When do plants grow faster? Day/Night?


Well-Known Member
I am having a debate with a friend and it goes as such.

"Plants grow faster at night"

I said "no way, I know roots grow faster at night I had read that. But I don't believe Pot Plants grow faster at night."

Explainable by veg being 24hr.s for some grows. Even though I run my Veg at 18/6 after reading better growth with a night cycle.

I say faster during the day

So what do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
ok well i think plants "stretch" more durting night if there still in the veg state since there not recieving any light an other reason why plants double some times triple during flowering because there isnt as much light as there was befor


Well-Known Member
ok well i think plants "stretch" more durting night if there still in the veg state since there not recieving any light an other reason why plants double some times triple during flowering because there isnt as much light as there was befor
I'd like this to become a great thread. I want to see a little scientific fact around it. There are so many variables to what you said.

If your lights are to far away they will stretch.

Also during flowering, they are also a completly different plant, and are receiving completly different nutes. If you use hydro like I do they are receiving 4xs more nutes, by the time they are flushed.

So lets try to get the definant answer, cause the debate is over those thoughts.

You could say it moves faster during the day, cause if you turn a plant around in net pots away from the light, it will face the light again in a hours. Turn it around during the night cycle it will look the same the next morning.


Well-Known Member
this wont become great threat :) i have something on my mind, but its hard to translate it in english.


Well-Known Member
just from my limited experience i would have to say during lights on. I am only speaking as far as seedlings go, early in life. When checking my plants at lights on vs. lights off so much changes during that peroid new sprouts, growths, even my deformed plant grows during lights on hours. I cant say this is what i see during lights off peroids. I do believe however that having that dark peroid allows them to rest and is the reason why they grow so much during the day.

If you wanted to go about it pertaning to chemical reactions/scientific way of processing the growth of the plant. The answer would still be the same as photosynthisis occurs only during lights on hours. This is when the plants metabolism is at its fastest. Their for growth would have to be. No???


Well-Known Member
they grow more at night. there is a chemical reaction that happens inside and requires the dark for it. i will look through my stuff to find the scientific data to prove it. this has been a debate for a long time over 24/0 or 18/6. also there is more co2 produced when light is off so when the light comes on it take that extra up from the dark cycle.


Well-Known Member
just from my limited experience i would have to say during lights on. I am only speaking as far as seedlings go, early in life. When checking my plants at lights on vs. lights off so much changes during that peroid new sprouts, growths, even my deformed plant grows during lights on hours. I cant say this is what i see during lights off peroids. I do believe however that having that dark peroid allows them to rest and is the reason why they grow so much during the day.

If you wanted to go about it pertaning to chemical reactions/scientific way of processing the growth of the plant. The answer would still be the same as photosynthisis occurs only during lights on hours. This is when the plants metabolism is at its fastest. Their for growth would have to be. No???
Hey SkiBumm Just noticed your post. That is exactly what I figured. Though look at the biology lesson thread, that is my friends same argument. And I guess science proves us wrong??? I think one day I will have my own test. But right now it is not possible.


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
When I went from 24/0 to 18/6 I noticed better growth and development. Don't know if they were growing more during the 6 off or not but just overall they are growing MUCH better.

Of course I also know a lot more now as this is now my 4th grow (1st one still isn't done) so it just may be me taking better care of them or the fact that 24/0 light caused them to have more heat in the middle of the day and that can hurt them.

Sorry, not much of a scientific answer there.


Well-Known Member
When I went from 24/0 to 18/6 I noticed better growth and development. Don't know if they were growing more during the 6 off or not but just overall they are growing MUCH better.

Of course I also know a lot more now as this is now my 4th grow (1st one still isn't done) so it just may be me taking better care of them or the fact that 24/0 light caused them to have more heat in the middle of the day and that can hurt them.

Sorry, not much of a scientific answer there.
Yeah like I feel they grow more during the day, because of the nessecary night time rest. But thats my .2. That I kinda stand by. Cause I do go with 18/6 and try to dup nature as best as possible. Only way to tell is to measure 4 times a day. And I usually don't have time for that. I would like to know from someone else who did it, lol. But I guess in the end I must see for myself. I really think day time is when it grows. Even by Bonz response. They create the CO2 at night, and use it up during the day. Ya dig, lol. They do everything during the day. Including pepping up the metaolism during photosynthesis, I don't know. I wish I went to college. Wait my brain is steaming. Please Roll It Up. :joint::evil: Much Better:twisted: Later Guys


Well-Known Member
woah started readin that and got bored after the 3rd paragraph. Without all the jargon, yes plants do veg better under 18/6 and yes more happens during lights off, i tried some seedlings on 24/0 once and the first two weeks they were fine, growing slightly quicker than my usual 18/6 cycle, but after that i couldnt put my finger on it but they just didnt look right(would u look or feel right if u had a growlight shining in yr face 24/7 for two weeks) they seemed to lack luster and didnt seem to have that determination that healthy seedlings should have so i dropped the light back to 18/6 and within a week they were back to seedlings as i know em! As a newbie years ago when id look at my plants just as light comes on then again just before lights off i wouldnt see any difference, when measured usually there would be about quarter inch difference, but then when id come back again the next morning, i could see a big difference, sometimes as much as an inch to an inch and a half, so i continued measuring 4times a day and sure enough there was always more growth in dark cycle vs light


New Member
During the day plants convert sunlight into sugar. During the dark hours the plant uses the sugar to grow. They spring up at night because that is when the growing happens.

I think you are confusing bending toward the light with growth and it's not the same thing.


Well-Known Member
yes they get thier photosynthisis during the day through the leaves and then it is stored untill nigh time when it is resting to process it. your leaves may get larger during the day because of the light but the growth comes from the roots and they grow better in the coolness hence the dark. if bid leaves made big buds then why dont we nute our leaves instead of nuting the roots? Hmmmmmm