New please help....


Active Member
Hi guys, I just joined today and I appreciate all of the welcoming vibes. I'm doing my 2nd outdoor organic grow this year. Last year I did a gorilla grow in northern Illinois that came out wonderful considering the climate.(Largest plant 9oz, smallest plant 21g) Though this year I am in western Colorado! Not worried as long as I stay at 6 plants. Well anyway, I decided to make a super soil this year based roughly off of Subcools recipe:

6 cu. ft. Earth Gro potting soil(sand,perlite,compost, forest products)
-6 cu. ft. mushroom compost(composted poultry and horse manure, hay, cottonseed hulls, and sphagnum peat)
-20 lbs worm castings(1-0-0)
-4 lbs bone meal(4-12-0)
-2.5 lbs blood meal(12-0-0)
-2.2 pounds Peruvian seabird guano(12-11-2)
-1/3+1/4 cup Epsom salts
-Slightly over 1/3 cup of azomite
-16 quarts of perlite(half small pieces half large pieces)
-8 quarts of vermiculite
-6 packs of mykos inoculant
-5 bricks of rinsed Coco coir
-3 tbls of Humate(humic acid)
-1/3+1/4 cup of dolomite lime

What do you think? Is this soil too hot to transplant 5 week old seedlings into and then just water from then out? Let me know thanks!! Btw this is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, I just joined today and I appreciate all of the welcoming vibes. I'm doing my 2nd outdoor organic grow this year. Last year I did a gorilla grow in northern Illinois that came out wonderful considering the climate.(Largest plant 9oz, smallest plant 21g) Though this year I am in western Colorado! Not worried as long as I stay at 6 plants. Well anyway, I decided to make a super soil this year based roughly off of Subcools recipe:

6 cu. ft. Earth Gro potting soil(sand,perlite,compost, forest products)
-6 cu. ft. mushroom compost(composted poultry and horse manure, hay, cottonseed hulls, and sphagnum peat)
-20 lbs worm castings(1-0-0)
-4 lbs bone meal(4-12-0)
-2.5 lbs blood meal(12-0-0)
-2.2 pounds Peruvian seabird guano(12-11-2)
-1/3+1/4 cup Epsom salts
-Slightly over 1/3 cup of azomite
-16 quarts of perlite(half small pieces half large pieces)
-8 quarts of vermiculite
-6 packs of mykos inoculant
-5 bricks of rinsed Coco coir
-3 tbls of Humate(humic acid)
-1/3+1/4 cup of dolomite lime

What do you think? Is this soil too hot to transplant 5 week old seedlings into and then just water from then out? Let me know thanks!! Btw this is my first post so sorry in advance for any mistakes
have you already made the soil?
Oh and my bad, welcome to the forum, Roland


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy,

Stoked for your Colly grow.. Is that the law there? Six max?

As for your mix. Just curious how many cups of bone meal you got.. Is hard to help without comparing volume ratios.

And *if you mixed it already.

I'm assuming you were gonna let your clones grow into plots dug into ground? Trying to avoid a transplant then? You could always cut some mix 50-50 with coir and perlite and create a six to ten inch cubic buffer zone around the roots, with myco added, so the plants are maturing before being fed a SS.

Reason being:
...myco can only survive in soil for 2 weeks and should not be mellowed (cooked) but sprinkled on roots directly if ever possible...

The only thing I would add, just personally, is greensand, insect frass (or some source of chitin), and a source of silicon for cooling effects, something like DE rocks has a lot of pest defenses as well as other benny minerals..

To give you an idea, we use 1 cup of greensand, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and neem meal per 18 gal or 85 L batch at the moment and have been adding water only with potent results.

I just hone things down for the young ones, is all.

Let me know about Colly! Looking forward to this one..


norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
Your going to want myco and some kind of carbs. Also some bloom help. You will deplete your super soil before your plants are done for the year.

Ps sub does mix mycos in his soil mix and adds it while vegging and again at bloom. Not sure why he mixs it in the soil before he cooks it for 8 weeks.
Last edited:


Active Member
Hey buddy,

Stoked for your Colly grow.. Is that the law there? Six max?

As for your mix. Just curious how many cups of bone meal you got.. Is hard to help without comparing volume ratios.

And *if you mixed it already.

I'm assuming you were gonna let your clones grow into plots dug into ground? Trying to avoid a transplant then? You could always cut some mix 50-50 with coir and perlite and create a six to ten inch cubic buffer zone around the roots, with myco added, so the plants are maturing before being fed a SS.

Reason being:
...myco can only survive in soil for 2 weeks and should not be mellowed (cooked) but sprinkled on roots directly if ever possible...

The only thing I would add, just personally, is greensand, insect frass (or some source of chitin), and a source of silicon for cooling effects, something like DE rocks has a lot of pest defenses as well as other benny minerals..

To give you an idea, we use 1 cup of greensand, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and neem meal per 18 gal or 85 L batch at the moment and have been adding water only with potent results.

I just hone things down for the young ones, is all.

Let me know about Colly! Looking forward to this one..

Big help man I appreciate it a ton!! Yeah I was thinking of grabbin some greensand from the hydro store, bouta go do it now in fact, as for the bone meal I'm not sure how many cups, I bought a 5 pound bag and dumped about 4 lbs into it.


Active Member
Your going to want myco and some kind of carbs. Also some bloom help. You will deplete your super soil before your plants are done for the year.

Ps sub does mix mycos in his soil mix and adds it while vegging and again at bloom. Not sure why he mixs it in the soil before he cooks it for 8 weeks.
Forsure man appreciate it, Whadyou think for the p-k? I haven't got any rock phosphate I could grab some though, what would you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU!

If you are going to use hot super soil, just make sure you water often. You may get burnt tips but it will still grow frosty buds!

What strains are you growing? What containers are the seedlings in currently?


Active Member
Welcome to RIU!

If you are going to use hot super soil, just make sure you water often. You may get burnt tips but it will still grow frosty buds!

What strains are you growing? What containers are the seedlings in currently?
Got my seedlings in solo cups, they sprouted on Sunday they look very happy. The strains I have this year are 2 Sour Diesel, 1 sour OG, 1 prime rib(friends strain) and then several bagseeds from some excellent purple and a couple red heads(hairy stinky, nameless buds) Not the best but it's what I had, I met a really cool older cat recently who claims he got some "super seeds" from Amsterdam. Not exactly sure what make them "super" he claims there's nothing like it and they're some crazy strain that he either knows nothing about or won't tell me. Either way he offered me some clones from whatever he's got goin in several weeks so I'd like to put a few of those down this year as well.


Well-Known Member
Got my seedlings in solo cups, they sprouted on Sunday they look very happy. The strains I have this year are 2 Sour Diesel, 1 sour OG, 1 prime rib(friends strain) and then several bagseeds from some excellent purple and a couple red heads(hairy stinky, nameless buds) Not the best but it's what I had, I met a really cool older cat recently who claims he got some "super seeds" from Amsterdam. Not exactly sure what make them "super" he claims there's nothing like it and they're some crazy strain that he either knows nothing about or won't tell me. Either way he offered me some clones from whatever he's got goin in several weeks so I'd like to put a few of those down this year as well.
make sure you give that soil time to break down, do it ASAP so your plants won't be rootbound by the time the soil is ready, i'd highly suggest planting some sort of cover crop on it to "see" when the spoil is ready, you'll know it when the cover crop starts growing fast.
if you aren't totally set on that soil maybe check out some other recipes, there are better ones, but don't worry, done the correct way that soil will grow some frosty goodness.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
What you feed with in flower is up to you. Depends on how much you want to spend. I would go to the outdoor section and read about teas. I think there's a post in organics about it. If you have money to spend you can go with bottle nuits. For flower you want low n high p and medium k. Something like 2-5-3. I made that up but you get the idea.

norcal mmj

Well-Known Member
image.jpg This is how big mine was when I transplanted into super soil last time. I was late getting to it also could have been transplanted 2 weeks sooner. This is a 7 gallon tall pot.


Well-Known Member
I planted some Mulanje Gold Sativa directly in fresh Super Soil and it burnt the tips but other than that it worked fine.

I had two layers - top half was pure base soil and bottom half was Super Soil (SS).

My best results have been with 100% composted soil with worms.



Active Member
make sure you give that soil time to break down, do it ASAP so your plants won't be rootbound by the time the soil is ready, i'd highly suggest planting some sort of cover crop on it to "see" when the spoil is ready, you'll know it when the cover crop starts growing fast.
if you aren't totally set on that soil maybe check out some other recipes, there are better ones, but don't worry, done the correct way that soil will grow some frosty goodness.
Thanks for the advice guys greatly appreciated. I think that I'll use this for this year and see how it goes, I'm thinking it'll go smoothly just gotta be positive! So do you think I'm ok on the ph? More lime or nay?
I planted some Mulanje Gold Sativa directly in fresh Super Soil and it burnt the tips but other than that it worked fine.

I had two layers - top half was pure base soil and bottom half was Super Soil (SS).

My best results have been with 100% composted soil with worms.



Active Member
What you feed with in flower is up to you. Depends on how much you want to spend. I would go to the outdoor section and read about teas. I think there's a post in organics about it. If you have money to spend you can go with bottle nuits. For flower you want low n high p and medium k. Something like 2-5-3. I made that up but you get the idea.
You know about any organic amendments that are high in K?


Active Member
Hey buddy,

Stoked for your Colly grow.. Is that the law there? Six max?

As for your mix. Just curious how many cups of bone meal you got.. Is hard to help without comparing volume ratios.

And *if you mixed it already.

I'm assuming you were gonna let your clones grow into plots dug into ground? Trying to avoid a transplant then? You could always cut some mix 50-50 with coir and perlite and create a six to ten inch cubic buffer zone around the roots, with myco added, so the plants are maturing before being fed a SS.

Reason being:
...myco can only survive in soil for 2 weeks and should not be mellowed (cooked) but sprinkled on roots directly if ever possible...

The only thing I would add, just personally, is greensand, insect frass (or some source of chitin), and a source of silicon for cooling effects, something like DE rocks has a lot of pest defenses as well as other benny minerals..

To give you an idea, we use 1 cup of greensand, kelp meal, alfalfa meal, and neem meal per 18 gal or 85 L batch at the moment and have been adding water only with potent results.

I just hone things down for the young ones, is all.

Let me know about Colly! Looking forward to this one..

Massive help my man thank you so much for the knowledge..


Active Member
I planted some Mulanje Gold Sativa directly in fresh Super Soil and it burnt the tips but other than that it worked fine.

I had two layers - top half was pure base soil and bottom half was Super Soil (SS).

My best results have been with 100% composted soil with worms.

Those heads.. BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for the help, I'm stoked I got on this forum it's already been so helpful. When you say just composted soil what do you mean exactly? Thanks!