HOWEVER, I do think giving a thorough flushing twice during the cycle is a smart thing to do because you can get unwanted buildup of salts. Again, just my opinion.
First off you here people mention Flushing, and or watering, till you get run off. Is this really good ????? How do you test runoff etc, flushing my plants will rid my buds from the snap crackle and pop from nutrients inside it,
Flushing should be a last resort in any case when to flush , over fertilizing your plant causes you to flush your medium , reading your plant is KEY. Excessive salt build up in your medium all nutrients in time crystallize into some form of Salt , learn feeding schedules and amounts to add So plant can absorb 99 percent of the nutrients your giving it
Watering plant so you get runoff, we need to understand a few things going on under soil and our root system when watering this way we actually take away some crucial elements needed for roots most importantly Oxygen why do you here the craze for Air pots just that holes all around plant to allow better oxygen to the root zone when watering and drenching your soil it compacts and believe it or not it takes away the oxygen thus slowing overall growth .
so keep that in mind next time you water its better to water less more frequently then its to drench your pot
Testing runoff: and knowing whats going on in your soil your going to need a Ph tester and PPM meter , catch tray
to accurately test your run off you need to flush your medium with 4 - 8 times your pot size lets lets start
break up your soil making sure theres no direct open areas where water will pour right out
now slowly start pouring water once you notice it coming out first initial runoff is discarded you want the middle of your flush more or less keep catching runoff testing ph / ppm
you will notice if you got low ph - your ppm will be high as ph comes back into range your ppm will drop flush till your back in PH range thats about it but remember now that soils drenched plant is going into slow growth period till it balances back
more or less osmosis but thats another subject lol
PS: hope this helps
@ Greenlikemoney - if the runoff "quickly went from top of soil to side of pot to bottom of pot to out the weep holes" then what makes the PH change so much? Test your runoff PH and see if yours does too. I would almost bet that it does. I think it's pretty logical to believe that if the soil has some salt buildup, or is overly acidic, when you pour water through it the Ph would change as it comes out the bottom. But everyones soil has fertilizer in it. So how much change is ok? What if it went from 6.5 to 4.0 - would you still not worry? Maybe your plants aren't showing a defficiency, but perhaps they COULD grow better if the Ph of your soil were adjusted slightly? Would it be worth it to check the runoff Ph then? I still don't know the answer... just cause for debate. If you end up doing any research on the issue and find something that might be useful, post it up. I would love to read it.
First off you here people mention Flushing, and or watering, till you get run off. Is this really good ????? How do you test runoff etc, flushing my plants will rid my buds from the snap crackle and pop from nutrients inside it,
Flushing should be a last resort in any case when to flush , over fertilizing your plant causes you to flush your medium , reading your plant is KEY. Excessive salt build up in your medium all nutrients in time crystallize into some form of Salt , learn feeding schedules and amounts to add So plant can absorb 99 percent of the nutrients your giving it
Watering plant so you get runoff, we need to understand a few things going on under soil and our root system when watering this way we actually take away some crucial elements needed for roots most importantly Oxygen why do you here the craze for Air pots just that holes all around plant to allow better oxygen to the root zone when watering and drenching your soil it compacts and believe it or not it takes away the oxygen thus slowing overall growth .
so keep that in mind next time you water its better to water less more frequently then its to drench your pot
Testing runoff: and knowing whats going on in your soil your going to need a Ph tester and PPM meter , catch tray
to accurately test your run off you need to flush your medium with 4 - 8 times your pot size lets lets start
break up your soil making sure theres no direct open areas where water will pour right out
now slowly start pouring water once you notice it coming out first initial runoff is discarded you want the middle of your flush more or less keep catching runoff testing ph / ppm
you will notice if you got low ph - your ppm will be high as ph comes back into range your ppm will drop flush till your back in PH range thats about it but remember now that soils drenched plant is going into slow growth period till it balances back
more or less osmosis but thats another subject lol
PS: hope this helps
Is there any good reason to test the Ph of your runoff in a soil grow? I know it's good to check when u flush to make sure it's the same coming out as it was going in. But what does the Ph of your runoff really tell you during a normal feeding or watering? I did a plain water last time, and just to kill my curiosity, I tested the runoff. The water I put in was 6.4, and my runoff was 5.5- does that indicate a problem or is it perfectly normal? I was guessing that my ruin off would have a higher Ph, but had nothing to base that on... It was simply a guess, and obviously a bad one. If anyone could take the time to explain this for me I would really appreciate it. I put it in advanced section because I figured you Guys would be the ones with most factual based answers.
Checking runoff pH is alot like staring into the toilet bowl after a good dump. It's not really indicative of what you ate. Pay attention to what goes in, not what comes out. And like the toilet, a good flushing every now and then seems to help.
How can you say that? There is definitely Something to be said about the runoff, it can tell certain things, its not like you are testing something completely different, it still pertains to that specific plant and pot.Jesus... Reading plant runoff tells you nothing!
:: shakes head ::
exactlyIt tells you more than nothing but less than everything, which for most intents and purposes happens to be just more than enough.
By which I mean it certainly can be interpreted as providing some clue that things aren't wildly out of whack. Provided that you water slowly, know the pH of the water source (ideally its near neutral), and discard the first oz or two of the runoff.
Is there any good reason to test the Ph of your runoff in a soil grow? I know it's good to check when u flush to make sure it's the same coming out as it was going in.
Aright so peep this shitz... i made the mistake of NOT checking my run off ph and almost lost my biggest momma.. u want the ph going in to be the same coming out.. the problems won't show at first but acidic soil will ruin your crop.. I've had to flush my momma 3 times.. fully .. had done a partial flush like 3 gal to see what would happen , and it instantaneously showed bounce back, so a few days later and did a 9 gal flush, yer supposed to flush 3 time the volume of the pot.. .. if the ph drops alot after putting in nutes to runoff.. flush, .. nothing wrong with flushing the shit outta her.. got a shake the bottles of water to help oxiginate and cleanse and feed all at the same time, black strap mollasses will assist the rizosphere in the uptake of nutes..and keeps good bacteria in the soil also.. maintain a nice warm soil temp, water with warm water.. a little cooler than hand temp.. check ph every time u water, water to 20% runoff . If u don't it will build up and become acidic which will lead to lockout and the loss of your crop.. ph is very important.. o agree that if it looks fine it probably is.. but how closely are u inspecting? What's hunidity? I went to a mix of fox farm happy frog and ocean Forrest. . It's a soil less Peet moss and earthworm casting perlite and vermiculite .. pre Nuted... but u must check ph bro.. must check everything .. always. if u give her an inch she will take a mile .. in both directions but u gotta be dedicated. . If u feel it, it's probly real.. get her done bro u will be fine. Ps. U must check yer ph.. and get away from "dirt"use spikes media.. makes a world of difference .
Is there any good reason to test the Ph of your runoff in a soil grow? I know it's good to check when u flush to make sure it's the same coming out as it was going in. But what does the Ph of your runoff really tell you during a normal feeding or watering? I did a plain water last time, and just to kill my curiosity, I tested the runoff. The water I put in was 6.4, and my runoff was 5.5- does that indicate a problem or is it perfectly normal? I was guessing that my ruin off would have a higher Ph, but had nothing to base that on... It was simply a guess, and obviously a bad one. If anyone could take the time to explain this for me I would really appreciate it. I put it in advanced section because I figured you Guys would be the ones with most factual based answers.
thank you!!!Jesus... Reading plant runoff tells you nothing!
:: shakes head ::
No.How can you say that? There is definitely Something to be said about the runoff, it can tell certain things, its not like you are testing something completely different, it still pertains to that specific plant and pot.
Haha did I even say flushing? Again I have to disagree that pH does matter... But also agree that I Should Have Fucking Listened! Haha but I have learned more than I ever thought from said foolishness.!thank you!!!
If you are into flushing, salts, ppms, and PH, you should check out the whole growing with chemicals thing.
if you have even 50% of the grasp on organics you won't need a ph tester at all.
And flushing?
I won't even dignify that one with a response.
might as well be buying superthrive and carb boosters to go with your 0-50-50 bloom ferts
ahhh man, gotta love ya brother.Haha did I even say flushing? Again I have to disagree that pH does matter... But also agree that I Should Have Fucking Listened! Haha but I have learned more than I ever thought from said foolishness.!
Speaking of... I'm losing girls left and right because I top them to clone the seed stock and they have like No leaves except 4fans and the nodes, and I water too much sometimes thinking I didn't, and kill it! And my clones are taking forever!!!
Haha honestly I think it was is due to my "pH"ing the water which fresh rain water by adding ACV and I think I should have left it alone! Man I'm a fool.!. I always think I can reinvent the wheel, and want Everyone to know "my" opinion.!