Well-Known Member
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you?What you talkin' bout Willis
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you?What you talkin' bout Willis
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, do you?
Once something.
Your giving up 20-30% for the same matter how cool you keep it. It's not some little amount
Do I care what you do... no
I care you are too immature to see what we are showing you. You don't have to use it or like it...but your denial of facts and truths are very unbecoming.
If it wasn't for trolls like that guy, these type of threads (with very interesting and great information) could be a sticky that would help out new growers who are actively looking to actually learn something.
Next I'll order the sink, the aluminum sheet and the bilge blower. I'll also get a couple of CXA COBs
This will allow me to:
- wire one driver with 2 COBs
- create drill template
- tap for 2 COBs and mount them at one end in proper spacing for 10
- bend the shroud
- attach it to the sink
- get final cross section
- cut a heat forming mandril from wood to cross section
- heat form the PVC adapter
- attach blower to adapter
- attach blower/adapter to Air Rail(tm)
Now I can do a first test. I'll fire it up, let is stabilize and read the temperature gradient from the end with the COBs to the end with the blower.
A good start and probably 60 days, since I also need to move in, unpack tools, set up work bench, etc.
But he is doing it WRONG!!! boo hoo hoo.
So, I trade off, against the obsolescence of the COBs. did he do that? Simple math.
You all are doing it, because Supra pr someone says. Like a church. But, I've read all his stuff. He is not in some LED church. Nor has he concentrated on high watt, forced air rigs that are designed to be useful, if a bit less efficient. Nor is he saying you have to stick with under 10 milliamps so you can be 110%.
And I have not seen a design for $2.75/Pw. So, I think this must be envy.
So much furious tinkering to reinvent the wheel.
You just verified that temperature is not the enemy, increasing current is. Yet you insist on running your emitters at 1.4a. How about this, take your own advice? Stop trolling yourself? Forced air is not going to help your rig make sense.
The only thing that makes sense is taking your plans, dumping them in the trash, and buying some new bulbs for your hps.