Legislator Tries To Legalize Marijuana


Active Member
fuck yea about damn time
it's already all over my myspace
just like misshestermoffitt said
Smokers Unite!!!


Well-Known Member
I dont buy it, pot wont be legal in my lifetime, and im not old.
fuck the goverment!
I actually CAN NOT believe what I just read from you two :finger:. If you don't get involved to help, then you ARE part of the problem. You have no right to complain if you don't try to do something :finger:. I am so hopeful you both get what you think is do you, arrest and conviction. I have not used this language with ANY one else from this site (absolutely fantastic people) except for you two :finger:. You both deserve what you get. It sounds to me as if speedhabit is just plain lazy, so he (or she, I don't know nor care) comes up with "I don't buy it". You are doing nothing more than looking for an excuse to do nothing...you ARE nothing :finger:. And as for you EvilAce420 :finger:, your retort (I'm sure you'll have to look that word up) was very eloquent and to the point...or should I say point-less. You didn't even spell "goverment" right. It figures. If you can't be part of something bigger than yourselves...just continue to be by yourselves. It fits you two :dunce::dunce: . So, for the first time, I'm using a smilie I never thought I'd have to use here...kiss-ass, both of you.


New Member
I actually CAN NOT believe what I just read from you two :finger:. If you don't get involved to help, then you ARE part of the problem. You have no right to complain if you don't try to do something :finger:. I am so hopeful you both get what you think is do you, arrest and conviction. I have not used this language with ANY one else from this site (absolutely fantastic people) except for you two :finger:. You both deserve what you get. It sounds to me as if speedhabit is just plain lazy, so he (or she, I don't know nor care) comes up with "I don't buy it". You are doing nothing more than looking for an excuse to do nothing...you ARE nothing :finger:. And as for you EvilAce420 :finger:, your retort (I'm sure you'll have to look that word up) was very eloquent and to the point...or should I say point-less. You didn't even spell "goverment" right. It figures. If you can't be part of something bigger than yourselves...just continue to be by yourselves. It fits you two :dunce::dunce: . So, for the first time, I'm using a smilie I never thought I'd have to use here...kiss-ass, both of you.
I love your avatar.

You are correct. We should all be banding together to fight the government. Not just throwing in the towel. :cuss::wall:


Well-Known Member
I actually CAN NOT believe what I just read from you two :finger:. If you don't get involved to help, then you ARE part of the problem. You have no right to complain if you don't try to do something :finger:. I am so hopeful you both get what you think is do you, arrest and conviction. I have not used this language with ANY one else from this site (absolutely fantastic people) except for you two :finger:. You both deserve what you get. It sounds to me as if speedhabit is just plain lazy, so he (or she, I don't know nor care) comes up with "I don't buy it". You are doing nothing more than looking for an excuse to do nothing...you ARE nothing :finger:. And as for you EvilAce420 :finger:, your retort (I'm sure you'll have to look that word up) was very eloquent and to the point...or should I say point-less. You didn't even spell "goverment" right. It figures. If you can't be part of something bigger than yourselves...just continue to be by yourselves. It fits you two :dunce::dunce: . So, for the first time, I'm using a smilie I never thought I'd have to use here...kiss-ass, both of you.
To assume this and start this fight makes you a loser, sorry. Maybe if you actually grew pot you wouldn't be this mean.

You want me to get arrested too, thanks, people throw that around way too much.

Im nothing, but this is something you dumb ass. God, "misspelled government"


Im depressed my brothers are in jail for growing, im more depressed that i will never be offered a political option in my state to legalize or even reduce the criminal penalties for growing. To assume the things you have about me is not only insulting to myself but it shows how really ignorant you are.


Well-Known Member
fuck you, you are just being a bitch, you dont even know me! so fuck off, and the only reason i said fuck the goverment is because they have such a great thing "pott" illegal. anyone have any thoughts about that? thats the only reason i posted on this thread, not to have somebody bitch at me like a female.


Well-Known Member
I dont want the government in any of my business. Expecially my pot. Im not gonna pay them shit, Ever.
In case any of you have noticed, but the government seems to fuck up just about everything. ( Iraq, Iran, Katrina, recount in florida, health care) the list goes on. Now they want to get there hands on more money and more power.


New Member
fuck you, you are just being a bitch, you dont even know me! so fuck off, and the only reason i said fuck the goverment is because they have such a great thing "pott" illegal. anyone have any thoughts about that? thats the only reason i posted on this thread, not to have somebody bitch at me like a female.

I don't know who you are calling a bitch but you ought to not be directing that at me. :evil:

I dont want the government in any of my business. Expecially my pot. Im not gonna pay them shit, Ever.
In case any of you have noticed, but the government seems to fuck up just about everything. ( Iraq, Iran, Katrina, recount in florida, health care) the list goes on. Now they want to get there hands on more money and more power.

I want them to decriminalize and legalize so weed doesn't = criminal anymore. Yes the government is a bunch of strokers, nobody is debating that, we're all just tired of having to hide. I've been having to sneak around like some damn teenager since I was a teenager. It's retarded. I'm an adult taxpayer, I have a right to my smoke. :peace:


Well-Known Member
To assume this and start this fight makes you a loser, sorry. Maybe if you actually grew pot you wouldn't be this mean.

You want me to get arrested too, thanks, people throw that around way too much.

Im nothing, but this is something you dumb ass. God, "misspelled government"


Im depressed my brothers are in jail for growing, im more depressed that i will never be offered a political option in my state to legalize or even reduce the criminal penalties for growing. To assume the things you have about me is not only insulting to myself but it shows how really ignorant you are.
I don't start things, I'm a former Marine, I finish. I didn't START this, you and your little buddy did with your moronic comments. If my assumption is wrong, prove it and join this struggle. And if my assumption is wrong, I apologize. But if you read your comment, unknown to you who said it, would you not be riled also? And "if I grew"? See below, my FIRST try. 30 days of flowering left.

The main reason for my reply to you is to get you to get involved. Did it work, or ARE you just lazy?

And as for you EvilAce420, are you going to get involved too, or are you just going to continue with your immature adolescent mouth and just swear at people who ARE trying to do something. I bet your parents are sooooo proud of you. Get involved! Your rhetoric is deafening.



Active Member
well it's about time.....

that some of are elected idiots realize that MJ should be legal!

it's a hopeful start.....


New Member
That's your first grow? I'm working on my first grow. Seeing your first grow is making me feel a little better about mine. I hope mine is looking good like that when it gets that far along.


Well-Known Member
misshestermoffit: I agree, the decriminalization of marijuana is what I want for sure. But to full on legalize it so that corporations and gov't officails and lobbyist can get there hands on it will just ruin it. I see pot as a natural medicine. If you want to use or grow it you shouldnt be a criminal. But if you legalize it what is to stop the pharmacuetical cartel from coming in and fucking everything up???
Pharmacy companies account for 3 of the top 10 forbes 500. But those 3 companies account for over 50% of profits. Thats why I dont want them to legalize. I do support decriminaliztion 100% though.


New Member
It needs to be legal for us to possess it. If it's just decriminalized they can still come in and take it because it is not legal. You won't be fined or do time, but your stuff will be gone just the same.

It needs to be legal to possess it. It is a plant after all. I should be able to grow it in my herb garden right alongside my chives, thyme, yarrow, cilantro, etc. There should be some rule like you can have 5 plants and 2 1/2 ounces, anything over that you need a tax stamp or something like that.

Look how many people grow produce and sell it alongside the road. How much of that do you think the government sees? Hell I bet the folks in Washington cheat on their taxes way more than the rest of us, yet they are worried about taxing what's in my garden. I really hate politicians.........


Well-Known Member
start sending letters everymonth to prepare your congressmen and persuade them to vote yes come next year when this bill will be voted on they are not doing it this year they are waiting till Bush is out of the office because he will veto it

click the link in below my sig to the NORML site choose your state and sign on letters to your congressmen thats really the only way this will go if we all band together start sending letters and flood the congress about issue to decriminalize

dont just send one keep sending them every month add lets make a difference
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Well-Known Member
I don't start things, I'm a former Marine, I finish. I didn't START this, you and your little buddy did with your moronic comments.
The VA is out of zoloft again...tragic that I pay taxes. I just wish you could finish a sentence...or a war...

for the record, all I said was I dont think Pot will be federally legal in my lifetime (next 60 years give or take...hopefully take)

I just don't believe that any party desires to reduce penalties. My huge problem with the legalization movement is that they have been selling the same old
"legalization is around the corner" bullshit for the last 40 years. My uncle has a stack of High Times from the 80s and 90s. Everything sounds the same as now
"the way the laws are going pot will be legal in 10 years." Im not just pretending that we have made no progress.

• Every major county except for Fairfax, Virginia experienced
an increase in marijuana arrests between 1990 and
• The growth rates in marijuana arrests in the top 10 counties
ranged from 20% (San Diego, CA) to 418% (King,
• In 1990, 11 of the 20 counties in our sample had more
than 1,000 marijuana arrests; in 2002, all but one had
more than 1,000 marijuana arrests.

NYC in 94' 60+ % of marijuana arrests were for sale, 30% for possession. Guess what? in 2002 the arrests were 90% for possession 11% for sale. What does that tell you? Not only are they arresting
more ppl, but they are arresting more users and not the criminals who import and traffic drugs with violent repercussions.

Heres a link to a 1990-2002 marijuana study. I cite them in the above stats.

Seriously, from the view of the opposition who wants pot in the hands of kids? Who wants ppl with life sentences let out of jail? This is all they hear.

And I don't want to offend any proper servicemen but jar head, your a jerk, ease off the testosterone, everyone realizes what jarhead means so you can stop bitching about being a marine,
smoke some hash and let people have their own damn opinions. You cant win hearts and minds by thinking you always know whats best, they teach that in the marines right?
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Well-Known Member
Hey people, go to this site to register your comments on an ireport....iReport.com: Is it time to legalize pot? Make your feelings felt. It may not bring about change right away, but at least we are trying to do something other than smoke and make excuses for not doing anything.

As for you speedhabit. YOUR screen name tells a lot about you too. Wrong forum. Get over it and cut the rant down to an understandable paragraph or two. As I eluded, my objective is to get you participate in THIS venture. Have you registered yet or posted at that site or made an ireport to help this cause? All you did was look up some facts (Googled undoubtedly) to make you look involved. I don't buy it. Your type of commenting is seen in large quantity on you tube and break.com. Childish and immature posts to do nothing constructive, just hate and name calling. And again, your first post that started OUR little war, showed nothing but your lack of respect for this venture. Simple, get in or get out. I don't want to dissuade you from doing your part, but enough of this attack from you on a personal level. You know nothing of me other than I was a former Marine, and yes, I'm very proud of my service. What are you proud of? That you know how to google an eloquent sentence?


New Member
The VA is out of zoloft again...tragic that I pay taxes. I just wish you could finish a sentence...or a war...

That was the most childish, immature, uninformed comment I've ever heard. Do you really think the soldiers decide when a war starts or stops? :finger:

Speedfreak or methhead or whatever your name is, maybe when school is in session this fall and you are in your freshman history class maybe you could pay a little attention to who declares war and who decides when it's over. :dunce:

The point of the thread is that if we all sit on our dead asses weed will never be decriminalized or legal. We need to get off our dead asses (or meth asses in your case) and do something about it. Just sitting behind your computer moniter saying "it'll never happen" isn't really constructive help now is it? :fire: :wall:

So now either get in the game, or shut the hell up, your choice.......:twisted::peace: