The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
laxx answer me this, can you do a standing, single arm shoulder press with 40kg? i've not set foot in a gym this decade and i picked up a roll of 12" code 4 lead above my head with one hand before, i feel pretty epic now like.

cheese one! first of the day. better late than never as they say.


Well-Known Member
I honestly dunno but I can human flag...i do my reps per arm starting 15kg,I'd do ten-13 drop to 10kg weight to failure n other arm, rest thwn preacher curls I love mixing wm up matw like i said before its doing all em exercise I love once you've forum down n a nice regime to shock em to gain you've ur shut down


Well-Known Member
laxx answer me this, can you do a standing, single arm shoulder press with 40kg? i've not set foot in a gym this decade and i picked up a roll of 12" code 4 lead above my head with one hand before, i feel pretty epic now like.

cheese one! first of the day. better late than never as they say.
you'd gain a surprising amount of mass if u started again mate would impress the bird next time u see her


Well-Known Member
i weigh 16 stone and at least 5 of it is solid fat man. i can lug heavy shit but a mile run would probably kill me lol, there was a time when i would do 10k on a treadmill then go for a swim.

need to get back in the gym badly, there's one by me that is only £150 a year and all brand new gear, i could at least get in some sort of shape.

no excuses really other than that i am one lazy bastard, i get worse by the hour and now that dominos has thin crust back, i'm like a pig in shit!


Well-Known Member
N when working my delts I use mostly 10-12.5kg (per arm) dumbbells for shoulder press not so much for front debts as I do pushup n what not but I do a few shoulder rows n of course ice as many rear debt exercises as ive for my side maybe variation of 4-6 but I never really stack when it comes to shoulders only legs n arms,chest but just to burn em once I've had a good warm up never at the start of a workout you could really hurt your deltoids it's 3 small muscle groups best bets slow,good forum easy weight n work up your lucky u didn't Hurn yourself... No offense

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
you can't do That as a consistent exercise regime requires waaaay2 much ok if ur training for a triathlon but average Joe, those gain? You need consistency and dedicated on diet alone let alone those routines n they say anyone can do it? Pfft of you can you wouldn't look like that I'm the first place said testimonials probably from military personnel or athletes who injur emselfs then use the p9x as part of their recovery so technically they so use ir but muscle memory helps alot...hencentre ex gym rat n athletes
When I wanna gain. Mass all i do is short heavy lifts focus on negatives(when the weighs going back to starting position) nice N slow rep don't sacrifice posture up Bulking foods a massive part (always is)
I Di as little
cardio as possible then to cut I cycle,jog/hike eat more protein to carbon ratio even the odd cab cycle (if I'm mentally up to it) workout longer repetitions trying to keep my weights as high as possible then you'll be noticeably big not this near impossible SAS challenge shit it's all fucking gimmicks go workout eat healthy n think work it all evenly!! Shit needs to by symmetrical brah or u suck
Lol, I'm about to do it as a constant exercise regime once I get myself to a basic level of decent nutrition.
I'll send you before and after photo's and prove it.

But no mate you misunderstand, nobody's gaining big on any of those program, they're not designed for that..

The muscle you see on testimonial photos and videos (there are literally thousands, check you tube) hasn't really been 'gained', it's all ways been there it's just now more visible because of the toning/definition and now low body fat %.

Everybody has a 6 pack abs, underneath all that fat content.

Jess Ennis for example is toned and looks hard as a rock with abs but she doesn't hit the gym with big weight, she looks like that because her body fat is roughly around 8% and she only consumes about 1500 cals a day.

Some muscle is 'gained' on those programs yes but it's not something to write home about, it's really all about reducing your body fat %, getting super fit and shaping your body.

If you want to get big fast, eat big, train big and maybe shot a little juice.

If you want to get super fit and lose fat fast, eat appropriately and do Insanity.

But you can't be big and super fit at the same time, it doesn't work like that.
Hence why my mate (18 stone, 20 inch biceps) can't do Insanity, he simply can't provide his body with enough nutrients and oxygen to sustain all that muscle, but yeah, he can bench the weight of a Grizzly Bear for few reps!

I can send you some DVD's if you want Lax, give it a go for free.
I can just imagine those slippers! :wink:

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Kin'ell Lax, I'm 11 stone and double EZ curl 45kg and tricep extend 30kg when I'm eating!

I can't bench for shit though, I've probably maxed 80kg in my life. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Kin'ell Lax, I'm 11 stone and double EZ curl 45kg and tricep extend 30kg when I'm eating!

I can't bench for shit though, I've probably maxed 80kg in my life. :lol:
I've never maxed to see what I can push tbh I workout at home not into the how much can u lift till u shit ur arse out lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Or Lax takes a few blues and just looks at himself in the mirror.

Then takes a few more blues.

And a few more blues.

By this point he's so fucked he can no longer see himself in the mirror.

"Fucking hell, I've lost so much weight I've disappeared!"

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The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
laxx is all about form though, takes a few blues then looks at himself lifting in the mirror and thinks he looks great.
Lol, I've just realised that she's trying to do a 'clean and jerk' with alternating grip!

It's gonna end in tears when her left hand gives up. :oops:


Well-Known Member
I've never maxed to see what I can push tbh I workout at home not into the how much can u lift till u shit ur arse out lol
that reminds me of your old name, prolapse!.
it's got a well better ring to it than a gay franky goes to hollywood tune. man the 80's were fucked up, we didn't stand a chance really lol

i know right yorkie, google crossfit lad, it's better than watching beheadings for people getting ruined lol SFW and all that.

funniest thing is the people don't realise they could still be just as fit but with more longevity if they just practised more traditional ways of exercising.


Well-Known Member
I'm 13 fucking stone u string bean..n all ur gonna do is cut gain some mass look like a lad that works out I'm working out for mass.. Slowly takes ages buuut yeah some day you've the time I'll take those dvds n weve some sort of challenge on here


Well-Known Member
And a few more blues Lol......them etizolams aregood jjust like blueys but they make u really horny lol but are very addictive and made me depressed for a day or 2 lol wasn't very nice like....I wanna learn how to cook proper freebase crack I'vehad a few attempts now one came out amazing proper little rock that blew me head off but since I've been failing pissin me off a bit tbh lol