Ordering my equipment in one week! All opinions welcomed.


Well-Known Member
Ok peeps this it. My final list(might need another fan) of what I need to fulfill a 15+ year dream. Im ordering these items in a week or so after an electrician comes by. This would be the third time I asked this (SOOOO appreciate yall)....but once again and hopefully last time before purchase, I would like your opinion on these items. I wanted to run a 5x9 tent but some things came up......so I downsized things. Please let me know what your opinions are ESP if i can find these items for cheaper elsewhere or if a different product would be more suitable. THANK YOU.... and happy safe growing to all! PEACE! (BTW still not 100% sure on my fan or carbon filter size needs but i will get it right by the time of the purchase)
Where are you planning on putting the tent? Do you need a tent? Other option is to line the walls of your room/closet with mylar.

Fan/filter can be 6" or the 8" you selected if you want ability to easily upgrade room size.

I wouldn't bother with the soil PH meter, I've never had one of them work worth a damn, better to get a liquid one and test the water going in and/or the water coming out.

I take it from the meter you are also planning on doing soil, not hydro, I would recommend you give both a try side by side. GH MaxiGro/MaxiBloom are some of the best nutes for either soil or hydro. Only complaint I or any other user has had is that it doesn't always dissolve perfectly in cold water, a cup or two of warm water before mixing in cold water fixes that easily.

Are you going to use the florescent fixture for supplemental lighting? What bulbs are you planning on running in it?
nice list dude. I'd love your thoughts in my thread


also have you checked out amazon? is this what you're looking for?


I also am looking at these


Anyway I hope those links help some, you can get all your fans and ducting from amazon too, look at the links below the above links.

Come have a look at the thread I linked first above, I'd love your opinion on my project
My two cents.

Good liSt.. kudos on the blockbuster. Lots of newbs buy utter piece of shit hoods from feebay.

That ballast is a hunk of fucking garbage. Galaxy, lumitek, or ..what the fuck is the name if the ballasts we use..Jesus we have 60 of them.lol... solistek!

Screw the ro system for now unless your on well water.

Ditch the soil probe, buy a good ph meter.

Botanicare are good soil nutes. Liquid karma is good but pricey. Same with the zoo.

Have fun :)
i think that MH bulb is for magnetic ballasts. Hortilux make a magnetic bulb and an "e-start" for digital ballasts. its only 10 or so dollars more. idk what ballast u plan to run ur MH on but keep in mind when ordering online.
Thanks for all the responses. Let me try and get all my responses correct......ok I want a tent because I'm in a rental and I would like the ability to tear down/setup when necessary( for example when my landlord comes for an inspection in Oct). I cant have any modifications to the property so I thought a tent would be my best route. The tent will be in my basement. So no soil pH meter....liquid. Got it. Thank you Nomo. I'm trying to stick with soil for for now til I can perfect listening to my ladies. That's my main goal ATM....learn to listen. I have heard(actually read.....on here) really great things about botanicare so I have decided to make that my starting point. I was planning on using the t5 for pre veg growth. I am getting clones(from Craigslist) and I figured I would use it for a week or two before putting the large light on them(hardening right??) I haven't considered bulbs for the t5 yet but I'm sure I will in next few days.(once again thanx Nomo).
Legally flying what ballast is fucking garbage?? The power box?? Why do you say ditch the RO? Thank u for your insight!
I don't like grow tent packages(mine is better and cheaper than most and I get better products) nor do I like cheap lights/ballast/hoods. I have children in my household and I will not take shorts on areas like this(nor my electricity setup). But thanx for the links SSS. Most products on amazon seem cheaper on eBay....not all but most. And I'm not paying on any shipping on almost 2k worth of equipment.
Thank you clayawesome I definitely will be changing up lamps to insure compatibility. I really appreciate everyone's comments and opinions. PEACE!
Unless you have serious water problems, ditch the RO. Check your water report or get your water tested, it's free or almost free, check locally. Once you know what's in the water you will know what filter if any you need. RO is the biggest PITA of a filter option available. Need 20 gallons, come back in 4-5 hours, fuck that, carbon filter, need 20 gallons, got that in about 2 minutes. Inline carbon filter $25 total, RO system $200. Replacement filters carbon 2 for $8, RO much more.
i think that MH bulb is for magnetic ballasts. Hortilux make a magnetic bulb and an "e-start" for digital ballasts. its only 10 or so dollars more. idk what ballast u plan to run ur MH on but keep in mind when ordering online.

Agreed. That bulb is a probe start.


Plus I pretty much agree with everyone else. Don't let the forums get to you, ditch the soil ph tester.

For pre-veg growth, just use some cheap hardware light such as t-8s or whatever flourescent.

If you have municipal water, the report is free and its the law, just ask the water department. If not a test is 35-70 for a decent test. If its free or less they are usually only testing for potability (harmful bacteria.)

- Jiji
Agreed. That bulb is a probe start.


Plus I pretty much agree with everyone else. Don't let the forums get to you, ditch the soil ph tester.

For pre-veg growth, just use some cheap hardware light such as t-8s or whatever flourescent.

If you have municipal water, the report is free and its the law, just ask the water department. If not a test is 35-70 for a decent test. If its free or less they are usually only testing for potability (harmful bacteria.)

- Jiji
I think this is one what varies by location. Where I am I can get a detailed test for free from the county or local college.
most tap water is perfectly fine And yes the power box is a piece of shit. Google it, lots.and lots.of then just dyiNg.
That's a lot of bulb for a 5'x5' tent.....as long as you have ample venting you should do fine (unless I missed it...I didn't see any fans).

I agree with the comment about RO water....I water right from the tap without issue.

I'm assuming you're growing in soil as I didn't see any hydro stuff in your list. While many may disagree, I grow with non-cannabis specific nutrients.....Jack's Classic. It cost $10 a tub and last months. Look through my grow journal to see how they come out.
OK peeps I will forget the RO. Changeup the pH meter and get back at y'all with what I find. I will definitely be reevaluating my ballast choice. Thought the power box was a good choice. I liked the idea of being about to go to duel ended when the time was right. I hate looking for ballast. Seems like they all have some kind of issue after doing my research(except the GAVITAS.... Not goin there..... I promise). Back to the drawing board on the ballast I guess. BTW Lil roach I was planning on venting the light with 700cfm 8inch hydrofarm fan. Is that goin to b enough for now? I was goin to get a couple oscillating for inside in a few weeks. Budget's getting tight. Figured I wouldn't need them til vegging stage anyway( don't put them on clones Right?). Is that enough venting Roach? It will be in my basement BTW. I'm in Colorado and it stays pretty cool down there(for now....hurry up SUMMER! Hehe). Thanx again peeps. This is so fucking awesome... People I don't even know that seem to have a vested interest in my success. Seriously THANK YOU!
I was planning on using the t5 for pre veg growth. I am getting clones(from Craigslist) and I figured I would use it for a week or two before putting the large light on them(hardening right??) I haven't considered bulbs for the t5 yet but I'm sure I will in next few days.(once again thanx Nomo)

In addition to the HPS/MH combo light I would recommend you either use that florescent fixture or some other supplemental lighting option. HPS alone in flower can be easily beat by adding a bit of other light colors/wavelengths. 6500k for blues, UVB 10% for UVB(this one is key in my book, only 3-5w per sqft), UVA, and more blues.
You're cooling one light right? You don't have to go with 8"......six inch is more than enough. I cool two 600w HPS with a 240 cfm inline booster fan ($25) and they're cool to the touch. It's not a quiet fan (none of them are) but it does the job.

Here's a thought.......Craigslist. I've surfed Denver's Craigslist and there's a shit-ton of people that tried growing weed and gave up and are selling their gear pennies on a dollar. I personally have had great luck with Craigslist. NOTE: Do not let them come to your house as then they'll know where a grow is going on.
ok so im back to thinking a gavita 600/750de. either in the 5x5 gorrilla or a 8x4 secret jardin 2 i found on craigslist for for 350(maybe talk him down to 300). if i did the 8x4 i would put it on a light mover. so i added these to my list. any thoughts? if i did the gavita would a 8 inch 720cfm fan be enough to keep either tent in optimal temp zone? is this getting over my head for a noobie? Let me know peeps please and thank you.
this is the fan http://www.ebay.com/itm/221620442666
and possible light mover http://www.ebay.com/itm/350735397993
ok so im back to thinking a gavita 600/750de. either in the 5x5 gorrilla or a 8x4 secret jardin 2 i found on craigslist for for 350(maybe talk him down to 300). if i did the 8x4 i would put it on a light mover. so i added these to my list. any thoughts? if i did the gavita would a 8 inch 720cfm fan be enough to keep either tent in optimal temp zone? is this getting over my head for a noobie? Let me know peeps please and thank you.
this is the fan http://www.ebay.com/itm/221620442666
and possible light mover http://www.ebay.com/itm/350735397993
8" fan is crazy overkill at max speed, no need to worry there. Depending on your situation you may want to rethink the duct for an insulated one.

Tent is less than 250 cubic feet of air. So 720cfm could almost completely replace the air 3 times in 1 minute. A 6" would more than cut it in either of those tents, in many cases even a 4" would work fine in those size tents.

The minimum rating your fan should have is 1/2 the volume of the air in your grow space, 125 cfm, you are over 5x that.

Actually you may just want to drop down to 6", I forget you are doing this in a tent, a tent can implode due to excessive exhaust and intakes that can't keep up.
Heat is my concern with the gavitas. Esp since my basement is only 7.5 feet high. I want to be sure I can keep temps in check. What would be the right fan to exhaust? Mind u I wasn't planning on running a active intake(in other words passive right??).
Heat is my concern with the gavitas. Esp since my basement is only 7.5 feet high. I want to be sure I can keep temps in check. What would be the right fan to exhaust? Mind u I wasn't planning on running a active intake(in other words passive right??).
4x8x7.5 = 240 cubic feet.

You only need to clear the air every 2 minutes. So in theory a 120cfm or greater fan, but that is with no filter and no restriction on intake. With a proper design a 4" 180-220 CFM fan would be more than enough. With less perfect designs a 6" will help by pulling more air through the limited intake/exhaust. A 8" is just getting crazy for that size. Remember if you go crazy overboard and exhaust outdoors you will be creating a massive amount of air for your heat/AC to condition, $$$.