Seeking expert help with my seedlings


Active Member
So thanks for all your help guys! Just thought I would post an update which might be usefull to make sure im on the right track and for anyone else with burning little seedlings.

So I took some action on a few things I didnt think of before, I carefully repotted all my plants in COCO mixed with perlite. I took them out of the jiffy cubes they were in becuase I figured they were doing more harm then good.

I have been testing the PH and watering 20-30 ML a day.

I bought a thermometer and have carefully set up the room so the plants don’t get over 75 degrees F.
So far they have all come good! The damage that has been done won’t heal but the new growth has started coming through and is looking much much healthier.

Question for you guys, is it normal for spectrum lights to damage seedlings like this? They seemed to thrive when I leave it a little higher then normal.



Well-Known Member
ya you need to get that light inches away or they will stretch to much. you shoulf be giving more water less often. by watering to often they drink food everytime and will run out. they like to be drier. try putting a clear solo cup over the babies for a few days and 2 to 3 times a day take off and air out. there might be to much light with that one for now till they get going i only use flouro`s during seedling stage


Well-Known Member
Lookin better, I would keep your light about where it is in the first pic of the last set. After they get to the 4th node or become very stable and healthy, start lowering the light. Next time you mix coco and perlite, add more perlite, I go 50/50 with the coco. Also try to get Canna Coco, it is far superior to anything else I have used..When you water, make sure that the soil is thoroughly saturated, so not to have any dry pockets in the soil. Don't listen to anyone telling you to not use nutrient right now, you are using a medium that has no nutrient in it, so if you want your plants to use the light you are giving them, you have to feed them. Keep the ppm @ 3-400, and your ph @ 6 and you should start seeing them grow every day. GL


Active Member
Lookin better, I would keep your light about where it is in the first pic of the last set. After they get to the 4th node or become very stable and healthy, start lowering the light. Next time you mix coco and perlite, add more perlite, I go 50/50 with the coco. Also try to get Canna Coco, it is far superior to anything else I have used..When you water, make sure that the soil is thoroughly saturated, so not to have any dry pockets in the soil. Don't listen to anyone telling you to not use nutrient right now, you are using a medium that has no nutrient in it, so if you want your plants to use the light you are giving them, you have to feed them. Keep the ppm @ 3-400, and your ph @ 6 and you should start seeing them grow every day. GL
THanks mate! It is actually 50/50 with perlite, just not the top layer because it was getting messy mixing them, but under the top soil about 2 cm it is all 50/50,

I got the nutrifield co co, best in australian according to the hydro shop.

I also have the co co nutrients.. I have mixed it to about half the dosage the bottle says so hopefully they wont burn. Is that something i should give them every day?


Well-Known Member
You need to find out what the strength of the nutrient is....Fuck .5 strength! You need to know exactly what you are feeding them...Is the nutrient Organic or Chem? If it is chem I would suggest that you feed them with nutrient every time just like you should with organic, but I would flush them every 2 weeks with Ph'd water to get the salts out, I have seen great results from flushing them out, I am lazy of course, but I try to flush once a week. I always flush with my blooming plants, it keeps everything nice a clean, but with veging plant I tend to slack! Any how good to here you mixed 50/50, I was hoping you did something like put straight coco on top...Get a PPM/ec meter! GL


Active Member
Thanks! watered them with half the recomended strength of nutes and in one day saw a lot of new growth and no extra browning. That makes me happy.

I am using nf COCO nutrient part a and part b. NPK 23-21-14. It recomends 1:250, so I put in about 2.5 ml of part A and B in a one leter bottle, ph'd it to 6 and gave them all 100 mls.

I plan on doing this every two days for the next week or so, or is it safe to give them a stronger dose?


Well-Known Member
Hard to say without knowing what the actual strength is....I would say, if the plants are growing fast and are looking healthy, keep the ppm low, if they start to yellow up, or decrease in growth rate, or you just think you can push them alittle more, then up the nutes...Or just get a meter! Remember, flush every once in a while....then add fresh nutes.