Time to Wake Up


Well-Known Member
the depression double dipped n 1937 after we tried austerity, actually.
I will to say U are correct about the double dip bottom being in 37. The event I was refering to was the Millionaires depression of 32, when the market, which had recovered somewhat, again crashed, wiping out many of the people who had survived the original crash with a few assets intact.


Well-Known Member
This entire Obama thing reminds me of the dot.com Bubble, the Amazon economy. Just keeps going up! Right. We Just Hope it will keep going. But, it won't. I worry, however,that's exactly what IT is. IT's what the World Left wants.

France has a more strict Constitution than we do. The "Constitution" of the Commonwealth is the Magna Carta. Cr. 1200 and something. Common Law. Common Sense.

America's Stupid Test is only a few weeks away.
Great thread to read again after a few years.

You know something else about France? They have 10,000 body armored, full auto gun carrying soldiers out in public to make sure there aren't anymore "terrorists" to attempt anymore heinous killings.



To think, it only took a few killings of cartoonists to militarize France.