New light, back then , with discount…about $450~
Same light, with
general pricing discount, at it's lowest point (that I know of)…about $400
I expected to get the light for $350, but he said he was no longer honoring the return-customer discount. $400 was as low as it was going to go.
But none of the lights that I wanted are even available, now, anyway! Too late!
And, yes, I know that I would have been willing to pay $450 back in the day, when the prices were high. Irrelevant, though…
He changed the general pricing on the remaining inventory he had so that he could make room for the next models that would be soon replacing the older versions. I just waited for what I thought was going to be the best deal for me, the returning customer. Hurray for me! right? Nope.
It's only $50 in terms of cash, but the idea behind advertising an incentive such as a return-customer discount and then not honoring that specific discount,
after the fact, is worrisome to me. The discount was in addition to the general pricing, as I understood it to be advertised.
The policy was a hassle for him? Okay, but why take away my cupcake?

I didn't do anything wrong! I just wanted to give him hundreds more dollars is all!
It's worrisome to me. It indicates that if he gets too exasperated by some
other policies that
he made, then he might just change those, too, (to avoid hassles from needy customers).
It's his company and he can do whatever he wants. nyeh! nyeh!