I still say hook up a carbon filter next to the plants on the ceiling and a canfan to it and blow it out the ceiling. If its a crap stack then itll be well ventilated. Blow it schully.
i'm telling you..i'd do it in a heartbeat and had a friend who knows electrical..that fan in the bath is a fan..no crap stack that's what we were thinking..so he built the door exhaust but used a 4" instead of 6"..he didn't charge me so i couldn't complain i need to swap out to 6" fitting and punch a hole in the ceiling close to the door. this is where the AC passes by..just need to get a vent and insert. but this is me and me is a girl and i've been known to put the canfan on backwards back in the day..can't even use the bath outlet as it trips the main.