statement that smoking weed by pregnant woman can lead to crack babies. I was wondering is there any truth to this because FOX is suppose to be the most trusted news source. I don't want to see crack babies formed due to the smoking of marijuana. Do you think FOX would lie about this.:joint: At the 2:14 mark he makes this statement. He makes other negative statement about pot throughout. Should we all stop smoking pot ?:shock:
pretty sure every news channel I have watched have had idiots on expressing their ridiculous concerns about MJ.
I may be swimming upstream on this, but smoke inhalation of any kind reduces serum oxygen levels in the bloodstream, with clear and obvious detriment to the baby's health.

By way of purely anecdotal evidence, my ex-wife was pregnant at the same time as a mutual friend. My ex gave up smoking cigarettes and weed for her pregnancy, while our friend did not. In fact, our friend often smoked with the express intention of getting her baby to stop kicking.

My friend's baby was born underweight, required additional care at the hospital and is mildly developmentally disabled- and still under size for his age and somewhat frail.

Our daughter has been thriving with no health issues but braces- and was recently accepted into her school's gifted and talented program.

Highly unscientific and only one 'side by side' does not a solid conclusion make- but I'm convinced; don't smoke anything or drink alcohol while pregnant.

PLEASE... for your baby's health and future.

Regarding edibles, seek a doctor's advice. Lots of drugs generally considered safe for adults are not for use during pregnancy, and cannabis is definitely 'strong medicine'. If in doubt, don't eat it.
he goes in and says that pot may not be safer than cocaine or alcohol. He claims the study is a huge fraud that weed is safer.
Fox is the most trusted news source. Check the numbers.

Fox has its share of nuts, though.

Just for the record, if you are pregnant and smoking pot you are an unfit mother.
The doctor is just giving his opinion. The ignorant people that will latch onto it in rabid fashion are legion.
I'm still waiting to see if Fox suspends O'Realy :roll: for the lies they now admit he made

No, because they won the lawsuit that attempted to hold them accountable for what they spew as 'news'. The have the free speech right to lie to the American people and that cannot be taken away from them. Only idiots would consider anything they say henceforth as trustworthy.