wood stake through stem

Wooden stakes, nails, BAH! all old hat! The latest advanced technique that's guaranteed to DOUBLE trichome production is Persian cat milk IV.

5 days prior to chop, take one ounce of fresh Persian cat milk, diluted 1:1 with distilled H20 in an IV drip and set rate at 60mL per hr. Insert the syringe subcambiumously just above the 2nd internode. Do this twice prior to chop and you WILL see an increase of up to double the amount of trichomes.
Wooden stakes, nails, BAH! all old hat! The latest advanced technique that's guaranteed to DOUBLE trichome production is Persian cat milk IV.

5 days prior to chop, take one ounce of fresh Persian cat milk, diluted 1:1 with distilled H20 in an IV drip and set rate at 60mL per hr. Insert the syringe subcambiumously just above the 2nd internode. Do this twice prior to chop and you WILL see an increase of up to double the amount of trichomes.
Can i buy some Persian cat milk from you!?
Well you're in luck, I happen to be a registered Persian cat breeder, got a pretty good size herd this year too, so I do have some surplus at the moment. But as I'm sure you will understand, it doesn't come cheap (ever tried milking 100 cranky bundles of fur and razor sharp claws, TWICE a day ;?|). Going rate is $50 a quart, and fyi in case you've never seen Persian cat milk, it may LOOK like skim moo-cow milk but don't let that fool you, it's the real deal...
I came this close " " to googling "milk a cat" for a funny pic for this thread.
I chickened out at the last minute - there are children in the room & who knows what would have come up.
No worries mate, it's perfectly suitable for family viewing, lol. Here's the set up, it's an old pic before I switched to Persians, which as you probably know, are much better producers than Calicos.


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Oh i'm used to paying top-dollar for premium products with no verifiable evidence, don't worry man. Could I buy some molasse - I mean bud sweeteners from you as well?
Yes I just happen to have the best bud sweetners anywhere, and believe it or not, it also comes from my herd of Persians. I regularly feed them premium Vermont maple syrup and they in turn piss the most potent bud sweetners on the market. But it'll cost you... ;?D

Funny you mentioned it.

I've actually just started a small cat grow. How old til u tell if I'll get milk off them? And is there a use for leftover male cats?:confused:
Let's destroy the xylem and the phloem. Sounds fun!!!!!! If you're lucky you get an embolism and have to chop early. If you aren't lucky, you get some nice bud herpes aka Skully and Molder from the X - Files.
Funny you mentioned it.

I've actually just started a small cat grow. How old til u tell if I'll get milk off them? And is there a use for leftover male cats?:confused:
About 2 yrs old (but that's like 16 in cat years ;?). Males I sell to my neighbor who seems to really like cats and can't get enough of them, but then he's an odd duck. Claims to be from some place called Melmac...