Positive people required!!

Rosie, even tho you've been going thru a shit storm of stuff you are still so up beat and happy these days it makes me smile. I am so glad things are going your way you deserved a break in a big way!! Its amazing how different things can be by simply changing your environment.

The pups are adorable, definitely share pics occasionally cause I love seeing them!

The birds are singing so loud outside today, its great. Sometimes its the simple things that make ya truly at peace and happy.

Think I will go out to the screened deck, smoke a J, drink some coffee and listen to the birds singing about spring :joint::leaf::cool:

I'm on a JJ Grey and Mofro kick today, they are such a fun band- went to see them many times.

Rosie, even tho you've been going thru a shit storm of stuff you are still so up beat and happy these days it makes me smile. I am so glad things are going your way you deserved a break in a big way!! Its amazing how different things can be by simply changing your environment.

The pups are adorable, definitely share pics occasionally cause I love seeing them!

The birds are singing so loud outside today, its great. Sometimes its the simple things that make ya truly at peace and happy.

Think I will go out to the screened deck, smoke a J, drink some coffee and listen to the birds singing about spring :joint::leaf::cool:

I'm on a JJ Grey and Mofro kick today, they are such a fun band- went to see them many times.

I'm glad I am able to make you smile! that's what life is all about gf! :D I have, yes, but you know what keeps me going? the fact that I have friends like you guys and my crew over here, you all make the days a bit happier and isn't that what life is all about? finding peace and being happy? :)

The pups are soooo adorable! they have the sweetest little whimpers. Ziggy has been a great mommy, she cleaned them thoroughly and hasn't left them for even a moment. She even let me hold one. I'm super proud of her.

He's talking about building a screened in porch here, I would love it, being outside is awesome. I love listening to the birds, they have found their way back! I finally saw a couple the other day. Now if the weather will just break long enough and let me work outside, I'll get to hear them along with you :)

I've been listening to a little bit of everything, popped over to your coffee shop earlier and was listening. Some of the stuff y'all play I haven't heard in years, I really enjoy them.

I want to answer everyone but for now I have to start dinner. I'll get back on first thing tomorrow morning for sure, hope to see you then!





amazing video of a guy playing with this fox, crazy! o_O

Cheers!!! :bigjoint::peace: :bigjoint:
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Hey Rosie girl!

Been enjoying this incredibly beautiful weather! Yesterday and today were just perfect! 79 degrees right now :)

I've worked in the yard all afternoon and came in for an ice water and joint break. Been using the blower getting the leaves out of the beds and so forth. My arm is already sore cause my old ass is so out of shape from being lazy all winter!

How are you and the pups? Hope all is going well!
Hey Rosie girl!

Been enjoying this incredibly beautiful weather! Yesterday and today were just perfect! 79 degrees right now :)

I've worked in the yard all afternoon and came in for an ice water and joint break. Been using the blower getting the leaves out of the beds and so forth. My arm is already sore cause my old ass is so out of shape from being lazy all winter!

How are you and the pups? Hope all is going well!
Hey lady!!!!

Have been here too!!! It was amazing today and the mountains were all around us, everywhere we went. The most amazing country here..I'm in heaven!! it hit 80 degrees! and so sunny with such pretty low clouds scattered here and there. I can't wait till its warm enough to sit on the porch and watch the sunrise. Oh girl...:D

We trolled from town to town today just shopping and having a radio installed in the truck. Had some dinner at the mall and home for the movie "the interview". Perfect day! I'm usually in bed way before now, we are up early every day. Now I just got to get myself motivated to work out more. I'm so busy with pups and stuff, I pretty much lost my routine.

I'm great! The pups are fabulous, the boys are twice the size of the girls..lol they all have spots, which are undesirable for the most part as far as show dogs go. These dogs aren't meant to be prissed around though, they are work dogs and they like to play HARD..you really need thick skin to own one. I don't mean to make them sound bad, they are really quite intelligent and eager to please and train. Hugs! :hug:
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Rosey it sounds really beautiful where you are now!

Just saw where the Stones are gonna be playing close enough to drive to see them! I know they are old and may not hit every note like they once did but gawd I love em! Especially Keith Richards. Ever since I read his book "Life" I have loved him even more! Stoked about seeing them because this will likely be the last chance to catch them!

Been listening to this lady, she is really quite fantastical so I thought I would share with you... peace and doobies xo <3

Rosey it sounds really beautiful where you are now!

Just saw where the Stones are gonna be playing close enough to drive to see them! I know they are old and may not hit every note like they once did but gawd I love em! Especially Keith Richards. Ever since I read his book "Life" I have loved him even more! Stoked about seeing them because this will likely be the last chance to catch them!

Been listening to this lady, she is really quite fantastical so I thought I would share with you... peace and doobies xo <3

I'd love to see the Stones, there's a big concert coming up around here this summer, I want to say it's Styx..the Little River Band will be here in April. I haven't been to a concert since I was 19...LOL beautiful song by the way!!

It really is pretty here, I never in a million years thought I'd end up living in a place like this. The grass is already turning back green and the trees all have red tips where the new growth has started. I can't wait to go hiking up the mountain again, in January everything was pretty much dead and brown. Here's part of the waterfall at the top, snapped this pic and several others. Can you imagine how lovely it will be come spring when the flowering trees start to bloom?? :D


Today's agenda is to get my laptop back in shape, I'm backing up files and reinstalling Windows 7 so I'll be offline a bit. Have an awesome day girlfriend!! xoxoxo