please help droopy


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with plant? All other ones look good this one not so much. I think from under watering.? Jus moved from prop but was droopy wen in tray also I feed first week 2 times pH water with clones and GH roots. 50 ml every time. Now doing once a day how much water should I use to water 3 gallons pots..? Thanks hopefully sum1 can tell me wants wrong with droppy ..


Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
Droopiness is usually a cause of over-watering. The roots aren't getting enough air so it droops.


Well-Known Member
At terry I know that's why there in 3 gallons put reg and fems in solo cups I'm giving 3 gal autos not even half cup and solo cup pots not even a quarter of a cup every other day at least


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with plant? All other ones look good this one not so much. I think from under watering.? Jus moved from prop but was droopy wen in tray also I feed first week 2 times pH water with clones and GH roots. 50 ml every time. Now doing once a day how much water should I use to water 3 gallons pots..? Thanks hopefully sum1 can tell me wants wrong with droppy ..
Looks fine to me homes. It's an auto. Let them roots fill out the pot and that bitch prolly gonna take off. Get a feel for tilting the pot so you know when it gets dry and let it get dry. While its a seedling, just take a syringe or couple of table spoons of water and feed it right at the stem. Maybe once or twice a week or something if it makes you feel better. Other than that. I would leave it alone until that soil gets pretty dry. Once she gets big and starts really drinking. You'll figure out a schedule of how often you'll need to water. Eventually getting down to every other day or something.


Starting seedlings in big pots can take time for the roots to fill. They want to spread their legs but IMO its actually better to let them fill a space, get a bit rootbound until u up transplant from larger pots, say from myself the redsolocup to the 1gallon, then next to 2-3 gal for flowering. Putting a seedling with a small root system into a large pots requires time to fill out and makes watering tougher because it needs to dry out. But once those take off they will explode im sure. Just keep doing what your doing and they'll be poppin off in no time! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Starting seedlings in big pots can take time for the roots to fill. They want to spread their legs but IMO its actually better to let them fill a space, get a bit rootbound until u up transplant from larger pots, say from myself the redsolocup to the 1gallon, then next to 2-3 gal for flowering. Putting a seedling with a small root system into a large pots requires time to fill out and makes watering tougher because it needs to dry out. But once those take off they will explode im sure. Just keep doing what your doing and they'll be poppin off in no time! :peace:
ya im hoping there sum autos thanks