Every day I try to reach out to as many new people as possible. That's the advantage to travelling through different towns and cities. Looks like I might settle here for a period of time though, so today I tried to reach my goals of cold approaching strangers all day in college town of Fort Collins, CO. A few approaches I had were:
-opened several car doors for ladies, sometimes reaching for their hand and saying happy valentines day. If I was offered a hand to shake, I'd smooch it
-one particular cute and petite afro-Spanish chick I stopped on the street and just kissed her hand without saying a word. she basically "offered" me to escort her to a bar. at one point I thought we'd successfully sidetracked our way into the dance club, but she got on her smartphone and her body language pulled a 180 so I cut ties and bailed
-then another 2 girls I met as I was headed toward the car. one told me she saw me at a poker game on Wed night. She asked me to walk her to her car and I did because I'm a gentleman. I think it's something about a full beard with a shaved head, my stature and my "Rockin the Bakken" hoodie that gives girls a sense of calm when they talk to me
I've met sooooo many lovely ladies in the past week....i'm sooooo starved for lustful puppy love

Man my ride through life thus far has been challenging, turbulent, rewarding, high and low. I never thought I could but now I could imagine having at least ONE lady right next to me through it all
Love is so coveted yet elusive. but the important thing to feel about love is that you're worthy of it