OPINION. on Faux Noise.

With the little Fox News banner visible in the lower right corner of the screen. As if to indicate to the viewer they are watching NEWS, not people's OPINIONS.


The editorial page in a newspaper prints an editorial. In a NEWS paper. What is a progressive to conclude? It's news. It's in a newspaper.

Fair enough. I went to some trouble to explain that what I observed was an individual, anecdotal case with zero controls.

I hope that study has it right, because it would suck to suggest that women switch from drinking booze to smoking weed during pregnancy, only to have their children suffer anyway.

What the study you cite does nothing to refute is the idea that abstinence from all the above is still the best, safest course of action of all the alternatives.
The Human brain has specific receptors for THC, it doesn't have any for alcohol or tobacco.
You body may just need it.
I'm still waiting to see if Fox suspends O'Realy :roll: for the lies they now admit he made

It'll never happen bro , that dude is a God to many a brain dead follower , he's like a fukin cult leader , he wins my Douche of the year award nearly every year .
O' Really is not a bona fide source or dispenser of real news. He is paid to provide his opinion, that's it.
Any and all comparisons to Brian Williams fail upon delivery.
O' Really is a blowhard narcissist, he is good at this, he is paid well, he leads in the ratings.
Get over it already.
He does not report the actual news...jeeesh.
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Why the fuck would people pay for cable? Thats just dumb in my book. "You got 213 channels of shit on the TV to choose from" (think Pink on that lyric). Whats cable go for these days? $75 a month? So you can watch TV all day and get all the propaganda and lies you can take? You will be much more informed if you stop staring at that Tell-a-lie-vision all day.
Shit isn't even entertaining, go outside and actually experience something.

You will obey me while I lead you , with the garbage that I feed you , until the day that we don't need you don't go for help no one will heed you .

Your mind is totally controlled it has been stuffed into our mold & you will do as you are told until your rights are sold !

That's right folks don't touch that dial !
You will obey me while I lead you , with the garbage that I feed you , until the day that we don't need you don't go for help no one will heed you .

Your mind is totally controlled it has been stuffed into our mold & you will do as you are told until your rights are sold !

That's right folks don't touch that dial !

I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I'm the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozin' out
From your TV set

The editorial page in a newspaper prints an editorial. In a NEWS paper. What is a progressive to conclude? It's news. It's in a newspaper.


You are so fucking stupid it is beyond repair.

An article in a newspaper that is an opinion, clearly tells the reader it is an editorial or an opinion piece. If it does not, it is deceiving, just like Faux Noise. You nitwit.

Thank you for further illustrating my point. Dumb dumb.
I may be vile and pernicious
But you can't look away
I make you think I'm delicious
With the stuff that I say
I'm the best you can get
Have you guessed me yet?
I'm the slime oozin' out
From your TV set

I knew you'd appreciate those words of spoken 40 yrs before news was the weapon it's became for political groups .

I really miss watching him debate hard liners , very few ever out talked him in a debate .
I knew you'd appreciate those words of spoken 40 yrs before news was the weapon it's became for political groups .

I really miss watching him debate hard liners , very few ever out talked him in a debate .
Yeah, I have that famous picture of Zappa sitting on the commode in my office. A very critically thinking mind. Too bad he never caught on with the mainstream.
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It is when the entertainment is portrayed as NEWS. Dumb dumb.
How is it portrayed as news? Does O'reilly say " This just in from Washington, Obama is a douche bag."
If you think that is news, well then I have a bridge to sell you.
You are so fucking stupid it is beyond repair.

An article in a newspaper that is an opinion, clearly tells the reader it is an editorial or an opinion piece. If it does not, it is deceiving, just like Faux Noise. You nitwit.

Thank you for further illustrating my point. Dumb dumb.

You have been Gruber'ed, apparently with lube for your pleasure. What, at this point, does it matter, though?

In other NEWS, my opinion is you are just a partisan hack either too stupid to notice that you are a tool, or too venal to care.
nope nor drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, nor reach for things high, lift heavy things, use meth, or cocaine, drink large amounts of coffee, have unnecessary xrays... etc etc BUT I also don't believe that weed would make the child a CRACK baby

On this, we agree.
How is it portrayed as news? Does O'reilly say " This just in from Washington, Obama is a douche bag."
If you think that is news, well then I have a bridge to sell you.

That's my point NoDrama, I do not think it is news. But to MANY people across the Red Belt think it is. And think so because that is where they get all their NEWS... from FAUX NEWS. Because the little banner in the corner tells them so.