Hey guys im finishing up my first grow and need some major help.... I had a 4x4 grow tent with a 400w hps bulb and everything was running great... But today I upgraded my bulb to a 600w and it's getting frickin hot... I tried to rig my reflector wing and I put my exhaust right near the bulb and I have one fan blowing in there... I have 2 passive flaps opened... I'm pretty broke or else I'd upgrade to a 6 or 8 inch exhaust but can't at the moment... Just looking for advice on how to keep it cooler without having to purchase anything.... I originally had my exhaust at the top of the tent... But you can see from the pictures I'm trying to suck air from the bulb what will keep it cooler... Temps in top corner of tent are 74° but at plant level I went up to 87° with the 400w it was 79...heres some pictures of my setup any advice greatly appreciated The 4in exhaust will eventually have to be upgraded but what would help another fan blowing at the bulb? Open another passive vent? Move exhaust back to the top? Also in pics the white thing hanging near plants is my thermometer is this an appropriate place to put it... Fan is 159cfm with no carbon filter