What lights should I buy for vegging?


Well-Known Member
I've been using a 400 watt light to veg 4 clones; is there a light bulb that is more efficient for vegging clones?


Well-Known Member
Seedlings and cuttings love to root under fluorescents. You should think about getting some T5HO's.


Well-Known Member
How many of those would I need?
Maybe a 2foot by 2foot 4 bulb setup? IDK. You wouldn't need much if you are only ever planning on vegging 4 clones at a time. I think you probably could do just as well with half a dozen CFL bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Maybe a 2foot by 2foot 4 bulb setup? IDK. You wouldn't need much if you are only ever planning on vegging 4 clones at a time. I think you probably could do just as well with half a dozen CFL bulbs.
Would these light bulbs do the job? http://www.amazon.com/GE-13-Watt-En...UTF8&qid=1425580317&sr=8-1&keywords=cfl bulbs

I was checking this out, but do you know of anything cheaper? http://www.amazon.com/EnviroGro-FLT...qid=1425580620&sr=8-1&keywords=t5 grow lights


Well-Known Member
If you are planning on going with cfls, spend the extra 10, 20 bucks on the 6500k's (The "daylight" bulbs).

As far as T5's, I don't know of anything cheaper off the top of my head, but you may want to try looking the lighting sub-section. Those guys might know about a better deal.

Sunny Organics

Well-Known Member
honestly you should just get yourself a t5 setup, they work wonders. I bought 2 new ones at home depot for 28$ each ( bulbs are 22'in long ) not too long ago. And man they work for clones and even veg. But of course just use them for your clones haha.