My jimmies are completely un-rustled. But unfortunately for you, denying something plane as day that you literally JUST fucking said does not mean that it didn't happen. I'm sure you kneel by your bedside nightly, praying your penis were just a little bit bigger, but wishing things to happen, or in this case, not to happen, won't make it so, or in this case, not so.

And you literally just said the only purpose for you commenting to me was to troll me. At least you are making progress, admitting who you are. That's good brah, doesn't it feel good to be progressive?
Where do you see me disagreeing with you and agreeing with Nitro, please quote it so that we may all have a laugh.
Where do you see me disagreeing with you and agreeing with Nitro, please quote it so that we may all have a laugh.

No need to, you've already admitted to trolling me. Your only intent was to troll me, even if the underlying assumption in that troll was that you were agreeing with the person I was making fun of. In this case, I was making fun of nitro for believing that Fox provides fair and balanced news.

So you either agree with him on that, in which case you lied, or you don't and you are being hypocritical.

Which is it? Liar or hypocrite?
In other words you can't do it.

Let me laugh for a while, get back to you tomorrow.

So I will assume you are both a hypocrite and liar.

We have already established you are a liar. Mister 20 hour work day. No time to eat, shit or sleep, but can post on RIU throughout the entire day... mister 20 hour work day.

So yes, I do not need to point out your inequities, you do a fine job of it all on your own.

Nitro is a perfect example of the type who watches FOX news. Likes to be told what to think and how to think, whilst being mislead by incorrect information. Would feel sorry for them, but they seem very proud of it.
Nitro is a perfect example of the type who watches FOX news. Likes to be told what to think and how to think, whilst being mislead by incorrect information. Would feel sorry for them, but they seem very proud of it.

I don't like to see my name used in the same sentence with the word "perfect". Years ago I was towing for shrimp and the sky was blue the ocean was flat the hopper was full of clean shrimp, and there wasn't another boat in site. And I looked at my crew and said this is just perfect. Then five minutes later the crank broke in half and the engine died. So the word "prefect" is an unspoken word on the boat. But carry on.

One more thing, is anybody else besides me have a very difficult time with this web site loading worth a shit? I have to just walk away most of the time because it takes for ever to load one page and after it loads one page it won't load another one. just wondering.
No need to, you've already admitted to trolling me. Your only intent was to troll me, even if the underlying assumption in that troll was that you were agreeing with the person I was making fun of. In this case, I was making fun of nitro for believing that Fox provides fair and balanced news.

So you either agree with him on that, in which case you lied, or you don't and you are being hypocritical.

Which is it? Liar or hypocrite?

You poor, oppressed white male.
So I will assume you are both a hypocrite and liar.

We have already established you are a liar. Mister 20 hour work day. No time to eat, shit or sleep, but can post on RIU throughout the entire day... mister 20 hour work day.

So yes, I do not need to point out your inequities, you do a fine job of it all on your own.

20 hours in the SUMMER you doofus, is it currently summer? How do you know it isn't summer? When there is still snow on the ground.

Now that I have once again proven you an idiot beyond help, is there any other fails of yours that need attention?

Have a nice day, dummy.
20 hours in the SUMMER you doofus, is it currently summer? How do you know it isn't summer? When there is still snow on the ground.

Now that I have once again proven you an idiot beyond help, is there any other fails of yours that need attention?

Have a nice day, dummy.

Liar. UB was immediately able to find a thread, during last SUMMER, that you posted in, all hours of the day.

Whoops. Liar.
You poor, oppressed white male.

Sad commentary, so desperately seeking approval. So very very sad. desert dude, would you like me to like your comment? It adds such colorful insight to our discussion, yet factually inaccurate almost in its entirety.

I'm neither poor, oppressed or white.

Liar. UB was immediately able to find a thread, during last SUMMER, that you posted in, all hours of the day.

Whoops. Liar.
OMG, you mean while I was on the tractor for 10 hours I used my cell phone to make a post?

OMG did you know that cell phones work inside a tractor? They Do!! You can even use them to surf the net and make posts.
I bet you are gonna run out and buy one of these new fangled high tech items now aren't you.

Don't worry, people never take days off either.

Listen to buck, you too can be a Stormfront founding member like he is.
I may be swimming upstream on this, but smoke inhalation of any kind reduces serum oxygen levels in the bloodstream, with clear and obvious detriment to the baby's health.

By way of purely anecdotal evidence, my ex-wife was pregnant at the same time as a mutual friend. My ex gave up smoking cigarettes and weed for her pregnancy, while our friend did not. In fact, our friend often smoked with the express intention of getting her baby to stop kicking.

My friend's baby was born underweight, required additional care at the hospital and is mildly developmentally disabled- and still under size for his age and somewhat frail.

Our daughter has been thriving with no health issues but braces- and was recently accepted into her school's gifted and talented program.

Highly unscientific and only one 'side by side' does not a solid conclusion make- but I'm convinced; don't smoke anything or drink alcohol while pregnant.

PLEASE... for your baby's health and future.

Regarding edibles, seek a doctor's advice. Lots of drugs generally considered safe for adults are not for use during pregnancy, and cannabis is definitely 'strong medicine'. If in doubt, don't eat it.

My wife smoked weed for a good portion of our first childs pregnancy (didn't know she was prego for a few months) and that child has now been moved a head a year in school because she is so dang smart.

Go figure
OMG, you mean while I was on the tractor for 10 hours I used my cell phone to make a post?

OMG did you know that cell phones work inside a tractor? They Do!! You can even use them to surf the net and make posts.
I bet you are gonna run out and buy one of these new fangled high tech items now aren't you.

Don't worry, people never take days off either.

Listen to buck, you too can be a Stormfront founding member like he is.

tldr. liar.
My wife smoked weed for a good portion of our first childs pregnancy (didn't know she was prego for a few months) and that child has now been moved a head a year in school because she is so dang smart.

Go figure

I'm very glad to hear this. I went to some pains to say that my observations were of one case. I think we could all benefit from some rigorous research in this area, especially our children.
I don't like to see my name used in the same sentence with the word "perfect". Years ago I was towing for shrimp and the sky was blue the ocean was flat the hopper was full of clean shrimp, and there wasn't another boat in site. And I looked at my crew and said this is just perfect. Then five minutes later the crank broke in half and the engine died. So the word "prefect" is an unspoken word on the boat. But carry on.

One more thing, is anybody else besides me have a very difficult time with this web site loading worth a shit? I have to just walk away most of the time because it takes for ever to load one page and after it loads one page it won't load another one. just wondering.

they put you on slowdown after you went all meltdown and lied about your lies.
Liar. UB was immediately able to find a thread, during last SUMMER, that you posted in, all hours of the day.

Whoops. Liar.

it was actually a whole page of threads from the first week of july. he was posting in every one of them.
What is a slow down? Is that something that effects my computer to where it won't load the site very well? Or is it something else?