Let's get drunk!!!

Wow.. How u doing bro?

horrible my grandfather almost 100 has severe alzheimers only one he remembers is me. so my family has me a recovering drug addict watching him and honest i can't handle it

i also have insomnia so when i need the sleep i cant get it.

topper my cousin stole all my meds when i was living with my gramps. fucking had 5 grand of oxy and other assorted benzos.

edit: just got a call my ex girlfriend sister was found dead, stabbed a bunch and the cops want me to go to the station. man i raised this girl knew her since a baby wtf is up with my luck right now. waiting on a ride to the station for questioning. poor fucking girl, was only 19

i relapsed a few times but this time i wont be getting clean for a while.

other then that i got a new girl to take care of me and she is just trying to make me survive. that makes me smile so much she cares more then my wife ever did.

btw drunk again who'd a thunk it
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horrible my grandfather almost 100 has severe alzheimers only one he remembers is me. so my family has me a recovering drug addict watching him and honest i can't handle it

i also have insomnia so when i need the sleep i cant get it.

topper my cousin stole all my meds when i was living with my gramps. fucking had 5 grand of oxy and other assorted benzos.

edit: just got a call my ex girlfriend sister was found dead, stabbed a bunch and the cops want me to go to the station. man i raised this girl knew her since a baby wtf is up with my luck right now. waiting on a ride to the station for questioning. poor fucking girl, was only 19

i relapsed a few times but this time i wont be getting clean for a while.

other then that i got a new girl to take care of me and she is just trying to make me survive. that makes me smile so much she cares more then my wife ever did.

btw drunk again who'd a thunk it
I didn't like this post..just sayin..brother, I feel you. I found myself in a kinda similar situation not that awful long ago, I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers..for what that's worth..some folks don't like that kind of stuff. At any rate, sending good vibes your way, I sure hope things get better for you. Sounds like you got a good girl, keep the faith man.
I didn't like this post..just sayin..brother, I feel you. I found myself in a kinda similar situation not that awful long ago, I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers..for what that's worth..some folks don't like that kind of stuff. At any rate, sending good vibes your way, I sure hope things get better for you. Sounds like you got a good girl, keep the faith man.
I didnt like my frame of mind while posting it but that's life.

ya this new girl is cool, neither of us wants to date anyone.
its us getting drunk half the time or going to a rave. next big rave is some booty shorts thing where you get in free if you wear... I think it is meant to be for the women but I will show up in ma booty shorts rolling hard/drunk :)

funeral saturday so me and friends decided to all go behind the home smoke copious amounts and pass around liqour and beer. it will be asmuch fun as possible
I didnt like my frame of mind while posting it but that's life.

ya this new girl is cool, neither of us wants to date anyone.
its us getting drunk half the time or going to a rave. next big rave is some booty shorts thing where you get in free if you wear... I think it is meant to be for the women but I will show up in ma booty shorts rolling hard/drunk :)

funeral saturday so me and friends decided to all go behind the home smoke copious amounts and pass around liqour and beer. it will be asmuch fun as possible
That's awesome bro, life is too short to waste! sorry about the funeral, I know how hard that can be, we buried my mom last month. I saw it coming from a mile away but I had hoped she had at least another year in her. She lived a good life though, 79 years old.

Dating sucks, I had stopped for a good while when we hooked up. Funny how things happen when you least expect it. Being friends first isn't overrated and we've known each other for a couple of years now.. hands down I'm the happiest I've been. Nice to be able to be yourself and be appreciated, over here its bros before hoes and we were bros first..lol I've never been to a rave before but my son met his fiance at one :lol:
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lets all get drunk tonight, hope i dont fight with a punk tonight.....afro man likes TALL cans

I'm an Icehouse Edge kinda girl myself ;) I like to open mine and let it breathe a bit first, ever tried it? shit has me buzzing after half a can..lol

i don't see where all the hate comes from on bud light, i find it goes down very easily with no bad aftertaste
i was drinking molson canadian last night though, had to get some hard beer haha
i don't see where all the hate comes from on bud light, i find it goes down very easily with no bad aftertaste
i was drinking molson canadian last night though, had to get some hard beer haha

Molson sucks,,,but I got a buddy who drinks bud light,,,and boy we can pound those babies,,they eventually work on ya,,but I now know why he needs two suitcases of em,,,,give him a dooby and he's done,,lol

Keep on Growin

Molson sucks,,,but I got a buddy who drinks bud light,,,and boy we can pound those babies,,they eventually work on ya,,but I now know why he needs two suitcases of em,,,,give him a dooby and he's done,,lol

Keep on Growin


hey! molson canadian isn't that bad, it got 66% review when bud light got 47%,

do you think coors light is better then molson?