Freedom of speech in an American head shop


Well-Known Member
Wondering how many people feel like I do. In America in a non weed legal state when your in a head shop/pipe shop You can't reference anything to do with weed, The second you do, your informed "sorry, I can't sell anything to you now". Due to talking about weed. Hence the loss of Freedom of speech. The guy that owns the store knows what I'm buying the pipe/papers/hooka for. I know why I'm buying it and the dumb asses that made this rule know why I'm buying it. To get high!!! IDK of any other store in America that if I say the wrong thing that I'm banned from purchasing anything for the rest of the day in that store.. So WTF. Does anyone else feel this way?

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I feel like it's bullshit but what can you do?

Don't use the word "bong" either because nobody smokes tobacco out of a "bong"

I've been asked to leave for that one before.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry I deleted my last comment cause I was ignorant in
my response. But yea I think it is bullshit that you can't say bong or any other word of that type and they can't sell you anything.
Fortunately I only got the boot from one the first headshop ever went to for saying im just looking for a bong when the guy asked me is there anything I can help you with once I handed him my I.D to this day I am very selective with words in whatever smoke shop I go to.


Well-Known Member
Wondering how many people feel like I do. In America in a non weed legal state when your in a head shop/pipe shop You can't reference anything to do with weed, The second you do, your informed "sorry, I can't sell anything to you now". Due to talking about weed. Hence the loss of Freedom of speech. The guy that owns the store knows what I'm buying the pipe/papers/hooka for. I know why I'm buying it and the dumb asses that made this rule know why I'm buying it. To get high!!! IDK of any other store in America that if I say the wrong thing that I'm banned from purchasing anything for the rest of the day in that store.. So WTF. Does anyone else feel this way?
Same thing can happen in a gun shop. Its CYA for the shop owner; so it's understandable


Well-Known Member
The smoke shop I go too doesn't have a problem with it, they'll tell me to smoke a fat bowl for them when I buy a new piece. I've been to shops that pull the shit you're talking about, they don't get my business. I'm in a medical state so there should be no reason for that treatment.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
I agree, but in an illegal see state they have to sell all of it under the guise of being used for tobacco.

I was 18-19 when they kicked me out for the word bong. I've grown up a lot since then and now it's just good habit to keep my business MY business.

These days I try to conduct myself in such a manner as to not taint the image of the "stoner" anymore than it already is.


Well-Known Member
Headshops and smoke shops are often under a lot of scrutiny and can often be closely watched.

If the wrong customer or an undercover walks into a headshop and hears everyone openly talking about which products are best used for smoke the latest strains of dank then the headshop can fall under investigation.

Your bad experience ends with getting declined a purchase for the day. Theirs ends with cops sitting out their door while a bunch of paranoid potheads come in and out. Who gets the worst end of that deal?

Try to think of it from the other side of the counter.

TBS - The Smoke shop I go too is awesome. Great selection of glassware, locally blown, cool nick-knacks, and great prices. Not to mention the employees are super friendly and informative. Oh and you can actually smoke while you're in the store (cigarettes of course). But they have it posted on the door and all over the store to watch how you phrase your words.

I'd gladly bite my tongue to go there, than to openly talking about rolling kush blunts in a store with overpriced chinese glass and shit service.

Now as far as "freedom of speech goes" yes you have the right to say whatever the fuck you want, but they also have the right to refuse service. If they feel that you're putting their business in jeopardy they can deny you entry.

If you're not getting prosecuted for it then they're not violating your rights.


Well-Known Member
I rock peas on my head, but don't call me pea head, bees on my head, but don't call me a bee head, bruce Lee's on my head but don't call me a lee head, now please excuse me I got's to get my tree fed, you wear name brands, and I make my own clothing, I hang out with an apple, who likes self loathing (I hate myself) pancake face makes me extra happy, I like shampoo bottles that sit on lappy, cause it's my show you can't tell me what to do when life pass me lemons, I make beef stew, so yo I gotta go it's time for me to rock it I put bolonga in my left pocket, smear some cream cheese in my gold locket, cause it's my show im Andy Milonakis, it's my show I'm Andy Milonakis, it's my show im Andy Milonakis.


Well-Known Member
In some states like mine you can not be charged for paraphernalia unless drugs are present. Others the paraphernalia charge can stand by its self.

So in reality its not the loss of freedom of speech, its more the fact that when you openly say what you are going to use it for turns it into a criminal act of selling you paraphernalia.


Well-Known Member
weed is weed and herbs are herbs,,so refrain from using the word weed, chronic,pot maryjane and so on and replace it with herb and you should be good to go

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
yes ganga can get you kicked,,,herb is the way to go when in a head shop

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Thats obvious and should get you the boot in a non legal state but saying bong, bowl or chillum? A simple "I didn't quite hear you... Did you say water pipe" etc. is a lot better way to handle the situation without treating your customers like low life's and kicking them out. Headshop employees usually take an attitude with any customer that slips up with the headshops PC crap.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Thats obvious and should get you the boot in a non legal state but saying bong, bowl or chillum? A simple "I didn't quite hear you... Did you say water pipe" etc. is a lot better way to handle the situation without treating your customers like low life's and kicking them out. Headshop employees usually take an attitude with any customer that slips up with the headshops PC crap.
Then the regulatory agency that sent the ringer in comes in and takes the shop's shit.