cloning in water


Well-Known Member
So ive read that u can clone in a cup of water im not asking if u can really cuz i read about 20 different sites saying they have done it but one thing they didnt mention is do u ph ur water with ph down or do u just use tap water
Its possible I have a plant right now I ran a test on so yea it works ,takes a bit longer but I used filtered water no PH adjustments just stuck in a cup of water put in my veg area and forgot about it honestly, 2 weeks later a single root was floating in the water.
Its possible I have a plant right now I ran a test on so yea it works ,takes a bit longer but I used filtered water no PH adjustments just stuck in a cup of water put in my veg area and forgot about it honestly, 2 weeks later a single root was floating in the water.
Ya thats what i read ima try it tonight
You clone your babe in tap water ...if that don't work then use the other stuff, after all its just teasing out roots from the cambium layer of the bark
you may assist this en devour by keeping the rootlets in the dark and having 02 thru the water to oxygenate the water to stimulate hormonal activity

of some really cool cloning eduction you can try inserting a clone into a potato.. bury the potato in a pot, in time the clone should take over the potato, ensure the potato don't grow leaves tho dont wanna invent the canna spud
You clone your babe in tap water ...if that don't work then use the other stuff, after all its just teasing out roots from the cambium layer of the bark
you may assist this en devour by keeping the rootlets in the dark and having 02 thru the water to oxygenate the water to stimulate hormonal activity

of some really cool cloning eduction you can try inserting a clone into a potato.. bury the potato in a pot, in time the clone should take over the potato, ensure the potato don't grow leaves tho dont wanna invent the canna spud
I have rootec i grew a clone in my humidity doom but i just wanna try something new. I sure wont be doing a potato clone tho lol
Ya iv

ive seen em i may make one i had my grow box and everything else i just dont kno what pump to get its all in fun i grow for a hobbie intell i can smoke again so the more i kno and the more i can do the better
Go to walmart and get the smallest fish tank air bubbler they have, a package of air tubing and an air stone... About $12 total

I have cloned many times using only water... I ph the water, and from experience, if you are not aerating the water - do not add any fertilizers or cloning hormones. You will end up with nasty stagnent water that half the time will suffocate and kill your clone.
just change the water daily, keep them in a windowsill, tap water has worked fine for me, nothing added. It's convenient for a few but not really practical for a full blown sheet of cuts...