Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, let the stuffing commence...I am hungry! But wait...have to smoke first to get it down ;)
seems like a lot of folks have to medicate before eating. I am one of them..if I didn't smoke, I'd weigh nothing! just popped out of bed, was looking forward to sleeping in today but it didn't happen.

That is a helluva birthday to have! let me be the second to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
You're a year and two months older than me..lol


Well-Known Member
seems like a lot of folks have to medicate before eating. I am one of them..if I didn't smoke, I'd weigh nothing! just popped out of bed, was looking forward to sleeping in today but it didn't happen.

That is a helluva birthday to have! let me be the second to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :)
You're a year and two months older than me..lol
well...you and I are at opposite ends of that spectrum. I am a well rounded woman ;) lol

so yours is May 21st? cool beans :) you will like 47

@BarnBuster thanks :) almost there


Well-Known Member
well...you and I are at opposite ends of that spectrum. I am a well rounded woman ;) lol

so yours is May 21st? cool beans :) you will like 47

@BarnBuster thanks :) almost there
May 4 actually..was rounding up a bit much I guess :D yeah wish I was again, I was told recently I have the noassatall syndrome..lmao
OH to be 48 again......

I feel this is in order? LOL just having some fun for your big day, sorry I wasn't here, everything that could go wrong DID go wrong yesterday..no worries, today is a new day and I am determined to make it better! Life is too good right now to let shit get me down ;)


I worked in the yard yesterday, so recovering today. You would think I had been out there busting my ass all day to have to recover from it. Not me lol...fibromyallshit wipes me out. *brushes shoulder off and takes another hit* I guess I will make more butter today ;)

Happy Friday to you :)
I worked hard cleaning yesterday then everything started coming unraveled, had to deal with a couple of mishaps and an uncomfortable situation..it's all good though, I got this ;) I have the same stuff, its a lot better since I lost weight but I still have days where I just hurt all over, especially in my hips and legs. Sucks but what can ya do yes? I really want to make some butter, we have plenty of bud, I may see if my buddy will accommodate me on that..lol he makes everything better than I do. Hell, I thought I was the shit in the kitchen but dude rocks..ain't right dammit..lol


Well-Known Member
no worries Rosey...I got pllleenty for the two of us ;) Sorry to hear you are in the same boat as me - lol that didn't sound right. But you get the drift. It doesn't help that there is no cure and all the pharmashiticals they want to put me on come with side effects worse than the problem itself. So whatcha gonna do? Poke more smot!
You should def make some butter. I would dry ice your material first though...you get a two for one that way ;)
Here is to a great Saturday :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
no worries Rosey...I got pllleenty for the two of us ;) Sorry to hear you are in the same boat as me - lol that didn't sound right. But you get the drift. It doesn't help that there is no cure and all the pharmashiticals they want to put me on come with side effects worse than the problem itself. So whatcha gonna do? Poke more smot!
You should def make some butter. I would dry ice your material first though...you get a two for one that way ;)
Here is to a great Saturday :bigjoint:

Its a good year! Fibro be damned, I will 'poke smot' till I'm pushing daisies..hopefully that's for a very long time.

It was a fabulous Saturday! Today is going to be even better :)


Well-Known Member
what kind of puppies, Rosey? I have a Boxer I just love to death. She is snoring and farting right here next to me. I really must love her - it is HOT and MILKY in here! lol
Blue Heelers :) we're predicting at least 8 since she and Zip locked at least 7 times we know of. That gas kills..my Ziggy is making enough to kill a small army! lol


Well-Known Member
Hey Rosie! Glad to see you are doing well and staying busy. Puppies are a lot of work but adorable!

Spring has sprung finally after all the ice and snow and now its raining off and on all week! Spring showers means I can get my gardening groove on soon whoo hoo!

Roasted pork loin cooking low and slow, cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom including the fridge and organized it all.

Blue dream in my new Cloupor M4 (it has a lot more parts than the M3 and hits a lot harder- I like both) and listening to the best of the soulful inspiring Curtis Mayfield.

Fresh ground Starbucks French roast in the French press is giving me motivation to keep on spring cleaning this afternoon.

I noticed buttercups and other things breaking thru the ground today so soon there will be flowers everywhere and I cannot wait!

Drop by the coffee shop anytime Rosie, the jams are always good and the people are cool. xoxo



Well-Known Member
lahanadana << don't know her name has just opened a jungle music thread and my phone wont load all the vids on the page !!! Grrr so im leaving this here for her :) if she sees it

its the origins of jungle breakbeat :) way back when :)