Sheriffs sue Colorado over legal marijuana

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then why do you frequently refer to the president by racist slurs?

You call him "black" when he is half white. Why?

who's forced?

Who's on first Abbott?

they can open a private club if they are racist and hateful like you.

I'm not racist or hateful. I leave other people alone if that is their wish.

Private property is and was ALREADY private. If you are forced to fill out forms or seek permission to use it in a given way that doesn't deprive another person of their use of their own property or body, it has ceased to be private property and has become something less. That's so obvious, I thought even you could grasp that.

selling gasoline to a black person is like getting raped?
No. Being forced to interact with anybody you prefer not to interact with is the primary component of what makes rape, rape, and not consensual sex.

By the way when you pull up for gas, the bathroom is out of order, I hope you understand why.


Well-Known Member
Your premise is flawed, it relies on a false assertion, I'm not a racist. However you ARE an admitted floor shitter.

Racists have no right to initiate aggression to other people or their property. Yet, no other people have a right to initiate harm (trespass) to a racists property.

My desired way of doing things is not to initiate aggression ANYWHERE. You would take away a persons right to be left alone EVEN IF THEY REMAIN ON THEIR OWN PROPERTY. Sounds very prohibitionist like to me.
you didn't address the fact that we tried doing things your way and it caused a ton of harm.

are you able to admit that harm was caused when we let racists kick people out of their stores?

or is this yet another question you will refuse to answer?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so who is forcing these people to not open private clubs then?

why can you never answer a single simple question?

You operate on the assumption that government has the last say in everything and by edict and force can change the meaning of what ownership is. If a person must open a "private club" to fully own what is already their property or suffer consequences....isn't there an element of force involved?

The answer is shit.

The question was what is in your pants?


Well-Known Member
If a person must open a "private club" to fully own what is already their property or suffer consequences....isn't there an element of force involved?
yes, defensive force, which you say is a good thing.

the government is using defensive force to protect people from the harmful racism that people like you endlessly defend.

it's really not a whole lot of force, you don't have to do anything or jump through any hoops to call yourself a private club.

tell me, what type of force is applied when a racist kicks someone out of their store because of their skin color? is that defensive force (good), or offensive force (bad)?

and even though i once again answered your questions, you refused to answer mine because you are a dumbass racist coward.

so who is forcing these people to not open private clubs then?

what s the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on skin color?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
you didn't address the fact that we tried doing things your way and it caused a ton of harm.

are you able to admit that harm was caused when we let racists kick people out of their stores?

or is this yet another question you will refuse to answer?

No "we" didn't try things that way. People that approve of running others lives for them did...people like YOU! People that think they can own other people or control their property passed laws preventing businesses from trading with people, marrying them or any number of other things. Forced segregation is wrong...obviously.

However, you don't solve a problem of forced segregation, by implementing forced integration. You abolish forced segregation and people will then associate on a consensual basis rather than on a forced basis.

Force is the problem in both instances, not the solution in either.

Are you able to admit that if somebody truly owns property and remains on it, they have a right to control it, but not to control the property of others?


Well-Known Member
No "we" didn't try things that way.
yes we did. denying history will not change history.

...passed laws preventing businesses from trading with people...
there were exceedingly few laws mandating segregation by business owners. by and large, it was just racists doing things your way, with no force of law making them do it.

... if somebody truly owns property and remains on it, they have a right to control it...
are you saying people are currently prohibited from calling their business a private one and kicking out all the black people they want?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes, defensive force, which you say is a good thing.

the government is using defensive force to protect people from the harmful racism that people like you endlessly defend.

it's really not a whole lot of force, you don't have to do anything or jump through any hoops to call yourself a private club.

tell me, what type of force is applied when a racist kicks someone out of their store because of their skin color? is that defensive force (good), or offensive force (bad)?

and even though i once again answered your questions, you refused to answer mine because you are a dumbass racist coward.

so who is forcing these people to not open private clubs then?

what s the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on skin color?
You were doing so well at the beginning of your post too, almost conversational. Then you rudely peed the bed again.

The government's business model is based in offensive force, so that idea is far fetched. They were the fuckers that embraced systemic racism in the first place, not to mention genocide.

I already answered your last question, but I'll give it another try - "Hey white boy!! Yeah you, the one with the dirty drawers, don't be coming into my shop and shitting all over my floors okay? Now git the fuck outta here and stay out. "


Well-Known Member
The government's business model is based in offensive force
are you saying that ending segregation was offensive to you?

They were the fuckers that embraced systemic racism in the first place
no, that was a few local governments.

the fed gov used defensive force to end the segregation.

get your fucking history straight.

so who is forcing these people to not open private clubs then?

what s the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on skin color?


Well-Known Member
I already answered your last question, but I'll give it another try - "Hey white boy!! Yeah you, the one with the dirty drawers, don't be coming into my shop and shitting all over my floors okay? Now git the fuck outta here and stay out. "

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
yes we did. denying history will not change history.

there were exceedingly few laws mandating segregation by business owners. by and large, it was just racists doing things your way, with no force of law making them do it.

are you saying people are currently prohibited from calling their business a private one and kicking out all the black people they want?

When you use the term "we" are you also taking responsibility for the slavery that your "we" adored? How about the forced segregation, are you part of that 'we" too? I am not part of that "we" .

Your second sentence is false. I'm too lazy and unstoned (for the time being) to research it right now though.

I'm saying government usurped peoples property rights and shifted something that was once private property to something less than private property. What people do with their own property may be objectionable to you or me, but that doesn't give us the right to control them or their property.

My defending a racists right to control his own property is not the same as defending racists acts against another person or their property either. You seem to have had a hard time grasping that....might I suggest you take your hands out of your pants, it will help you grasp other things.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
are you saying that ending segregation was offensive to you?

no, that was a few local governments.

the fed gov used defensive force to end the segregation.

get your fucking history straight.

so who is forcing these people to not open private clubs then?

what s the most peaceful way to kick someone out of your store based on skin color?

I'm saying that forcing people to associate or not associate is a form of the same thing...forcing them.

Coercive governments are systemically incapable of using defensive force, that is self evident since they are coercive and gain their "authority" thru offensive force , rather than consent to begin with.

Have a good night.


Well-Known Member
When you use the term "we" are you also taking responsibility for the slavery that your "we" adored? How about the forced segregation, are you part of that 'we" too? I am not part of that "we" .

Your second sentence is false. I'm too lazy and unstoned (for the time being) to research it right now though.

I'm saying government usurped peoples property rights and shifted something that was once private property to something less than private property. What people do with their own property may be objectionable to you or me, but that doesn't give us the right to control them or their property.

My defending a racists right to control his own property is not the same as defending racists acts against another person or their property either. You seem to have had a hard time grasping that....might I suggest you take your hands out of your pants, it will help you grasp other things.
Do you think a man in his 30's who's been living off of others and thinks it's hilarious to shit on the floor of a public place where people eat food is ever going to respect property?

I applaud your effort, but it's wasted on the RACIST!!! public shitter.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Do you think a man in his 30's who's been living off of others and thinks it's hilarious to shit on the floor of a public place where people eat food is ever going to respect property?

I applaud your effort, but it's wasted on the RACIST!!! public shitter.

He does seem to have a comprehension problem now that you mention it.


Well-Known Member
Your second sentence is false.
then cite it.

show me laws in every state in the entire south mandating that business owners refuse service to blacks. i will wait.

government usurped peoples property rights and shifted something that was once private property to something less than private property. What people do with their own property may be objectionable to you or me, but that doesn't give us the right to control them or their property.
they can't control their property now?

for the seventh time, who is forcing them to not be private clubs?

My defending a racists right to control his own property is not the same as defending racists acts against another person or their property either.
you are defending racists, and saying they have a right to commit racist acts which cause harm.


Well-Known Member
Coercive governments are systemically incapable of using defensive force
you are saying that outlawing the harmful racist practices that you now advocate for was an offensive act.

you are saying that ending forced segregation was an offensive act.

you are a piece of garbage.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then cite it.

show me laws in every state in the entire south mandating that business owners refuse service to blacks. i will wait.

they can't control their property now?

for the seventh time, who is forcing them to not be private clubs?

you are defending racists, and saying they have a right to commit racist acts which cause harm.

Here's a few racist state laws for you...

Created by Martin Luther King, Jr.,National Historic Site Interpretive Staff.

Click to see larger image. ( K)

From the 1880s into the 1960s, a majority of American states enforced segregation through "Jim Crow" laws (so called after a black character in minstrel shows). From Delaware to California, and from North Dakota to Texas, many states (and cities, too) could impose legal punishments on people for consorting with members of another race. The most common types of laws forbade intermarriage and ordered business owners and public institutions to keep their black and white clientele separated.
Here is a sampling of laws from various states:

Nurses No person or corporation shall require any white female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either public or private, in which negro men are placed. Alabama

Buses All passenger stations in this state operated by any motor transportation company shall have separate waiting rooms or space and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races. Alabama

Railroads The conductor of each passenger train is authorized and required to assign each passenger to the car or the division of the car, when it is divided by a partition, designated for the race to which such passenger belongs. Alabama

Restaurants It shall be unlawful to conduct a restaurant or other place for the serving of food in the city, at which white and colored people are served in the same room, unless such white and colored persons are effectually separated by a solid partition extending from the floor upward to a distance of seven feet or higher, and unless a separate entrance from the street is provided for each compartment. Alabama

Pool and Billiard Rooms It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together or in company with each other at any game of pool or billiards. Alabama

Toilet Facilities, Male Every employer of white or negro males shall provide for such white or negro males reasonably accessible and separate toilet facilities. Alabama

Intermarriage The marriage of a person of Caucasian blood with a Negro, Mongolian, Malay, or Hindu shall be null and void. Arizona

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I could have posted many more state laws that were based in some form of segregation...but I'm not going to waste my time.


Well-Known Member
so you've covered a small portion of businesses in alabama. now you need to get the rest of businesses in the rest of the south.

keep going.