Neoliberal Economics is DEAD


Well-Known Member
This Is exactly what im talking about how about this copy and paste my post on Google see what pops up. the only thing that was copy and paste in here werd the quotes. But this is a prime example of what Americans do when someone speaks against the government " nice copy and paste " you're such a dick
Don't get sucked in. We're all in the habit of yelling at each other rather than having an intelligent and meaningful debate- a habit, by the way, that plays right into the hands of those few whose money really IS running this country.

MONEY IS NOT FREE SPEECH! Money in politics got us to where we are today; it is the political currency of oligopoly.


Well-Known Member
I'm just glad he kept a copy.
If my post is copy and paste, if you copy and paste it into google
you should get a result I spoke purely from my heart and knowledge I was given by months of reading articles and you guys's copy and paste WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO FIND A POST LIKE THAT ON GOOGLE AND COPY IT ? IF I DID COPY AND PASTE ANYTHING BUT THE QUOTES I WOULD TELL YOU.


Well-Known Member
This Is exactly what im talking about how about this copy and paste my post on Google see what pops up. the only thing that was copy and paste in here werd the quotes. But this is a prime example of what Americans do when someone speaks against the government " nice copy and paste " you're such a dick
I see you also edited some things in as well. Cute.


Well-Known Member
If my post is copy and paste, if you copy and paste it into google
you should get a result I spoke purely from my heart and knowledge I was given by months of reading articles and you guys's copy and paste WHERE ARE YOU GOING TO FIND A POST LIKE THAT ON GOOGLE AND COPY IT ? IF I DID COPY AND PASTE ANYTHING BUT THE QUOTES I WOULD TELL YOU.
I was responding to his comment. I said that I'm glad you kept a copy of your post, whatever the source. We all need to speak and be heard. Only then can consensus take root.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Is this you, or did you copy n paste the C.V. of the author?

If this is your C.V., what are you doing on a pot forum?

That's not a derisive question, either- someone of such accomplishment would be doing it for very good reasons and I'd like to know what they are.
That is the CV of the author of the article you posted.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Our system is skewed so heavily towards monied interests, be they individual, corporate or governmental in nature (and those lines are more blurred every day themselves) that the needs of the vast majority ACTUALLY DOING THE WORK are ignored to the point of being the butt of jokes.

Outsourcing; what has it done FOR our country and economy, besides enrich the few at the cost of impoverishing millions? In what scheme of economic theory does it make sense to DESTROY YOUR OWN CUSTOMER BASE?! If that isn't a classic example of shitting where you eat I don't know what is.

The solution, according to those same megacorps, is merely to expand overseas...

I think that's criminal.
Actually this is the rise of the machine. Human's are being side lined.


Well-Known Member
I already posted this once but I'll post it again just to make it clearer

"People need to understand that the crisis we are experiencing around the world today are created by governments around the world who favor the coming New World Order. They are setting the stage for a global event" - Barack Obama

The whole speech is on youtube some of the things he says on there are even more frightening than this quote.
Just type Barack Obama New World Order speech.


Well-Known Member
That's probably the dumbest thing I have heard in several months. This country was founded by rebels, you dummy.

Yes but they aren't around no more are they, they are the one's who created the constitution, which has been totally flipped by today's government yesterday's rebels basically have been dumped in the trash by today's government. So please try calling me dumb again.


Well-Known Member
That's probably the dumbest thing I have heard in several months. This country was founded by rebels, you dummy.
Name calling doesn't have a place here.

Your point is valid, however.

Did you know the term redneck is itself a term rooted in a rebel movement?

My own ancestors, Scots-Irish immigrants working in coal mines in Tennessee, rebelled against the mine owners who treated them badly- VERY badly- and wore red handkerchiefs around their necks to differentiate themselves from Pinkerton mercenaries hired by the mine owners.

So us redneck have a proud history of fighting for our civil rights as well... against monied interests who cared nothing for civil rights. Some things change, others, it seems, do not.