you can't do That as a consistent exercise regime requires waaaay2 much ok if ur training for a triathlon but average Joe, those gain? You need consistency and dedicated on diet alone let alone those routines n they say anyone can do it? Pfft of you can you wouldn't look like that I'm the first place said testimonials probably from military personnel or athletes who injur emselfs then use the p9x as part of their recovery so technically they so use ir but muscle memory helps alot...hencentre ex gym rat n athletes
When I wanna gain. Mass all i do is short heavy lifts focus on negatives(when the weighs going back to starting position) nice N slow rep don't sacrifice posture up Bulking foods a massive part (always is)
I Di as little
cardio as possible then to cut I cycle,jog/hike eat more protein to carbon ratio even the odd cab cycle (if I'm mentally up to it) workout longer repetitions trying to keep my weights as high as possible then you'll be noticeably big not this near impossible SAS challenge shit it's all fucking gimmicks go workout eat healthy n think work it all evenly!! Shit needs to by symmetrical brah or u suck
Lol, I'm about to do it as a constant exercise regime once I get myself to a basic level of decent nutrition.
I'll send you before and after photo's and prove it.
But no mate you misunderstand, nobody's gaining big on any of those program, they're not designed for that..
The muscle you see on testimonial photos and videos (there are literally thousands, check you tube) hasn't really been 'gained', it's all ways been there it's just now more visible because of the toning/definition and now low body fat %.
Everybody has a 6 pack abs, underneath all that fat content.
Jess Ennis for example is toned and looks hard as a rock with abs but she doesn't hit the gym with big weight, she looks like that because her body fat is roughly around 8% and she only consumes about 1500 cals a day.
Some muscle is 'gained' on those programs yes but it's not something to write home about, it's really all about reducing your body fat %, getting super fit and shaping your body.
If you want to get big fast, eat big, train big and maybe shot a little juice.
If you want to get super fit and lose fat fast, eat appropriately and do Insanity.
But you can't be big and super fit at the same time, it doesn't work like that.
Hence why my mate (18 stone, 20 inch biceps) can't do Insanity, he simply can't provide his body with enough nutrients and oxygen to sustain all that muscle, but yeah, he can bench the weight of a Grizzly Bear for few reps!
I can send you some DVD's if you want Lax, give it a go for free.
I can just imagine those slippers!