transplant question


Started these with happy frog soil transplanted into Walmart soil (not MG) prepared the ph and nutes before transplant. I bought (3) 4' 32 watt x2 fluorescent 6500k bulbs 2900 lumens each bulb for veg. plus (24) 23 watt 2700k clfs for flowering. I'm using six of the cfls for just a little more light to fill in the spaces between the 4' bulbs. I have also been keeping up with fox farms trio feeding schedule. Ok used that to let you all know how these plants were started well that wal-mart soil I used was a big mistake no matter what I tried the pH would not come down under 7.5 I got ocean forest soil from a local store and transplanted into 5 gallon buckets two days ago but they are not getting better any suggestions these pictures were of the lower leaves and diatomatatious earth earth killed all signs of bugs that I had but the roots during transplant looked fine. One more question I had when I transplanted these should I have knocked off all the soil I could off the roots or just leave the root ball and put it in the new good soil like I did?



Well-Known Member
Usually we try not to disturb the root mass when did you measure your pH? I'm curious. And show us a picture of your setup/plants, we want some hard core grow porn here! Not just leaves.


Well-Known Member
If you broke a bunch of roots, then your plant will probably be droopy for awhile. Definitely want to disturb those roots as little as possible, transplanting when they are on the dry side of things helps keep that root ball from crumbling. With that being said, if it's the ph of your dirt then flush them out. Just make sure they aren't already stressing on something else.


Active Member
That's right, its probably in shock... It can take a day or weeks for it to recover, all depends

NEVER use cheap soil. I did the same thing first time around, miracle grow would have been better than the organic mud ive seen there, your soil is very important and often overlooked!

think of it this way, if you put your seed in an ugly girl you're going to have an ugly baby haha...


haha never thought of it that way but in just a few days of ocean forest soil things are looking much better and as for hard core plant porn how is this hoping to start flower in the next week or so if they keep doing well
IMG_1451.JPG IMG_1452.JPG IMG_1453.JPG IMG_1454.JPG IMG_1455.JPG IMG_1456.JPG


Well-Known Member
haha never thought of it that way but in just a few days of ocean forest soil things are looking much better and as for hard core plant porn how is this hoping to start flower in the next week or so if they keep doing well
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those look fine, I would personally train them down to get more under your light, try to get your canopy to match the lighting area.