yes with comcast. Comcast just recently announced that they will soon start charging for FOX, but it always came with basic cable
I'm on Comcast, don't pretend you "know better". Fox News is channel 44, basic ends at 16 or so. Fox is extended. Never been basic. So You lied, again, and got caught. Again
Democrats held the Senate, the House, and the Presidency and didn't repeal it.

between 2008 and now, 4 states and one district fully legalized, nearly a dozen states went medical, and existing medical states exploded with dispensaries.

democrats did nothing to stop it, unlike republicans.

you are a deluded angry loser.
I'm on Comcast, don't pretend you "know better". Fox News is channel 44, basic ends at 16 or so. Fox is extended. Never been basic. So You lied, again, and got caught. Again
BASIC IS JUST LOCAL. extended BASIC cable you get fox. Digital starter you can then get MSNBC
Because Democrats murder black babies. It is veritable genocide going on. Why do you want to sweep it under the rug?

1 in 3 women will have an abortion. that's 33% of american women. black women make up about 7% of americans, meaning white women are committing a whole shitload of abortions.

no one is gonna mistake you for not a white supremacist no matter how often you spam this nonsense, loser.

go wish federal prison time on more people you piece of shit.
This research provides data on the development of 59 Jamaican children, from birth to age 5 years, whose mothers used marijuana during pregnancy. Approximately one-half of the sample used marijuana during pregnancy and were matched with non-users according to age, parity, and socioeconomic status. Testing of the children was done at 1, 3, and 30 days of age with the Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scales and at ages 4 and 5 years with the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities. Data about the child's home environment and temperament were collected from direct observations as well as from standardized questionnaires. The results show no significant differences in developmental testing outcomes between children of marijuana-using and non-using mothers except at 30 days of age when the babies of users had more favourable scores on two clusters of the Brazelton Scales: autonomic stability and reflexes. The developmental scores at ages 4 and 5 years were significantly correlated to certain aspects of the home environment and to regularity of basic school (preschool) attendance. study cannabis pregnancy&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart

@ttystikk , i know what you oberved but this study says diffrent....

Fair enough. I went to some trouble to explain that what I observed was an individual, anecdotal case with zero controls.

I hope that study has it right, because it would suck to suggest that women switch from drinking booze to smoking weed during pregnancy, only to have their children suffer anyway.

What the study you cite does nothing to refute is the idea that abstinence from all the above is still the best, safest course of action of all the alternatives.
Fair enough. I went to some trouble to explain that what I observed was an individual, anecdotal case with zero controls.

I hope that study has it right, because it would suck to suggest that women switch from drinking booze to smoking weed during pregnancy, only to have their children suffer anyway.

What the study you cite does nothing to refute is the idea that abstinence from all the above is still the best, safest course of action of all the alternatives.
i agree totally and would not advise relying on said study for mind changing ideas
BASIC IS JUST LOCAL. extended BASIC cable you get fox. Digital starter you can then get MSNBC
Wrong again. Fox News, MSNBC both extended cable. You're trying to pretend what may or may not be true in one local is true in all.
Dems oppose freedom because it threatens their goal to impose their will over others.

yeah, we want to let people smoke pot and have abortions because we totally want to impose out will over others.

a recent poll even showed how democrats want to impose the english language on the nation and instate christianity as the official state religion.

just kidding, that's republicans, red.
The doctor is just giving his opinion. The ignorant people that will latch onto it in rabid fashion are legion.

OPINION. on Faux Noise.

With the little Fox News banner visible in the lower right corner of the screen. As if to indicate to the viewer they are watching NEWS, not people's OPINIONS.

Why the fuck would people pay for cable? Thats just dumb in my book. "You got 213 channels of shit on the TV to choose from" (think Pink on that lyric). Whats cable go for these days? $75 a month? So you can watch TV all day and get all the propaganda and lies you can take? You will be much more informed if you stop staring at that Tell-a-lie-vision all day.
Shit isn't even entertaining, go outside and actually experience something.
Fox News Medical A-Team member Dr. David Samadi made a statement that smoking weed by pregnant woman can lead to crack babies. I was wondering is there any truth to this because FOX is suppose to be the most trusted news source. I don't want to see crack babies formed due to the smoking of marijuana. Do you think FOX would lie about this.:joint: At the 2:14 mark he makes this statement. He makes other negative statement about pot throughout. Should we all stop smoking pot ?:shock:

Just curious, LF. Do you think pregnant women should smoke pot?