AURORA CANNABIS ENTERPRISES SCARED OF OWN SHADOW worst lighting ever prompts deleting photos online.

Do you trust a company who forces removing photos of their STREETLAMPS

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These pictures showed up on Twitter and I copy and pasted them here. Soon after they were deleted, because Aurrora claimed the pictures were in breech of a NDA, and either threatened or requested RIU to remove them. Then Tosh tried to associate me with Aurora claiming that I took the pictures and set up the facility, and I was in breech of the NDA, total rubbish.

Peter Tosh prides him self as a master debater, he is educated and some what intelligent (book/Google smart) but his arrogance and ignorance clouds his judgement. He is strictly here to entertain himself, by disrupting and starting arguments with the community. Once and a while something rellivent comes out of him, but mostly it's drival and bait for an argument. Suprised his narcissis side hasn't shown up yet promoting his YouTube channel and his closet pollen chucked seeds on his website. He talks the talk, but he's not a grower by any stretch of the imagination. Best not to feed the Troll.

Thanks for finally speaking up about what you've been holding back about the Aurora behavior. AURORA going to ROLLITUP and forcing the photos down is exactly what I&I described was their downfall. Anyone blocking FREEDOM OF SPEECH fits the cap so let them wear it. This is the worldwide web. Get Used to Freedom of Expression.Freedom_of_Expression_by_Matiel.jpg
Their pictures are all over the internet. I highly doubt they *forced* RUI to remove anything. Wheres tje proof? Any moderators that can shed light on this?

And a commercial grow will implement sog. One main layer of tops. Minimal side branching Thus there is little need for drastic light penetration.

You can dial in a small grow to perfection, it costs too much in money and time to have things exactly perfect commercially.

@3' after clones have been switched this setup will kill it.

Please share a post of your own setup before you thrash on some on else's. I highly doubt you have constructed anything even remotely dialed in as Auroras

And who ever measures light at the bottom 12" of the plant? Who says they arent lollipopping? Who says they arent planning on lowering the light framing once they have tje tables filled?

Now your off of the brand and on to something else.

You have just admitted all of this was sprung by you getting but hurt about a picture being removed.... amd I repeat, they have tv interviews tour in the facility online for Everyone to see...

So im guessing them forcing the deletion of a thread here is also bullshit.


Care to shed any light on this?

Edit: Or they realized they had a crazed idiot on there hand spreading slander and asked RUI to delete. Either way, only thing you have proven to me is you like to google memes and what not to support your rebuttals, because logic and fact cannot; as well as your lack of experience growing commercially as well as probably just growing in general.

Eating and smoking organic cant cure stupid
Eating Organic keeps ROUNDUP out of your food chain. JUICING CANNABIS from grown without chemicals is only way. Smoking perfectly handled cannabis produced without chemicals is priceless. naturalcannabis.jpg
Eating Organic keeps ROUNDUP out of your food chain. JUICING CANNABIS from grown without chemicals is only way. Smoking perfectly handled cannabis produced without chemicals is priceless. View attachment 3372829

I have no qualms with organic. A lot of commercial practices I dont agree with. However, a lot of people have opinions based on a lack of understanding when it comes to things like organic vs inorganic and gmo.

Using genetic modification to resist roundup for feed crops=bad

Splitting haploids in barley to create a strain that performs better in new climates=good
That room looks awesome.
Disdain the LP's, but I feel a little envy.
Interesting spacing of the gravitas.
Thanks for the great read, laughter is a great cure for pain.
I have no qualms with organic. A lot of commercial practices I dont agree with. However, a lot of people have opinions based on a lack of understanding when it comes to things like organic vs inorganic and gmo.

Using genetic modification to resist roundup for feed crops=bad

Splitting haploids in barley to create a strain that performs better in new climates=good
Where do you draw the line in modification? Should we extinct your family tree because you have imperfect vision? Any GMO is extremely bad. There is no exception. We have more than enough natural genetics on this planet to feed everyone. Arguments in favor of modification are what has fueled the GMO movement. It is genetic descrimination and essentially plant eugenics. Support traditional breeding and organic natural seeds only.cookie_monster_propaganda_art___no_gmo_foods_by_halhefnerart-d5u85dw.jpg
Where do you draw the line in modification?

because you have imperfect vision? Any GMO is extremely bad. There is no exception. We have more than enough natural genetics on this planet to feed everyone. Arguments in favor of modification are what has fueled the GMO movement. It is genetic descrimination and essentially plant eugenics. Support traditional breeding and organic natural seeds only.View attachment 3374150

Selective breeding is the same thing as splitting haploids.

One version you let the plant grow out to see the expressed genes, one you look at the dna of the plant to see if the genes you want have taken.

Its the same process as hand pollinating except shortened, nothing unhealthy about it.

Its actually a very natural process, just performed in a lab setting.

What in your mind is so bad aboit gmo?

Have you ever eaten corn?

Cause every corn strain in existence is a result of genetic modification. The original corn plant was closer related to barley than the current variety.

Mayans used genetic modification to turn corn into an edible crop. Even your 'organic' corn is gmo. Same with okra and every anthropogenic plant species in existence!!!!

To use modification the create a strain of feed crops resistant to say roundup, is bad practice if it contaminates food stock (these varieties are used strictly as feed for livestock)

The only bad thing aboit gmo is ppl thinking they shoukd be able to own a plant and any offspring of that plant. 99% of the negative propoganda that surrounds gmo is spread by people upset with Monsanto and their practices.

Without gmo's the worlds food stock would be lost to plagues. For instance, blackleg is threatening to make broad leaf crops extinct if its not contained. The heritage crops with no resistance will probably be obsolete in the next few decades as well as the pathogen staying active for 5-10 years before it can be cleared from soil. Thats just one of many examples.
Selective breeding is the same thing as splitting haploids.

One version you let the plant grow out to see the expressed genes, one you look at the dna of the plant to see if the genes you want have taken.

Its the same process as hand pollinating except shortened, nothing unhealthy about it.

Its actually a very natural process, just performed in a lab setting.

What in your mind is so bad aboit gmo?

Have you ever eaten corn?

Cause every corn strain in existence is a result of genetic modification. The original corn plant was closer related to barley than the current variety.

Mayans used genetic modification to turn corn into an edible crop. Even your 'organic' corn is gmo. Same with okra and every anthropogenic plant species in existence!!!!

To use modification the create a strain of feed crops resistant to say roundup, is bad practice if it contaminates food stock (these varieties are used strictly as feed for livestock)

The only bad thing aboit gmo is ppl thinking they shoukd be able to own a plant and any offspring of that plant. 99% of the negative propoganda that surrounds gmo is spread by people upset with Monsanto and their practices.

Without gmo's the worlds food stock would be lost to plagues. For instance, blackleg is threatening to make broad leaf crops extinct if its not contained. The heritage crops with no resistance will probably be obsolete in the next few decades as well as the pathogen staying active for 5-10 years before it can be cleared from soil. Thats just one of many examples.
You spend a lot of time defending GMO. You must consume a lot of GMO and cannot face reality so you try to convince others that it is OK. The truth about GMO is that those who create GMO foods won't eat it themselves and they spend Millions of dollars annually to prevent LABELLING of GMO. What is your reason for wanting to hurt the public with your exhaustive lengthy pro GMO preaching? You must like to see people suffer. You are a mentally deranged sociopath and your footprint shows that very clearly. Everything you have written is on favour of poisoning or oppressing others. Burn Babylon Burn artworks-000035025779-h3n67y-original.jpg
You spend a lot of time defending GMO. You must consume a lot of GMO and cannot face reality so you try to convince others that it is OK. The truth about GMO is that those who create GMO foods won't eat it themselves and they spend Millions of dollars annually to prevent LABELLING of GMO. What is your reason for wanting to hurt the public with your exhaustive lengthy pro GMO preaching? You must like to see people suffer. You are a mentally deranged sociopath and your footprint shows that very clearly. Everything you have written is on favour of poisoning or oppressing others. Burn Babylon Burn View attachment 3374882

So you have never ate corn?

Actually I know several professors at the local university that I've worked side by side with who eat gmo.

And I can talk about gmo because I have experience with them first hand.

As im very sure you do not.

Noticed how my arguments contain a lil fact to go along with them, and yours is 100% opinion based.

First sign of someone arguing theor stance of a subject they dont fully understand.

Can you tell me WHY gmo's are bad for people?

Can you present any hard evidence of actual negative affects of splitting haploids in plants?

Can you tell me the adverse affects of breeding strains in a labs vs. Outdoors?

No, you cant.

Enjoy the ignore button.
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I can but if you need it explained, it's a waste of my time.
Learn to read what is truth and not what bullshit GMO pushes in the name of $$$$
As things stand..they've already screwed us all with regards to our health. Our health does not matter. That's proven over and over and over again.
It's all about the green back.

If you think otherwise.... ??? :lol:
I can but if you need it explained, it's a waste of my time.
Learn to read what is truth and not what bullshit GMO pushes in the name of $$$$
As things stand..they've already screwed us all with regards to our health. Our health does not matter. That's proven over and over and over again.
It's all about the green back.

If you think otherwise.... ??? :lol:

My point is that not all gmo practices result in health implications.

90% of gmo's are just selective breeding.

If you wanna argue that point please provide this *proof* on a subject I have been emersed in for 2 decades in commercial ag
I see.. You think selective breading is the way and better eh, not natural selection?
No argument worth yappin about as I see it. You can't be wrong, you've got two decades of behind you. :lol:

I see.. You think selective breading is the way and better eh, not natural selection?
No argument worth yappin about as I see it. You can't be wrong, you've got two decades of behind you. :lol:


This wasn't an argument of selective breeding vs. Natural selection.

It was that gmo's are not inherently evil or destructive to peoples health; its the reason a lot of people arent going hungry, but the national aagricultural economy is a whole other discussion.

To clarify, natural selection is fantastic, but the fact is a lot of our food crops are not sustainable without selective breeding.

Just so you know, most of the bud you smoke is a result of selective breeding. Unless you smoke only heritage landrace strains, then it has been bred selectively to represent positive traits of its parents.

Its the practices surrounding gmo that casts a bad shadow. Any great advancement can be used for equally good/bad purpose.

Touting experience in the field is in no way saying I know everything or am not willing to learn. If you have some insight on the subject I would love to hear it
I can but if you need it explained, it's a waste of my time.

Learn to read what is truth and not what bullshit GMO pushes in the name of $$$$

As things stand..they've already screwed us all with regards to our health. Our health does not matter. That's proven over and over and over again.

It's all about the green back.

If you think otherwise.... ???

First off, who is "they"? Who is this preconceived boogie man in a lab creating toxic food to feed the children of the world?

And I would argue with the stance "its all about the green backs". In part it is putting food on peoples plates for a price they can afford and to polute the environment with less pesticides and herbicides.

Please read this excerpt from a published case study.

"On balance, herbicide-resistant GM crops are less damaging to the environment than conventional crops grown at industrial scale. A study by PG Economics, a consulting firm in Dorchester, UK, found that the introduction of herbicide-tolerant cotton saved 15.5 million kilograms of herbicide between 1996 and 2011, a 6.1% reduction from what would have been used on conventional cotton2. And GM crop technology delivered an 8.9% improvement to the environmental impact quotient — a measure that considers factors such as pesticide toxicity to wildlife — says Graham Brookes, co-director of PG Economics and a co-author of the industry-funded study, which many scientists consider to be among the field’s most extensive and authoritative assessments of environmental impacts."
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how much BULL shit would you like to read about your glorious GMO company.... :lol:
Its easy to find online.

Ill ask you this one question.. :)

Do you not think genetically modified food could effect people in a bad unnatural way?

The truth have no idea, as it's done slowly and not seen. ( OHHHH really??? :lol: )
You're probably the type who would push shit like thalidomide because "they" :) thought it was safe too...
how much BULL shit would you like to read about your glorious GMO company.... :lol:
Its easy to find online.

Ill ask you this one question.. :)

Do you not think genetically modified food could effect people in a bad unnatural way?

The truth have no idea, as it's done slowly and not seen. ( OHHHH really??? :lol: )
You're probably the type who would push shit like thalidomide because "they" :) thought it was safe too...
Propaganda Is very easy to find on the internet, your right.

Do you have any first hand experience? Been a part of any studies? Or have you formed your consensus on hearsay like most?

And I do have some idea... which is why i presented you with a few facts to support my stance

All you have done is provide opinions

The fact you lump all gmo practices into the same category is enough proof to me you have no valid arguments and are only here to argue your un-informed, bias opinion

If you have any substance to add to this debate id love to have a discussion on the subject. Im not gonna respond to opinionated banter though
Has anyone watched this? Its on ix
Arguing about this shit is like arguing about religion. Only you can change your mind. Only you decide what to jam down your pie hole

View attachment 3375992
Thats true. Its a widely opinionated subject. However most will form an opinion after very minimal understanding of the industry as a whole.

Without gmo there would be ZERO of the great clone only strains of cannabis

No corn

Worldwide food shortages

2-300% increase in price of agricultural products

Total crop failure and extinction of many plant species

The agricultural industry cannot support the worlds food intake without selective breeding amd some gmo practices; without serious overhaul.

You can argue aboit long term health concerns that have never been proven, only theorized, and choose to disregard the actual reason these practices were invented.

Commercial ag is a whole different ball game than a mom and pop organic garden or nursery. Without these practices large scale farms would have to charge astronomically more to sustain sustanance for the population.

If you want to eat only organic, thats awesome. More nutritional value sure, bit if you had to choose between gmo and starvation im sure we both know what you'd choose