Our Rising Oceans: VICE

Really, rising oceans will cause problems for some people, but very slowly. If you own oceanfront property you should think about selling it in a few years and don't buy near the beach again.

If someone gets washed away due to rising oceans they get no pity from me.
Why would you use a graph to show the world your point of view about Carbon Dioxide when Mona Loa is just a few miles away from one of the most active volcanos in the world? This is why I watch fox news because the left is in a big make believe fantasy land fairy tale.

Mona Loa is the hill above my house and Kilauea is the next volcano to the north east a few miles away and it puts out a bunch of gasses all the time. Buck is a lot like gruber , hoping everybody is stupid enough to believe his lie's.

Very retarded statement. Very fox-newsian of you to point out what you believe and call it truth.
Very retarded statement. Very fox-newsian of you to point out what you believe and call it truth.

Really? You should look up the volcanos in Hawaii and then try to make sense of bucks post again. There are VOG reports daily on the islands because of the gas levels being high so people with breathing problems can help deal with it. And it is not man made. I believe it to be all natural. But you can believe what ever you want.
Run, run for your lives! Oh, the humanity. What will the beach-dwellers do? How can they possibly outrun oceans screaming in at a rate of inches per decade.

If you contemplate this horseshit for even one second after you post in this thread, you lead an empty life. Even if you're right, and you aren't, NOTHING will be done to rein in humanity's emissions...EVER.

If an affordable and efficient alternate energy source is discovered and PERFECTED, there's a good chance in about 20 years after it's discovery that you could see gas, oil and coal phased out. But, it probably won't be in your lifetimes. Have fun bleating and caterwauling, to no avail, for the rest of your miserable lives.
It's going to take a reliable and affordable alternative for not just us but the entire world (which if it were reliable and affordable, it would snap happen worldwide).

The US currently produces 20% of the world's greenhouse gases and we are reducing. At the rate the rest of the world is increasing production. We could stop producing completely and within 20 years, the world will be producing as much today without ANY from us.

This is why I say policies like cap and trade are such a farce and as someone pointed out earlier, a money grab.

Alternative energy ftw!. Not fuel subsidies, not more corn subsidies, but viable alternaties.


That only proves that the natural state of our planet is one of constant change.

Therefore the planet should now stay exactly the same as it was between the years 1950-1985, and any change from that is due to mankind and a tax will prevent change from happening, and if change keeps happening, then an even higher tax will be needed, and more and more until everything regresses back to that period of time that we like best.

Taxation will motivate people to think of the earth as they get taxed closer and closer to living on it's bare soil.
That only proves that the natural state of our planet is one of constant change.

Therefore the planet should now stay exactly the same as it was between the years 1950-1985, and any change from that is due to mankind and a tax will prevent change from happening, and if change keeps happening, then an even higher tax will be needed, and more and more until everything regresses back to that period of time that we like best.

Taxation will motivate people to think of the earth as they get taxed closer and closer to living on it's bare soil.

Succinct and accurate indictment of the entire warmista chicken little philosophy.
It is faith based belief in the infallibility of governmental fund raising that drives these foolish lemmings.
I agree completely.
Well done.
Can you explain how the history of the Earth pertains to the current warming trend?

Earth has warmed in the past due to different reasons, that's true, right now the Earth is warming because humans have been adding carbon dioxide to the biosphere at an exponential rate for over a century. So what does the previous warm periods have to do with the current warming period?
basicallly claimed it right here lol and denied any responsibility to possible warming period
Some people claim intense methane gas from the inner most stall of the men's room at Wendy's has caused the seas to rise several inches in the last few decades.

If we all give Al Gore and Burger King our money we might STILL be able to save the planet, but time is short. I believe Burger King still has some "methane credits" since it's floors have remained pristine, they can handle a little dung due to their innovative waste stack venting. Please consider going there when you must create methane....the future of the planet depends on you. Thank you.
Succinct and accurate indictment of the entire warmista chicken little philosophy.
It is faith based belief in the infallibility of governmental fund raising that drives these foolish lemmings.
I agree completely.
Well done.

the washington post would strongly disagree with you, and since you hold the washington post as the standard bearer of truth, you have just called yourself a liar. prevaricator in chief. doucheling of the century.

also, you espouse the same views that KKK leader david duke does.
Some people claim intense methane gas from the inner most stall of the men's room at Wendy's has caused the seas to rise several inches in the last few decades.

If we all give Al Gore and Burger King our money we might STILL be able to save the planet, but time is short. I believe Burger King still has some "methane credits" since it's floors have remained pristine, they can handle a little dung due to their innovative waste stack venting. Please consider going there when you must create methane....the future of the planet depends on you. Thank you.

What is your stance on this Rob?