Gorilla Glue #4 in Michigan

Who has the S1 of GG4? The GG4 BX you running too sounds like its gonna be a good one. Cant wait to see how everyone Glue crosses are doing

Mine selfed itself so I'm running those seeds, not an official or endorsed cross whatsoever.

The GF x GG#4 is the same thing, accidental cross that I'm running.

Hoping for a keeper, either way their clones will end up outside.
Please let me know about the SFV x LBL cuz I have a pack of those and fucking love the SFV.
(have the deadhead x lbl too, but saving those for when Larry gets back out cuz he's loves deadhead.)
Please let me know about the SFV x LBL cuz I have a pack of those and fucking love the SFV.
(have the deadhead x lbl too, but saving those for when Larry gets back out cuz he's loves deadhead.)

I def will bro. I'll be showing progress of them in my thread if you ever wanna stop by and take a peak at them. I'll post some updates in the Motarebel strains thread too. I think those will be special should be some great OG dom phenos
So pretty much right away I knew I was in trouble, my girls were about 22-24" before I could get them into flower. I kept close watch and some nights things would stretch as much as 2" and seemed to stop around day 28 and 48". So no one ended up punching the ceiling my worries are over. They are always tended to in the morning before I leave for work and then when I get home, we get to spend the quality time together. lol

They have been chugging along drinking up about 10 gallons out of a 60 gallon res daily and this is where my new concern started. I was wondering about this because by the end of the week they have drank the volume of the res, my ph is good and ec creeps down. I normally just do add backs of ca mg unless the ec is not moving then I'll just drop ro. Well this morning is day 5 on the nute sol in my res and it's down about 20 gallons this morning, so they drank 20 gallons in 12 hours. What I'm wondering is do I need a bigger res or will I have to do more frequent change outs if this spurs issues? Right now she seems happy, I just want to stay on top of things before there is a problem.
I add back nutes n mag with each fill up. Keeping ec around 1.0.
She will start her fade soon and slow a bit
I'm getting all the N I need off the cal nit in the cal mag, I was at 6.1 1.14 on a .7 conversion. She ate up a lot of N borderline over doing it turning blue leaf. Turned out it was 30 gallons low, I'm going to set up a tote res and float switch for top offs, because that is just silly. I don't want them to feel like a drought hits every night, at least not this early. After that add back it's settled to 6.2 .92 NN how many days has been the sweet spot for you?

edit: So I figured this out, I looked first thing and missed it, but after topping off I was keeping watch and did find a small leak from twisting my buckets around trying for a little extra space. I was shocked this morning when I saw how low things were, 15 gallons a day has been a norm, but to double that over night was blowing my mind.
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In soil I've haven't noticed any difference between 60 and 70 days. I try to time it so when I empty my drying space I have something to something to refill it with.
Watch out with the cal/mag, that stuff is poison after the first weeks of flower. It is much preferable to use other sources of those elements during hardy budding to avoid the nitrogen leafy-pissy flower factor. Remember, "Hay is for horses…"
Watch out with the cal/mag, that stuff is poison after the first weeks of flower. It is much preferable to use other sources of those elements during hardy budding to avoid the nitrogen leafy-pissy flower factor. Remember, "Hay is for horses…"
any recommendations for rdwc? I do use some CaCl as a sterilizer, but not sure how much Ca it's adding. I've looked around and heard good things about calcium-25, but can't seem to find out whats in it? I'm slowly working towards mixing my own salts and cal nit seems to be the popular source, I don't think calcium bi carbonate would be good for me, because the ph has to be quite low for it to be accessible some where around 4.2-4.5? Also any recs for sulfur other than epsom and potassium sulfate?
There have been several people donate Glue outcrosses to an USA based seed bank and they are up for auction to benifit Josey Whales war chest..
Should be up tomorro to end at 4:20 Sunday at the Thc expo