Who has the biggest penis on RIU contest

It was inevitable. ...i wanted to start a dick thread a while agobut i was supposed to be setting an example. So i asked Pinny to do it. He doesnt gaf. This place has degraded ever since. Im so glad.
Well unclebuck posted a pic of his dick, and it was, well pretty average. So I decided to make this thread. And never got the balls to post mine, because to many of y'all know me now...
Well unclebuck posted a pic of his dick, and it was, well pretty average. So I decided to make this thread. And never got the balls to post mine, because to many of y'all know me now...
Post it anyway....what do u got to lose? I think the winner of the biggest dick thread should be made an honorary mod....for a day even.

U know some of the craziest nastiest rotten bogue grimey raunchiest shit i've ever seen/read/heard has been on this forum