Freedom of speech in an American head shop


Well-Known Member
I know you are supposed to smoke tobacco out of a water pipe instead of mj out of a bong but what are you supposed to do with an oil rig, concentrate pen or meth pipe? Do the courts really think people are dabbing tobacco concentrates or does that fall into the novelty use category?

Also went to sex shop that didnt have any porn or sex toys. It was educational videos and medical devices.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I know you are supposed to smoke tobacco out of a water pipe instead of mj out of a bong but what are you supposed to do with an oil rig, concentrate pen or meth pipe? Do the courts really think people are dabbing tobacco concentrates or does that fall into the novelty use category?

Also went to sex shop that didnt have any porn or sex toys. It was educational videos and medical devices.
I hope you filed a formal complaint for that outrage.


Well-Known Member
I know you are supposed to smoke tobacco out of a water pipe instead of mj out of a bong but what are you supposed to do with an oil rig, concentrate pen or meth pipe? Do the courts really think people are dabbing tobacco concentrates or does that fall into the novelty use category?

Also went to sex shop that didnt have any porn or sex toys. It was educational videos and medical devices.
I went in to a shop that was selling a 2000$ oil rig that heats the nail for you, if you ask for butane the employees assume you're making oil and will tell you how much you need to buy vector but don't you dare say the B word. In a medical state.


Well-Known Member
Na man just don't go in acting a fool

I think what I'm trying to say is being misinterpreted. The terms some headshops want you to use are not common and arent always obvious to new customers. To kick out customers on the spot for not knowing the etiquette seems like a harsh thing to do.

I've seen a guy get kicked out for saying chillum, apparently they should have said "tasting pipe". How was he supposed to know?

Also I don't go into smoke shops "acting a fool" or talking about "kush rolled blunts".

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Yea I gotcha brother I'm just saying as I've gotten older it's all about being cool and laying low for me. You know what I mean? Go in and be easy, get to know the staff and learn the lingo. It sucks that they have to operate like that but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
Tasting pipe is a fucking stupid term for a chillum if you ask me. For tasting what exactly? Surely chillum is just the name of a type of clay or ceramic... er...tasting pipe?

Similar situation in the UK when buying seeds. Mention germination, and it's 'no sale' (by the book). Nothing wrong with souvenir seeds though. That's why The Attitude can't respond to "all my seeds died" emails with "sorry dude, here try again with these".

Now, in Ireland when you go for a sales job in a hydro store it seems they want to know your entire experience with growing weed and have you put it on paper for them... Or maybe I just look like a likely recruit for their sideline in ganja farming...?


Well-Known Member
I think what I'm trying to say is being misinterpreted. The terms some headshops want you to use are not common and arent always obvious to new customers. To kick out customers on the spot for not knowing the etiquette seems like a harsh thing to do.

I've seen a guy get kicked out for saying chillum, apparently they should have said "tasting pipe". How was he supposed to know?

Also I don't go into smoke shops "acting a fool" or talking about "kush rolled blunts".
The ony time ever i heard the word chillum was from the person at the smoke shop and online looking at glass. I think it actually is the correct term to use. If they want people using the right words, they should have shit labeled. They have a list of words you cant say but not one of the words you can say. I hate going in there and they ask do you know what you want and i say yes but i dont know what the hell its called.


Well-Known Member
Yea I gotcha brother I'm just saying as I've gotten older it's all about being cool and laying low for me. You know what I mean? Go in and be easy, get to know the staff and learn the lingo. It sucks that they have to operate like that but it is what it is.
Yea man I know what you mean. I'm not one to go in running my mouth but I've been in the OPs shoes. First time in a headshop I was kicked out for not calling a bowl a "slide", I had never heard that term before and the employee was quite rude about it.

I understand why smoke shops in illegal states would have that mentality and want to protect themselves. I just think it could be handled better.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like a lot of a the staff in these shops are basically a bunch of ego tripping know it all pricks. A sales assistant should say 'well sir, although it may appear to be a bowl shape, the correct term would be a slide'. Polite and not incriminating.
'Get outta my shop ya no good drug takin ne'er do well' is what I would expect from a bigoted and ignorant fuckwit. To take that stance knowing the full story just suggests an abuse of what little power a sales assistant can weild.


Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like a lot of a the staff in these shops are basically a bunch of ego tripping know it all pricks. A sales assistant should say 'well sir, although it may appear to be a bowl shape, the correct term would be a slide'. Polite and not incriminating.
'Get outta my shop ya no good drug takin ne'er do well' is what I would expect from a bigoted and ignorant fuckwit. To take that stance knowing the full story just suggests an abuse of what little power a sales assistant can weild.
really,,,they know what they sell and what it is for,,,fuck em if they don't wanna be employee of the month

Keep on Growin


Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Sounds to me like a lot of a the staff in these shops are basically a bunch of ego tripping know it all pricks. A sales assistant should say 'well sir, although it may appear to be a bowl shape, the correct term would be a slide'. Polite and not incriminating.
'Get outta my shop ya no good drug takin ne'er do well' is what I would expect from a bigoted and ignorant fuckwit. To take that stance knowing the full story just suggests an abuse of what little power a sales assistant can weild.
Yea but I was an asshole prick teen and thought my shit didn't stink. The guy warned me two or three times before he kicked me out


Well-Known Member
Yea but I was an asshole prick teen and thought my shit didn't stink. The guy warned me two or three times before he kicked me out
Ya shoulda cleaned a counter with one arm and gave him the finger with the other as you walked out,,,,,you said you were a teen at the time :twisted:

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I use to run a hydroshop next to head shop. Basically if I didn't like the way you looked and said anything illegal I'd kick them out.. Having a hydroshop next to a headshop I'd get tons of dumbasses all day err day. People would walk in and see my okra and tomato plants be like "is this marijuana" or I have people come and completely waste my time asking prices about every thing for hours, and then buy nothing.. I had one dumbass that came in and asked me how to get his stuff to smell like onions? I'm like wtf, onions? He was like my shit dont smell I want it smell like onions.. He had bought some shwag and he wanted something to spray on it..


Well-Known Member
Freedom of Speech works best when paired with the intelligence to use it.

This is not a free speech issue. If it was, you would be arrested for talking about cannabis - but you're not.

This is about running a business and existing in a community when you sell shit that is obviously for illegal use. If you own one of these businesses, you hope your customers will be smart enough to know when to keep their fucking mouth's shut. If they don't (OP), they endanger your livelihood.

Don't be a dumbass. Play the game when in the head shop and then take your protest to city hall.