New please help....


Active Member
make sure you give that soil time to break down, do it ASAP so your plants won't be rootbound by the time the soil is ready, i'd highly suggest planting some sort of cover crop on it to "see" when the spoil is ready, you'll know it when the cover crop starts growing fast.
if you aren't totally set on that soil maybe check out some other recipes, there are better ones, but don't worry, done the correct way that soil will grow some frosty goodness.
Awesome man thanks a ton. We'll see what happens!
make sure you give that soil time to break down, do it ASAP so your plants won't be rootbound by the time the soil is ready, i'd highly suggest planting some sort of cover crop on it to "see" when the spoil is ready, you'll know it when the cover crop starts growing fast.
if you aren't totally set on that soil maybe check out some other recipes, there are better ones, but don't worry, done the correct way that soil will grow some frosty goodness.


Well-Known Member
SS is strong stuff. If it runs out of gas you can always add a top layer of SS.

Composted soil is grass, weeds, banana peels, coffee grounds etc. Along with some worm compost. You can supplement with organic sources of NPK as needed.

I added some powdered PK (mixed with water) to my pile when the Mulanje started to flower because it was showing less flowering vigor than its sister in SS. She responded very well. Frostiest sativa I have grown yet!



Active Member
SS is strong stuff. If it runs out of gas you can always add a top layer of SS.

Composted soil is grass, weeds, banana peels, coffee grounds etc. Along with some worm compost. You can supplement with organic sources of NPK as needed.

I added some powdered PK (mixed with water) to my pile when the Mulanje started to flower because it was showing less flowering vigor than its sister in SS. She responded very well. Frostiest sativa I have grown yet!

Awesome!! I was going to start a compost pile in the next couple months, it'll be good and ready for next year right?