Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member

Is it yellow/brown? If it's green still maybe it will bounce back?

Dang how rough is rough?

Droopy , lots of yellow leafs, tops are still green so it might be able to be revived, plant was all fell over I put a plant support on it to hold it back up, I will get some pics later of her. I kinda made a mistake of growing these in grow bags then I transplanted into fabric pots but the grow bags were too tall for the fabric pots and I had to get rough with the roots just a bad idea in general I should have started in the fabric pots.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Cherry Jo Reveg day 6

View attachment 3375663

Tons of healthy fans on both plants. Hoping for some action soon.

I have too much free time on my hands and it causes me to forget how little time has passed.

Any tips for repotting these behemoths into 7s? (after they reveg) Should I go tens?

Yes I have alot of fans.
From my experience... as they start shooting again, new fresh roots grow out, but most of the old ones die and rot away. The best course I found is to re veg only until you can take a pass of clones. When the clones root, discard the revegged plant. Off to the compost we go. Her clones will make much better mothers than she will. Revegged plants donate cuts that seem to have 'regressed' in quality a lot of the time. It is merely because they are permanently stressed. The clones, however, will give you cuts every inch as good as the original mum, there will ne some changes, you are in the process of creating a new phenotype. Genotype is the set of possible expressions. Phenotype is the characteristics currently expressed. Each generation of mums will adapt a bit more, each mother gives slightly different cuts. If the mums stay in perfect health, you get a great pheno. If the mums suffer, you get degrading quality. Any degraded cut can be brought back by loving care over three generations: clone, make a mum off clone, repeat twice more...

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member

8 of 9 crystal elegance...females
Yo mama f2 6 of 8 females

Still waiting for duende & duende f2 too show sex

Cherry puff f2 4 females

Up pot time,roots spilling out of the pots...
Thats alot of females.

Droopy , lots of yellow leafs, tops are still green so it might be able to be revived, plant was all fell over I put a plant support on it to hold it back up, I will get some pics later of her. I kinda made a mistake of growing these in grow bags then I transplanted into fabric pots but the grow bags were too tall for the fabric pots and I had to get rough with the roots just a bad idea in general I should have started in the fabric pots.

Yeah pushing down on her to get her to fit may of snapped a main root. She is prob scrambling to repair herself and didnt have enough root left to support all the breathing above.

I hope she recovers. Might have to wait to flower her till next go round if she does tho.


Well-Known Member
Thats alot of females.


Yeah pushing down on her to get her to fit may of snapped a main root. She is prob scrambling to repair herself and didnt have enough root left to support all the breathing above.

I hope she recovers. Might have to wait to flower her till next go round if she does tho.
She has flowers already I transplanted about 10 days ago and that's when they went 12/12 we're about to see how good golden goat is at recovering from root damage and IF it makes nanners during stress. My last golden goat grow she threw nanners in the last week of flower.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
From my experience... as they start shooting again, new fresh roots grow out, but most of the old ones die and rot away. The best course I found is to re veg only until you can take a pass of clones. When the clones root, discard the revegged plant. Off to the compost we go. Her clones will make much better mothers than she will. Revegged plants donate cuts that seem to have 'regressed' in quality a lot of the time. It is merely because they are permanently stressed. The clones, however, will give you cuts every inch as good as the original mum, there will ne some changes, you are in the process of creating a new phenotype. Genotype is the set of possible expressions. Phenotype is the characteristics currently expressed. Each generation of mums will adapt a bit more, each mother gives slightly different cuts. If the mums stay in perfect health, you get a great pheno. If the mums suffer, you get degrading quality. Any degraded cut can be brought back by loving care over three generations: clone, make a mum off clone, repeat twice more...
I will be taking some clones but only to ensure I have females for next run (in case I get all males).

I revegged twice before (different plants) and found it gave me an extra 20% at harvest time. I did pot up to 7 gallon container for those.

I really don't want to take any time away from time I can spend testing for M4k. He's been good to me and I wanna be good back.

I wish I knew someone nearby that could hold cuts for me until I wanted them again. As I don't have the space or level of know how to keep moms. It really is quite frustrating at times. If I lived near @genuity or @Mad Hamish I would probably trust them to hold the cuts and noone else.

I look at this way tho, it is a new adventure and experience each time. I am lucky to have access to fresh genetics that I know m4k has high expectations of.


Well-Known Member

again...sounds good..

Start a thread about it,I'll for sure follow...

But that's not GGG information,that's yodaweed information.
Alright sounds good, it would be information about daybreaker in crosses and how it breeds but it's cool I can keep the information to myself and see myself out of this thread thank you later.
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