Spectrum king led


Well-Known Member
Has anyone heard of or had experience with this light? Saw it in a high times magazine and looked interesting any info is appreciated

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get an Area 51, Onyx Bloom, Optic vero, or build your own diy vero or cxa panel they use mid top bin cree xbd diodes and make a giant cob out of them and then diss on the efficiency of cree or bridgelux cobs

Ok thanks for the input I was originally going to get a kind led, but am just trying to look around first and make sure I buy the one I like the most, so you have no input on the spectrum king led?

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Ok thanks for the input I was originally going to get a kind led, but am just trying to look around first and make sure I buy the one I like the most, so you have no input on the spectrum king led?

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Unless you can set the light 3' above the canopy that is a 4x4, this isn't what you are looking for compared for your sizing :peace:

Kind: see Blackdog, Platinum, Mars, etc....
I didn't mean to be short. It is a good light at a REDICULOUS $/watt that doesnt fit the needs of many people who use led and is meant more for people who want a replacement for a 1000w hps. For the more average led users the brands i mentioned earlier are great options at a more reasonable $/watt
I didn't mean to be short. It is a good light at a REDICULOUS $/watt that doesnt fit the needs of many people who use led and is meant more for people who want a replacement for a 1000w hps. For the more average led users the brands i mentioned earlier are great options at a more reasonable $/watt
That thing wont replace a 1000w hps, I doubt it would replace a 600w hps.
HPS is definitely hard to beat, but can be done with modern leds, underdriving with more leds, and running at lower temperatures.

HPS does work great, and better than most LED brands out there, and is a lot more straight forward with the lowest startup cost.
Yea HPS does do good but your right good quality LEDs are really good too and the heat is a lot easier to deal with and you can grow closer to them and they require less space vertically so you can grow taller plants in the same area. Lots of advantages with LEDs biggest disadvantage is high start up cost and the fact that there is always new series of LEDs coming out so the ones that are new now will be replaced by better ones quickly.
HPS is definitely hard to beat, but can be done with modern leds, underdriving with more leds, and running at lower temperatures.

HPS does work great, and better than most LED brands out there, and is a lot more straight forward with the lowest startup cost.
Def go from t5 to MH to SHPS with a little secret in the middle.... Get all stages and colors the pant needs that way. Just Hps and yu got long internode length and stretching, therefore need trellis to hold up colas etc,l,l. Strong believer in hortilux
A quick search of Alibaba will show you that the Spectrum King design is a bog standard warehouse downlighter .....I was going in their direction, then realised what I would have to buy to cover my area properly.....now am building my own. There are so many clever and hard working forum members here (@SupraSPL @stardustsailor etc) that run countless tests and simulations to provide us with nailed down numbers on how to be as efficient and perfect as you want to be, that it's almost weird not to go DIY :)

There are other providers, like Area51 etc, but in the end, doing it yourself is so easy....like really easy....and probably about 2/3 of the cost for the first light (there will be mistakes!), then you'll notice it drop to 1/2 the cost (max) of a set-up that is better than anything you'd buy.

But at the end of the day, if you're looking to just slap something up, then Area51 is good and there are some good ones in the UK / European region too - just beware, that LEDs are improving fast so buying something you can't upgrade yourself is like buying a PC back in the early 90s......within 3 months it was obsolete and there was not much of an upgrade path.
The thing that seemed off to me about SpectrumKingLED is how he creates a tightly packed array of individual LEDs (something that looks like a COB, with a lot of labor) and then claims on his "LED 101" page that COBs are a "myth," a bad design, etc.

If you were going to go to all the trouble of wiring 40-80 individual LEDs together, why not spread them out for better coverage? If you're going to put them into a 3" diameter circle, why not use pre-built COB? (The owner of SKL was on this forum and couldn't address that stuff very well.). All he could say is that COB datasheets are idealized representations of real-world performance (while ignoring why the datasheets for individual XBD diodes wouldn't be equally idealized. I.e., why the datasheets show XBD diodes being less efficient than the better COBs).

To me, the thing I didn't understand about that guy is how he markets (differentiates himself) on the Cree brand, efficiency, etc. If he was going to scam with an inefficient light sold at a premium, he would do what Lush, Kind, HydroGrowLED, Blackdog and Growblu do: import Chinese lights, rebrand them and sell them like they're special..

Seems like an odd strategy to market an expensive diode brand, emphasize efficiency, and then do nutty stuff like a labor-intensive custom-made COB while denigrating COB technology (to the point we could call it intentional lying).

That still doesn't make sense to me.
Has anyone actually seen the array he has created? Are there photos? The one thing about all this that bugs me is .....maybe there IS something to the SKLED!
Has anyone actually seen the array he has created? Are there photos? The one thing about all this that bugs me is .....maybe there IS something to the SKLED!

That was exactly the feeling I had about it. How could someone play up efficiency and the Cree brand, and turn out to be a bamboozler? The established way to bamboozle is to rebrand an epi-whatever light. Seems like a confusing and expensive way to do the same thing. Instead, he could just rebrand some Apollos or MarsHydros, drop a few lines in the water and wait for the fish to take the bait. Works for Kind, Lush, et. al. Buying XBD diodes, soldering them into a tight package seems like a lot of work to attract undiscriminating fish.

It still doesn't make sense. I have twinges of giving him the benefit of the doubt. But, I have to say that his performance on this forum a couple months ago wasn't that compelling.

I guess it could be worse, he could import and rebrand Chinese fixtures like the other brands mentioned. He sets the bar a little higher for those guys. At least he uses Cree. (Baby steps?).