Does it never get any better?


Well-Known Member
In November last year, my best friend was shot and killed instantly with a shotgun to the chest nearly point blank by a punk 16 year old all because he was loosing an argument.

My uncle died suddenly a few days ago and we just buried him yesterday.

Now, another retaliative that lives across the holler that is 95 years old just had a stroke. Last light my grandmother and i went down there to take groceries and cook them something to eat, and the 95 year old man had blurred vision in one eye. Later in the night he developed a headache that got worse as the night progressed.

Just a few days ago, the wife of this 95 year old found out she had lung cancer...
Not if you dwell on the morbid shit so many people around me have died it don't bother me so much my dad died when I was 16 best friend killed himself at 14 another friend overdosed at 15 then 2 more suicides and more and more even had a good friend and his girl shot to death by another friend.

But I don't give a fuck better them then me ain't no heaven live everyday like its your last.:bigjoint:
In November last year, my best friend was shot and killed instantly with a shotgun to the chest nearly point blank by a punk 16 year old all because he was loosing an argument.

My uncle died suddenly a few days ago and we just buried him yesterday.

Now, another retaliative that lives across the holler that is 95 years old just had a stroke. Last light my grandmother and i went down there to take groceries and cook them something to eat, and the 95 year old man had blurred vision in one eye. Later in the night he developed a headache that got worse as the night progressed.

Just a few days ago, the wife of this 95 year old found out she had lung cancer...
This is pretty much life. I think the only way we can know great joy is by experiencing horrific pain. Try to take care of yourself as best you can during these troubling times.
People die. It's not something to be sad about. You're going to die too. Seeing that it's inevitable what should you do..worry about death or focus on life?
No it does not get any better.
I love my life its fun I may die young but I will die happy with no regrets nothing is better than life without it you would not exist. So what people die does not make my life suck. Only time to be depressed about someone dying is if it is your child friends and family suck to lose but shit happens get over it.

OP blaze 2 go to the titty bar get drunk and thrown out for slapping a bitches ass and call me in the morning doctors orders. :bigjoint:
has anyone noticed that theres been nothing but depressing dead people threads lately

Anyways @op

We sleep,shit and die

Its life the older we get the more people die until we eventually die too

Then we go to the god of your choosing

Its scary but theres no avoiding it
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1.the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death
In November last year, my best friend was shot and killed instantly with a shotgun to the chest nearly point blank by a punk 16 year old all because he was loosing an argument.

life hack #247: do not argue with kids who have a shotgun pointed at your chest at point blank range.