Did my OG kush hermie? Are these balls?

She's 4 weeks into flowering and I really think she hermied .
I divided my grow room today and I trimmed her again and removed what I think we're balls. She still budding , Should I let her finish or just kill it ?

I think the last pic looks a lot like a female but at the bottoms of the bud there might be a ball



Well-Known Member
She's 4 weeks into flowering and I really think she hermied .
I divided my grow room today and I trimmed her again and removed what I think we're balls. She still budding , Should I let her finish or just kill it ?

I think the last pic looks a lot like a female but at the bottoms of the bud there might be a ball
yep it sure is tiger


Well-Known Member
Well hopefully the whole room is on the same time schedule and not staggered like a three stage flowering process or 14 day perpetual. If you are running a one and done grow i wouldnt worry about it. Kill the clones you took off of her and let the plant finish with all the other ones. Chances are that you wont get all the pollen sacs and theyll open and pollinate everything.....that sucks, but seeds arent the end of the world. A pollenated plant still has just as much thc at the end as a non pollinated one. Usually while inspecting the plant dailiy youll be able to find most of the forming seeds and chop them out along with when you hang and trim the plant. Just pluck em outta there. If you do your job well then anyone smoking your product wont care if theres seeds in it because theyll be totally baked anyway. Just make sure to tell them theres seeds and make the bags a bit heavier to compensate for the seeds they have to pull out....which aint much ;)
The problem with killing the herming plant is that unless its gone straight to shit, like a thousand ball on it. Is that youve probably already gotten pollenated and you dont know it yet, so your just going to lose final product by killing one of your soon to be seeded plants. Stay on them though, pluck the balls off, and watch for bananas forming which means theyve been impregnated by jizz, and keep a close eye for seeds and youll still have a great harvest.
Well hopefully the whole room is on the same time schedule and not staggered like a three stage flowering process or 14 day perpetual. If you are running a one and done grow i wouldnt worry about it. Kill the clones you took off of her and let the plant finish with all the other ones. Chances are that you wont get all the pollen sacs and theyll open and pollinate everything.....that sucks, but seeds arent the end of the world. A pollenated plant still has just as much thc at the end as a non pollinated one. Usually while inspecting the plant dailiy youll be able to find most of the forming seeds and chop them out along with when you hang and trim the plant. Just pluck em outta there. If you do your job well then anyone smoking your product wont care if theres seeds in it because theyll be totally baked anyway. Just make sure to tell them theres seeds and make the bags a bit heavier to compensate for the seeds they have to pull out....which aint much ;)
The problem with killing the herming plant is that unless its gone straight to shit, like a thousand ball on it. Is that youve probably already gotten pollenated and you dont know it yet, so your just going to lose final product by killing one of your soon to be seeded plants. Stay on them though, pluck the balls off, and watch for bananas forming which means theyve been impregnated by jizz, and keep a close eye for seeds and youll still have a great harvest.
Yeah the whole grow room is on the same 12/12 schedule, I divided my grow room would the pollen still get to my other plants through crack stuff. I've looked all over my other plants on alllllll the buds and I haven't found any bananas or seeds but on the OG KUSH I found balls and 5-6 bananas. Wow man thanks for the info, I was so scared my whole harvest was trash . This is actually all person use, thanks sooo much dude. Any other advice yu got for a rookie ? Also would the seeds that come out bet all hermie seeds ? The OG kush seed was feminized but I guess she hermied because of stress .



Well-Known Member
Sadly yes I would think so. Best bet is get them gone. Be careful cutting them out, I would mist them first to help keep any pollen from getting to airborne.


Well-Known Member
Ya, the pollen will probably go all over the place. Probably already has. If your four weeks into flower already itll probably take almost two weeks to start seeing bananas or pods on your other plants. Then itll be about two weeks untill the seeds are forming. Thats the end of harvest. So id probably chop a couple days early depending on how many seeds your seeing and how bad theyre getting. Probably a week early. I took one out that hermed and the whole rest of the room had already gotten it so i just wasted a plant chopping one down. The other ones were all sellable even with a couple seeds and nobody complained. Mine hermed at week four too, also a feminized seed, but i had just taken a dozen clones off of it and then threw it into the flower room with no recovery time and it flipped shit. Two whole long ass branches covered in pods. Seeds arent the end of the world. Yes, water does nuetralize pollen so a couple mists wont hurt anything to keep the stuff down a bit and make sure at the end of the grow that you mist everything down, tables, fans, floors, walls, everything, so it doesnt happen on the next run too buy accident. I added a bit of bleach to the water to sanitize the whole room and kill any mold from humidity as well.


Well-Known Member
She's 4 weeks into flowering and I really think she hermied .
I divided my grow room today and I trimmed her again and removed what I think we're balls. She still budding , Should I let her finish or just kill it ?

I think the last pic looks a lot like a female but at the bottoms of the bud there might be a ball
Looks like a hermy from here... damn, sorry bro. Pick that shit off, if you can, otherwise just cut her (I see some resin on those buds). :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Im just finishing week 4 and my girls are showing no signs of herm, these being taken from a plant that hermed on me in flower.
I would keep it by itself and seed it, but i have multiple tents so to speak.
Yeah she was growing sacs eveywheere so had to chop her down and shes been drying for couples days .
My other plants seem good so far, thanks guys .


Well-Known Member
Yeah she was growing sacs eveywheere so had to chop her down and shes been drying for couples days .
My other plants seem good so far, thanks guys .
Watch like a hawk for the next two weeks. Ill bet you see some nanners. Good luck though.