do you like my first grow?

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Well-Known Member
bunch of haterzzzzz!
How are we haters dude why would u lie? Shit i could show u a hundred pics of my plants and half are fucked up its all about actually trying so just try bro get some seeds and plant tho bitches but dont lie that lame dude ur an adult im sure so act like it and do ur own shit no ones haten on u
How are we haters dude why would u lie? Shit i could show u a hundred pics of my plants and half are fucked up its all about actually trying so just try bro get some seeds and plant tho bitches but dont lie that lame dude ur an adult im sure so act like it and do ur own shit no ones haten on u
this is all just a bunch of hate....i didn;t sign up to hate....maybe these plants are representative of my plants and i want to keep off law enforcement radar? ......stop hating bro. this is persecution.
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