Obama banning AR15 ammo by command of the emperor!

You fool you
LOL, coming from you, that's rich.

I didn't know wells fargo had the credentials to determine someone sane or not. Is that what you tell people when they tell you your crazy, " Wells fargo gave me a house!" Derp de derp. Wells Fargo,lol, have fun with that, and you call me a fool. I'd rather rent than have WF carry my home mortgage. LMK how long it takes for your mortgage to creep up hundreds of dollars from your original mortgage. How old are you? this your first home? Kinda late to the party aren't you?
I think you should educate yourself, before slinging mud dipshit. How do you know when I purchased a fire arm? was I smoking cannabis then? You self righteous asshole. I think you have feces where your brain should be.

It asks if you ever used. Now that means what it means.

Let me.say one thing. My bad for name calling. I'm better than that.

I was getting at the point that when it comes to cannabis and guns you see it your way cause it fits your agenda. Then you claim an antique shotgun like you bought a gun with out a serial number. Antiques do.not require background. Just like black powder doesn't.

Any one that drives faster than you is a maniac one slower is an idiot.

We all are right in our own minds. You feel comfortable letting the government know what firearms you own.

Some people adhere to state law for private sell and there is no requirement for them to be registered. That is fine for them.

Some people think its in their best interest that big brother doesn't know about all their guns. Maybe because all forced registration leads to confiscation.

Now how is that any more wrong than you deciding for yourself that cannabis and guns are OK when feds say other wise.

I don't want dangerous or crazy people to have guns either.
The sticking point, in my mind, is that once our country starts banning ammo capable of penetrating body armor, the door is open to more bans.

Here in Kali we have to hunt with non-tox ammo, almost all of which will penetrate soft body armor. If penetrating body armor is the standard, what am I supposed to hunt with?
A bow?
Anyone who knows anything about guns prefers AK's. There are military contractors families to feed though and they have dirt on the government officials making decisions.

Would someone do Buck's Dirt Kitty, with an AK? That would be a hoot, I'll tell you what.
LOL, coming from you, that's rich.

I didn't know wells fargo had the credentials to determine someone sane or not. Is that what you tell people when they tell you your crazy, " Wells fargo gave me a house!" Derp de derp. Wells Fargo,lol, have fun with that, and you call me a fool. I'd rather rent than have WF carry my home mortgage. LMK how long it takes for your mortgage to creep up hundreds of dollars from your original mortgage. How old are you? this your first home? Kinda late to the party aren't you?

No there are doctors for your problem. 5th dwelling, little one.
It asks if you ever used. Now that means what it means.

Let me.say one thing. My bad for name calling. I'm better than that.

I was getting at the point that when it comes to cannabis and guns you see it your way cause it fits your agenda. Then you claim an antique shotgun like you bought a gun with out a serial number. Antiques do.not require background. Just like black powder doesn't.

Any one that drives faster than you is a maniac one slower is an idiot.

We all are right in our own minds. You feel comfortable letting the government know what firearms you own.

Some people adhere to state law for private sell and there is no requirement for them to be registered. That is fine for them.

Some people think its in their best interest that big brother doesn't know about all their guns. Maybe because all forced registration leads to confiscation.

Now how is that any more wrong than you deciding for yourself that cannabis and guns are OK when feds say other wise.

I don't want dangerous or crazy people to have guns either.

Dangerous and crazy?

The Progressives self select into that club. So do the Conservative by the way. And the joke is on both since they both think their mode of thought is Legion.

But, both are just silly and loud minority views.

How many time have crazy people gone a murdering?. ONCE And we all blame his mom..
That pesky 2nd amendment. From the history I was taught (in public school for LF) the reason "These rights shall not be infringed" was insisted on (and there is documentation of heated debates over the wording) was because "The People" were revolting against a government and they felt "The People" should never be out gunned by an oppressive ruling party.

I also understand they never foresaw nuclear weapons. Thinking Bloods and Crips or Billy Bob Redneck should be allowed to have nukes because the government does is not safe for "The People". Who's to say 300 years from now a hand held de-atomizer or something like a portable disintegrater isn't possible?

All I ask is that we don't ignore the 2nd and pretend that "these rights shall not be infringed" actually means something it doesn't. Amend it, don't ignore it. We have a constitution as a safeguard against parliamentary tricks, if we pretend it doesn't mean anything we are in for a world of hurt.
Some steel jacketed rounds are considered armor piercing, the ATF put in a request and he authorized it.

Some green tips are steel jacketed, it is a wishy washy reason but makes sense. I wonder where it will all go instead of being sold to US civilians.

Yup, wouldn't want civilians to have the capability to penetrate robotic soldiers armor with a cartridge thats so wide spread!

To bring kids into this world or not... that is the question!

Glad I have some access to reloading equipment
Just wondering...Where is a good place to hunt in Cali? Lived here my whole life and never really thought about it...Then again, i feel bad when I swat a fly.........

Well if you ate the flies you swatted you wouldn't be such a dick.

Northern cali still has good hunting, and im sure if you know someone with orchards you coukd find a bambi
Dangerous and crazy?

The Progressives self select into that club. So do the Conservative by the way. And the joke is on both since they both think their mode of thought is Legion.

But, both are just silly and loud minority views.

How many time have crazy people gone a murdering?. ONCE And we all blame his mom..

I think you guys in politics argue to just be arguing.

You have no real way of k owing how many crazies have murdered.

Are you getting to the point of no back ground checks?

Never mind. I'm tired. Been on the rd since last night.
I'm ready for some sleep to refreshen my mind.
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Thinking Bloods and Crips or Billy Bob Redneck should be allowed to have nukes because the government does is not safe for "The People".

two face fucking loser.

I'm also one of those people that think the 2nd amendment gives me the right to own a nuclear weapon.

contradict yourself often, shit for brains?

All I ask is that we don't ignore the 2nd and pretend that "these rights shall not be infringed" actually means something it doesn't. Amend it, don't ignore it.

just like speech may not be abridged, except for where it is.

read the fucking heller case, two face. you will see that many abridgements are perfectly constitutional.

only total idiots like you take that literalist interpretation. it is an extremist wingnut dumbass thing to think.