CXA3590 Build Plan

That's the old part number, ver 1.2. The new higher efficiency models will be listed on digikey within a month.

It really makes no difference, but the Vf is going to be 39v @ 2.8 amps. However I'm having difficulties finding drivers capable of driving multiple vero 29's that high on a single driver. Looks like the 3590 might be the better choice for your application.

Although 5 vero 29 2.0's driven by a meanwell HLG-185H-C1050B would be 46.2% efficient. It would also cost an extra $200 in emitters. Though it would only be $1.76/parw.

Version 2
Hmmmm.... I'll look at that. Thanks.

Those Mean Well drivers I speced have a 17 week lead time. There was only one available at that site.

"Although 5 vero 29 2.0's driven by a meanwell HLG-185H-C1050B".....yeah. You are getting around 38w per COB, on one Driver.

I wish I could find a driver 300w @72v and 1400ma. That's 3 x CXB3590
I see another circle here. If I order now and wait 17 weeks, what will be the new thing that I will have to wait 17 weeks for? :)
I got time. And I see what you mean. I am beginning to, anyway.

I hate the bitter pills of Physics. :)

I am moving away from HPS and I am not trying to beat the pants off it. I want to replace 1000w HPS stations with 1000w LED stations.

I am after ease of use and no wire tangle or Reflector hood. It is not only about efficiency for me. You know you and I did talk about the various forms of that word and the meanings. Effective vs Efficient.

There is another word that best describes my design goal. :)

noun: efficacy
the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
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I would take his advice. More emitters driven softly not only have a raw efficiency bonus. But they also score big points in distribution (more over lapping circles).

Plus, the lamp will outlast the drivers several times over with minimal spectral shift or lumen depreciation
Also consider that the low hanging fruit is VEG.

If you keep your veg lamps on for 24 hours a day, you will be getting twice the value out of your investment, not to mention the 5000k 70cri phosphors tend to be even more efficient than 3000k 80cri phosphors.

Replacing the old veg tubes with 50% efficient cobs would have a much better impact on the electric bill than replacing out flowering. I use 40W of vero 18 5000k running at 350mA for 47% efficiency for my whole veg area now.

Exact mind reading. I will move away from a 32x32 tent and 150w CFL to a 4x8 tent with 600w of COBs.(1st guess) There I will be a lot more efficiency conscious. All good points.

I would take his advice. More emitters driven softly not only have a raw efficiency bonus. But they also score big points in distribution (more over lapping circles).

Plus, the lamp will outlast the drivers several times over with minimal spectral shift or lumen depreciation

Right but there are new COBs out every few years. So, I want to bang these harder since I will replace them in 5 years.

But, this is the Phase 2 of a Concept. Refine it. And I must say, also have Sidelight LEDs in mind. Vertical cooling.
Right but there are new COBs out every few years. So, I want to bang these harder since I will replace them in 5 years.

But, this is the Phase 2 of a Concept. Refine it. And I must say, also have Sidelight LEDs in mind. Vertical cooling.

Honestly, you would be better served by a good de hps or cmh bulbs with a mentality like that. The end result would be similar as would power consumption. But the raw material cost would be considerably lower.
You guys are not listening. I am trying to MATCH the power consumption of HPS. This is not my first grow. I have lots of experience with HPS, and UVB.

You could make a, why not HPS thread?. But it does not belong here. And it is not helping.

Running more heatsink Sims is helping. Suggesting Drivers is helping.

DIY is always cheaper, unless you figure labor. And you are not refuting my $2.75 a P-watt estimate.

HID is a hassle. I know this. So, I know when I am better off.
HID is a hassle? You haven't even gotten to drilling holes yet! You will as skilled as a dentist after drilling all the holes!

Why do you care? You know don't me. I have bit of a machine shop. I prototype a lot.
I just put a supercharger on a motorcycle.

HID is a hassle of maintenance. And it is no easy task to rig up, either.

So, do you any more Sims? How about at 600w @ 40mph? Over a 3.5 inch wide profile Huh? :)
For a bed room, you'd think 3-4x 1000W HPS lamps would be the least hassle. Just buy the lights, hang them up, done.

Go ahead, cowboy. You hang HPS, your done. WTF? I think the biggest failure in life is to think others are more or less like you. You are simply arguing again.
Look, we're trying to help you out... you don't know anything about the binning, about efficiency, about heat sinks and cooling. Are you asking me for more simulations? That takes a lot of my time you know. So far you've never even thought to ask me what the tool is called. Instead, you kick and scream any time someone tries to help you out.

You could have the bedroom up and running in a week if you wanted... but instead it will likely be vacant for months while you slowly figure out what you want to do with led.

You have never seem me kick and scream. What is your hurry? I don't have one.

I can go to my clinic and buy some pot any day of the week.

So, all this "help" is based on false assumptions. I don't need that help. It is not help.
And you know what. I can go buy a Black Dog any time I want.

So, help is a funny concept. It is like the Church was "helping" Galileo by not letting him look.

You both continue to assume my design goals, my situation, my funds, my beliefs.

Not help.
Then stop asking us questions and start building your lamp!!! After 11 pages, you'd think this thread would have amounted to something.

Sure, go buy a black dog... lol You've totally got this all figured out.

Why are you harnessing me? I never invited you to do anything. And now you after a few days the thread has not amount to anything.

At this point, sir. I would take you aside and we would have words. So, just fuck off, instead.

Disappear, how about?
Because you keep asking me to make more simulations for you... You know there's a way to do that for yourself...

I never asked for that. Liar. I said if you want to help, run another. Or not, who cares? Don't you get it?

I run engine sims, flight sim, Finite element sims, and I don't want you to run a sim OK? I can download something or buy it, I am sure.